How Did Franz Josef Strauss's Vision Shape Germany's Global Power Resurgence?

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  • Thread starter David Ben-Ariel
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In summary, forty years ago, German politician Franz Josef Strauss wrote a book called The Grand Design, outlining his vision for a united Europe and a strong Germany. Today, much of his vision has become a reality as Germany holds a prominent position in global politics. Strauss's plan was for a federal Europe, not just an economic union, and he saw this as a way for Europe to become a global power and reduce America's role as the world's policeman. Some believe a united and democratic Europe could also act as a mediator for bringing democracy to China and checking its imperialistic ambitions. However, others fear the potential harm a German-dominated EU could cause. China's rise as a superpower is also a significant factor in the changing dynamics of global
  • #1
David Ben-Ariel
[SOLVED] The German Threat

The Grand Design

Forty years ago, Franz Josef Strauss had a vision for Germany. Today, this vision is largely reality.

By Mark Jenkins
After World War II, few would have envisioned Germany as a major power on the world scene again. Few Germans would have publicly admitted to national ambitions. Yet today, the German nation is at the forefront of global politics again. An accomplishment like that takes vision.
____In 1965, just 20 years after the war, German politician Franz Josef Strauss wrote a book titled The Grand Design: A European Solution to German Reunification. It is not a large book. It is written in a candid, straightforward manner. This book details how Germany could rise to power again: not simply as a nation, but as part of a federal Europe. In 1965, the idea of Europe as a federated, cohesive force probably didn’t sound realistic to many nations. But less than 40 years later, though Strauss died in 1988, much of his grand design has moved from the planning stages to the world stage.

The United States of Europe
____The central idea behind Strauss’s vision was what he called “a massive drive to achieve, step by step, a European political federation.” This aspect of his plan was to eliminate problems for Germany specifically, Europe as a whole, and even the United States on the other side of the ocean. Certainly the idea of a European federation has been pursued with tremendous energy on the Continent. When Strauss detailed his plan, the seeds had already been planted by the establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community via the Paris Treaty in 1952.
____Strauss’s envisioned much more than a mere economic union though: He wanted Europe to become a global power as it had striven to be in the past. This is perhaps best illustrated by the direct comparisons he drew between the U.S.—the only Western superpower then—and what would become a newly federated Europe.
____“Europe only needs to combine its material and intellectual resources to provide for America a partner of equal weight,” he wrote. Strauss did not want Europe to be overshadowed by America.
____Along those lines, Strauss also directly addressed America’s role as the policeman of the world: “America as shield and protector of the free societies is faced by ever greater challenges which in the long run she cannot meet out of her own strength alone. America needs Europe, not only in her cultural role as a modern Greece, but as a second independent power on her side.” Certainly, we can see how these words are applicable today as the U.S. increasingly turns to the United Nations and to Europe for global support. Europe, and Germany in particular, recently has been assuming more of the U.S.’s traditional role as regional policeman, acting as “peacekeepers” in the Balkans, Afghanistan and other regions...

For the rest of the story:
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  • #2
I look forward to a united Europe, although many in her borders do not.
I feel that as things are going, China's rise to a super power in the coming decades will lead to either cold war, war, or astonishing peace through power checks by the major powers. The first two have the odds of the options, as well as those of human nature.
A democratic, united, allied Europe would be a great mediator to bring democracy to China, as well as to check China's open Asian imperialistic visions (returning countries to "the motherland" and all that.)

It's a good article to read none the less :)
  • #3
Originally posted by phatmonky
A democratic, united, allied Europe would be a great mediator to bring democracy to China, as well as to check China's open Asian imperialistic visions (returning countries to "the motherland" and all that.)It's a good article to read none the less :)

In my book, Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall, I mention that European Union, of and by itself, is a WONDERFUL ideal. However, based upon the march of historic folly and Biblical prophecy, I dread what havoc such a German-Jesuit dominated EU can wreak!

Concerning your comments about China, you might find the following article of great interest:

January 2004

Launch Into Power

Breaking from the shackles of isolation, China is rapidly becoming an integral player in the game of geopolitics. How will its success impact global dynamics?
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FAQ: How Did Franz Josef Strauss's Vision Shape Germany's Global Power Resurgence?

1. How did one man's vision contribute to Germany's return to global power?

One man's vision, namely that of German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, played a significant role in shaping Germany's return to global power in the late 19th century. Bismarck's policies, known as Realpolitik, focused on uniting the various German states and establishing a strong, centralized government. This, in turn, helped Germany become a major player in European politics and economics.

2. What specific actions did this man take to help Germany regain its global influence?

Bismarck implemented a series of policies and actions to help Germany regain its global influence. This included the unification of the German states through a series of wars, the establishment of a strong military, and the formation of alliances with other European powers. He also focused on modernizing Germany's economy and expanding its colonial territory.

3. Did this man's vision have any long-term effects on Germany's global power?

Yes, Bismarck's vision and actions had long-term effects on Germany's global power. Under his leadership, Germany became a major industrial and military power and maintained its position as a dominant force in Europe for decades. However, his policies also contributed to the tensions that ultimately led to World War I and the eventual decline of Germany's global power.

4. How did this man's vision differ from other leaders' approaches to global power?

Bismarck's vision differed from other leaders' approaches to global power in that it focused on building a strong and united nation through a combination of diplomacy, military strength, and economic progress. Many other leaders at the time pursued aggressive and expansionist policies, while Bismarck prioritized stability and balance of power in Europe.

5. What is the legacy of this man's vision in shaping modern Germany's role in global affairs?

Bismarck's vision continues to have a lasting impact on modern Germany's role in global affairs. The country's strong economy and political stability can be traced back to his policies. Additionally, his emphasis on diplomacy and alliances as a means of achieving national interests is reflected in Germany's current foreign policy. However, his actions also laid the groundwork for the rise of authoritarianism and militarism, which have had lasting consequences for Germany and the world.

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