Question in reflection and transmission at oblique incidence.

In summary, the conversation is discussing the representation of the electric field in relation to the positional vector and direction of propagation. It is noted that the incident, reflected, and transmitted waves are all represented as ##\vec E(\vec r, t)## rather than ##\vec E(\vec k_I, t)##, which may cause confusion. However, it is explained that this is a general representation and does not affect the overall result. The use of ##e^{\vec k\cdot \vec r}## is also discussed as a way to represent the direction of propagation in all three dimensions.
  • #1
I am reading Griffiths p387. It is my understanding that
[tex]\tilde E(\vec r,t)=\hat r E_0 e^{j(\omega t-kr)}[/tex]
Where ##\vec r =\hat x x+\hat y y+ \hat z z## is the positional vector from the origin to the observation point ( x,y,z).
[tex]\Rightarrow\;\tilde E(\vec r,t)=\hat r E_0 e^{-jkr}\;=\;\left(\frac {\hat x x+\hat y y+ \hat z z}{\sqrt{x^2+y^2+z^2}}\right) E_0e^{j[-(\hat x k_x+\hat y k_y+\hat z k_z)\cdot(\hat x x+\hat y y+\hat z z)]}\;=\; \left(\frac {\hat x x+\hat y y+ \hat z z}{\sqrt{x^2+y^2+z^2}}\right) E_0e^{-j[( x k_x+ y k_y+z k_z)]} [/tex]

In Griffiths, he let the incident TEM wave travels in ##\vec k_I## direction. So he let
[tex]\vec E_I(\vec r,t)= \vec E_{0I} e^{j(\omega t - \vec k_I\cdot \vec r)},\;\vec E_R(\vec r,t)= \vec E_{0R} e^{j(\omega t - \vec k_R\cdot \vec r)},\;\vec E_T(\vec r,t)= \vec E_{0T} e^{j(\omega t - \vec k_T\cdot \vec r)},\;[/tex]
To expand one out:
[tex]\vec E_I(\vec r,t)= \vec E_{0I} e^{j(\omega t - \vec k_I\cdot \vec r)}=\hat x E_{0I}e^{j[\omega t - (xk_{Ix}+yk_{Iy}+zk_{Iz})]}[/tex]

I have a problem with this, as you can see from the scanned page, the direction of the incident, reflected and transmitted wave is in direction of ##\vec k_I,\;\vec k_R\;\hbox { and } \;\vec k_T##. But he gave all three as ##\vec E(\vec r,t)##. This mean all three are in ##\vec r## direction. That is not right.
Later, he actually equated
This mean he used the same ##\vec r## in all three, that is questionable. I am not saying the final result is wrong, just the representation is questionable.
Please help.



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  • #2
I think I got some of the explanation from Cheng's book that ##e^{\vec k\cdot \vec r}## is just to give ##e^{-jk_xx}e^{-jk_yy}e^{-jk_zz}=e^{-j(k_xx+k_yy+k_zz)}##...which is like ##e^{-jkz}## in z direction.

But I still have a question. It is obvious that in the book, the incident wave is traveling in ##\hat k_I## direction, reflected wave in ##\hat k_R## direction and transmitted wave in ##\hat k_T## direction.

Why this book and other books all call ##\vec E(\vec r, t)## and not ##\vec E(\vec k_I, t)##? The incident wave IS traveling in ##\vec k_I## direction as indicated. Or this is just a general way of saying the direction of propagation has xyz components, not just z?
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FAQ: Question in reflection and transmission at oblique incidence.

1. What is reflection and transmission at oblique incidence?

Reflection and transmission at oblique incidence refers to the behavior of light or other electromagnetic radiation when it strikes a surface at an angle other than 90 degrees. When this occurs, some of the light is reflected off the surface and some is transmitted through the surface, rather than all of it being reflected as in the case of normal incidence.

2. How is the angle of reflection and transmission determined at oblique incidence?

The angle of reflection and transmission at oblique incidence is determined by the angle of incidence, which is the angle between the incident ray and the normal line drawn perpendicular to the surface. The angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence, while the angle of transmission can be calculated using Snell's law.

3. What factors affect the amount of reflection and transmission at oblique incidence?

The amount of reflection and transmission at oblique incidence is affected by several factors, including the angle of incidence, the properties of the surface (such as its reflectance and transmittance), and the wavelength of the incident light. Additionally, the polarization of the incident light can also affect the amount of reflection and transmission.

4. How is reflection and transmission at oblique incidence used in practical applications?

Reflection and transmission at oblique incidence is used in many practical applications, such as in optics and telecommunications. For example, lenses and mirrors are designed to take advantage of oblique incidence to manipulate the direction and focus of light. In telecommunications, oblique incidence is used in fiber optics to transmit data over long distances.

5. What is the difference between reflection and transmission at normal incidence and oblique incidence?

The main difference between reflection and transmission at normal and oblique incidence is the angle at which the light strikes the surface. At normal incidence, the light strikes the surface at a 90 degree angle, resulting in all of the light being reflected. At oblique incidence, the light strikes the surface at an angle less than 90 degrees, causing some of the light to be reflected and some to be transmitted through the surface.

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