Question on a formula for Pascal's Triangle

In summary: There are actually two summations in this equation. There is the sum of terms that starts with X and ends with Y, and then there is a second sum that starts with Y and ends with Z. So the number of terms in the sum is two. So Di in this equation tells you that it depends on i and j. So in this equation, Di means that it depends on the binomial coefficient at position i and the binomial coefficient at position j. In summary, the problem asks for a formula connecting any (k+1) successive coefficients in the nth row of the Pascal Triangle with a coefficient in the (n+k)th row. The problem states that the coefficients in the 4th
  • #1
I'm doing an investigation on Binomial Coefficients in my HL math class, and the problem reads:

"There is a formula connecting any (k+1) successive coefficients in the nth row of the Pascal Triangle with a coefficient in the (n+k)th row. Find this formula."

Basically, what I did first was I chose arbitrary values of n and k to start with, n being the row number and k being the kth number in that row (confusing, I know). So I chose n = 4 and k = 3.

So in row 4 I saw that 4 (3+1=4) successive coefficients are 4, 6, 4, 1. Now I can see that in the 7th row ((n+k)th row = (4+3)th row = 7th row ) I have to relate the 35 (7C5 is the nCr notation for it) to those successive coefficients 4, 6, 4, and 1 in the 4th row.

I did this using the nCr notation.

7C5 = 6C4 + 6C5

= 5C3 + 5C4 + 5C4 + 5C5

= 4C2 + 4C3 + 4C3 + 4C4 + 4C3 + 4C4 +4C4 + 4C5 (I stop here because I've worked my way from the (n+k)th row to the nth row, or the 4th row in this case.)

= (1) 4C2 + (3) 4C3 + (3) 4C4 + (1) 4C5

These coefficients in front of the row 4 coefficients are the same coefficients that appear in row 3 of Pascal's Triangle. I see the pattern, I just can't seem to put it in formulaic form.

Since I typed a long process and showed my work, I'll type the question again:

"There is a formula connecting any (k+1) successive coefficients in the nth row of the Pascal Triangle with a coefficient in the (n+k)th row. Find this formula."

Can anyone help me put my work into a formula? Can anyone find this formula?
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  • #2
You start with (n+k)Cr, right? You end up with a sum of terms of the form:

[tex]\sum _{i = B-A} ^{B} C_i{{n}\choose{D_i}}[/tex]

right? Figure out how A, B, and the Ci and Di depend on n, k, and r. For starters, A depends only on k. That is to say that the number of terms in the sum depends only on k.
  • #3
I'm a bit confused. What is the difference between r and k? I thought they were the same--k = the kth or the rth number in the row n. Also, how can you introduce new variables such as Ci, Di, A and B when I only started with n and k? I'm sorry I'm not very skilled in math but how would I figure out how these relate to n, k and r? Argh I'm confused.
  • #4
You started with (n+k)Cr. In your example, you start with 7C5, where you took n=4, k=3, and r=5. A, B, and the Ci and Di can be expressed in terms of n, k, and r.

Okay, start with something simple. You start with one binomial coefficient, and end up with a sum of terms. How many terms do you end up with, and how does this (the number of terms) depend on k?
  • #5
The number of terms = k+1 right? Is that Di?
  • #6
Yes, number of terms is k+1. Why in the world would that be Di? Di is suggestively labelled, i.e. it tells you that it depends on i. Okay, look at the following:

[tex]\sum _{i = X} ^Y a_i[/tex]

How many terms does this sum have?
  • #7
Y terms, right?
  • #8
Y terms, right?


Related to Question on a formula for Pascal's Triangle

1. What is the formula for Pascal's Triangle?

The formula for Pascal's Triangle is n choose r = n! / (n - r)! r!, where n is the row number and r is the position in the row. This formula is also known as the binomial coefficient.

2. How is Pascal's Triangle constructed?

Pascal's Triangle is constructed by starting with a 1 at the top, and then each subsequent row is created by adding the two numbers above it. For example, the third row would be 1 2 1 (1+1=2, 1+1=2, 1).

3. What is the significance of Pascal's Triangle?

Pascal's Triangle has many applications in mathematics, including in the study of binomial coefficients and patterns in probability. It is also used in combinatorics to calculate the number of ways to choose a certain number of objects from a larger set.

4. Can Pascal's Triangle be used for any number of rows?

Yes, Pascal's Triangle can be extended to any number of rows. In theory, it could go on infinitely, although in practice it is usually only calculated up to a certain number of rows due to the large numbers involved.

5. How is Pascal's Triangle related to the Fibonacci sequence?

Pascal's Triangle and the Fibonacci sequence are related in that the sum of the numbers in each diagonal of the triangle corresponds to the numbers in the Fibonacci sequence. Additionally, the ratio between consecutive numbers in the Fibonacci sequence approaches the golden ratio, which is also found in Pascal's Triangle.

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