Question on Arc Length parameterization.

In summary, the conversation discusses the vector form of a line and how to change its parameters. The process involves finding the tangent vector of the curve traced by the line and using a vector value function with two independent variables. The example in the book only changes one parameter and misses the point of changing parameters. The next example also uses the same parameter for both x and y components, which may cause confusion. However, the components of a vector can be expressed in terms of a single parameter.
  • #1
This is an example in book by Howard Anton:

Vector form of line is ##\vec r=\vec r_0+t\vec v## where ##\vec v## is parallel with the line. So both ##\vec r## and ##\vec r_0## are POSITION VECTORS.

To change parameters,
1)Let u=t ##\Rightarrow\; \vec r=\vec r_0+u\vec v##.

2) ##\frac {d\vec r}{du}=\vec v\;\Rightarrow\;|\frac {d\vec r}{du}|=|\vec v|##

##s=\int_0^t |\frac {d\vec r}{du}|du=t|\vec v|\;\Rightarrow\; t=\frac{s}{|\vec v|}##

3)##\Rightarrow\; \vec r=\vec r_0+\frac{s}{|\vec v|}\vec v##
My question is in #2 above. In order for ##\frac {d\vec r}{du}=\vec v## which is the tangent vector of the curve traced by ##\vec r ##, ##\vec r ## has to be a VECTOR VALUE FUNCTION, NOT JUST A POSITION VECTOR. This means ##\vec r =\vec r(w)## where w is the independent variable that make the tip of ##\vec r## tracing out the line when w increases or decreases.( of cause it can be a vector value function of many variables also).

As you see, my problem is there are TWO parameters, t and w. The book only change parameter of t, which has nothing to do with the vector value function ##\vec r(w)##. t only tell the line is multiple of ##\vec v##. In another word, this example totally miss the point in changing parameter. The parameter needed to be change is w, not t.

Please comment on this.
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  • #2
Further more, the next example is to find arc length parametrization of the line where ##x=2t+1,\;y=3t-2## with ##\vec r_0=<1,-2>## and parallel to vector ##\vec v=\hat x 2+\hat y 3##

##\Rightarrow \vec r=\vec r_0+s\frac{\vec v}{|\vec v|}=(\hat x-\hat y 2)+s\frac{\hat x 2 +\hat y 3}{\sqrt{13}}##

Thereby after change of parameter:

##x=\frac {2}{\sqrt{13}}s+1,\;y=\frac {3}{\sqrt{13}}s-2##
This example use the same variable t as the parameter for x and y. Can you even do that? As I explained in the last post, there should be two independent variables w and t, not just t alone. Please comment on this also. I am confused.
  • #3
The components of a vector can be expressed in terms of some parameter t. In post 2 above, think of the x and y as being the number of unit vectors i and j combined, according to values for the third parameter t.

If the vector R(t) = [x(t), y(t)], then as t runs from 0 to 2, R(0) = [1,-2] thru R(2) = [5,4] and all values in between, consistent with the definition of x and y in terms of t.

Essentially, R could be defined as R(t) = [(2t+1),(3t-2)] instead.
  • #4
SteamKing said:
The components of a vector can be expressed in terms of some parameter t. In post 2 above, think of the x and y as being the number of unit vectors i and j combined, according to values for the third parameter t.

If the vector R(t) = [x(t), y(t)], then as t runs from 0 to 2, R(0) = [1,-2] thru R(2) = [5,4] and all values in between, consistent with the definition of x and y in terms of t.

Essentially, R could be defined as R(t) = [(2t+1),(3t-2)] instead.

Thanks for the response, I also work it out while I was waiting. Thanks.

FAQ: Question on Arc Length parameterization.

1. What is arc length parameterization?

Arc length parameterization is a mathematical method used to represent a curve or path in terms of its arc length. This means that instead of using traditional x and y coordinates, the curve is described by the distance along the curve from a starting point.

2. Why is arc length parameterization important?

Arc length parameterization is important because it allows for more accurate and consistent calculations for curves and paths. It also makes it easier to compare and analyze different curves.

3. How is arc length parameterization calculated?

Arc length parameterization is calculated using integral calculus. The arc length of a curve is found by integrating the square root of the sum of the squares of the derivatives of the curve's x and y coordinates.

4. What are some applications of arc length parameterization?

Arc length parameterization has various applications in fields such as engineering, physics, and computer graphics. It is used in designing curved structures, calculating the trajectory of moving objects, and creating smooth animations.

5. Are there any limitations to arc length parameterization?

One limitation of arc length parameterization is that it may not always be possible or practical to use, especially for complex curves. In addition, the calculation can be computationally expensive, so alternative methods may be used in certain situations.
