Question on cardinality of sequences.

In summary, the author is trying to find a class of sets which is a subset of the real numbers such that it satisfies the following two conditions: 1) |A|=c (c is the cardinality of the reals) and 2) for every A1,A2 which are different, their intersection is finite (or empty). The author is not sure if A's cardinality is c, but other than this example, he doesn't see how to show it. The author thinks that the class could be A={P(A')||A'|<alephnull} where A' is a subset of Q, A is the union of
  • #1
Gold Member
i need to show that there exists a class of sets A which is a subset of P(Q) such that it satisfies:
1) |A|=c (c is the cardinality of the reals)
2) for every A1,A2 which are different their intersection is finite (or empty).

basically i think that i need to use something else iv'e proven: which for every a in R, let s(a) in Q^N is an increasing sequence which converges to a, then |{s(a)|a in R}|=c

i think that such a class could be: A={P(A')||A'|<alephnull} where A' is a subset of Q, A is the union of all P(A') where A' is Q.
im not sure if A's cardinality is c, but other than this example i don't see how to show it.
i think it's related to what i typed in the second paragraph, perhaps i need to find a subset to {s(a)|a in R} which is still uncountable, but i don't see how.
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  • #2
The question states 'show there exists', right? That suggests to me that the first thing you shuold do is forget about constructing one explicitly.
  • #3
so how should i prove it?
i mean do i have to assume that A is a subset of P(Q) and then prove that |A|=c and for every 2 sets in A, their intersection is finite or empty.
then one way to do so is, bacause A is a subset of P(Q) then |A|<=c
but we also have c<=|A| cause |A|=c... well I am stuck.
i don't think i can prove it without showing explicitly.
  • #4
IMPORTANT: I haven't proved this myself, so do what you will with this advice.

ARGUMENT: how do you demonstrate that there are transcendental numbers? Cardinality of real numbers=c. Cardinality of Algebraic numbers=/=c. Hence there are transcendental numbers.

ANALOGY: take the set of all possible As with the finite intersection property. Count them. Count those where |A|=/=c. Are they the same? I suspect the answer is no.
  • #5
what i did so far is:
A is a subset of P(Q), so i defined A as the union of the sets {Q_n} where Q_n are finite subsets of Q, which have cardinality |Q_n|=n, i think that bacuase there are c sets in P(Q) A equals alephnull*c=c so its cardinality is c.
and we have that every two sets which are in A are either their intersection is finite or empty, is this good definition?
  • #6
There are countalby many Q_n for each n. Thus A is a countable union of countable sets, hence countable.

the fact that |P(Q)|=c doesn't have anything effect.
  • #7
There's a simple constructive solution. HINT: think about decimal expansions.
  • #8
loop quantum gravity said:
i think that such a class could be: A={P(A')||A'|<alephnull} where A' is a subset of Q, A is the union of all P(A') where A' is Q.
Incidentally, the "finite power set" of an infinite set is the same cardinality as that set:

|S| = | \{ \, A \subseteq S \, | \, |A| < |\mathbb{N}| \, \} |
  • #9
my mistake, perhaps this appraoch will do:
iv'e defined Q_n to be finite subsets of Q, and A={Q_n|Q_n subset of Q} such that |Q_k|=k for every k nonnegative integer.
Q_n a subset of Q
and every two elements of A their intersection is finite or empty.
will that be enough?
  • #10
In what way is that different from what you just did? Why is A uncountable? It is a countable union of countable sets.
  • #11
To add to my hint, think about decimal expansions of all real numbers. And think about how R is constructed as the completion of Q.
  • #12
AKG said:
To add to my hint, think about decimal expansions of all real numbers. And think about how R is constructed as the completion of Q.

Second this but note that there are several ways to construct R from Q. Since AKG uses the phrase "completion of Q", I assume he means defining R as equivalence classes of the set of Cauchy sequences of rational numbers.
One could also use the definition in terms of equivalence classes of the set of non-decreasing sequences of rational numbers with upper bound but not the definition as Dedeking Cuts.
  • #13
the decimal expansion of all real numbers is infinite, but the decimal expansion of Q can also be finite.
perhaps i can construct A to be a family of sets of the finite decimal expansions of a particular real number, for example pi would have the set {3,3.1,3.14,...} and so on.
but i don't see how the intersection of two different sets in A WOULD BE FINITE OR EMPTY.
  • #14
Well, what happens if two of these sequences agree infinitely often?
  • #15
then they are the same.
anyway, i saw the solution in class, i tried to do something similar beore i handed the assignment, i hope i did well.

FAQ: Question on cardinality of sequences.

1. What is the definition of cardinality of sequences?

The cardinality of sequences refers to the number of elements in a sequence. It is a measure of the size or magnitude of the sequence and can be finite or infinite.

2. How is the cardinality of sequences determined?

The cardinality of sequences can be determined by counting the number of elements in the sequence. If the sequence is infinite, a mathematical formula or concept such as limits or convergence may be used to determine its cardinality.

3. What is the difference between finite and infinite cardinality of sequences?

Finite cardinality refers to sequences with a specific, countable number of elements, while infinite cardinality refers to sequences with an uncountable number of elements. In other words, finite sequences have a definite size, while infinite sequences do not have a size that can be determined by counting.

4. Can the cardinality of sequences change?

Yes, the cardinality of sequences can change depending on the number of elements in the sequence. For example, if an element is added or removed from a finite sequence, the cardinality will change. However, for infinite sequences, the cardinality remains the same regardless of adding or removing elements.

5. How is the concept of cardinality of sequences used in mathematics?

The concept of cardinality of sequences is used in various branches of mathematics, such as set theory, analysis, and topology. It helps in defining and comparing the size of sets, determining the convergence of sequences, and proving the existence or non-existence of certain mathematical objects.

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