Question on conservation of angular momentum

In summary, the conversation discusses a question about a horizontal rotating disk and a ball moving in an Archimedean spiral. The solution given in a textbook is translated from Chinese and the person is confused about the application of the statement that angular momentum is conserved with respect to the center of the disk. They believe it should be applied in the laboratory frame of reference rather than the non-inertial disk-reference frame. Another person suggests considering the ball moving with constant radial velocity relative to the disk to understand the concept better. In conclusion, the statement about conservation of angular momentum only applies in the disk-reference frame and can be explained by the ball's constant radial velocity.
  • #1
Dear guys,
Recently, i am confused with a problem in my textbook of mechanics. The question is,
suppose there is a disk, placed horizontally, rotate about its center with angular velocity ω. A ball move with respect to the center of the disk in a trace of Archimedean spiral r=αθ. The angular momentum of the ball is conserved with respect to the center O. What is the real force Fθ and Fr acting on that ball ?

this is the question and the solution given in the textbook, since they are written in chinese, i translate it into english


Here is my question. From the solution we can see that the θ is the angular in the disk reference system. And they use the statement that the angular momentum is constant. i don't know which reference system should this statement be applied, whether the disk-reference system which is non-inertial or the laboratory frame of reference which is inertial?

For me, i think it should be the laboratory frame of reference. and because the disk-reference system is non-inertial, so the angular momentum with respect to the disk-reference system is no longer conserved so it should not be constant anymore

sorry for the long question, i hope i explained both the question and my opinion well. thanks for your help!
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  • #2
i got some idear after posting this thread :biggrin:

the statement "A ball move with respect to the center of the disk in a trace of Archimedean spiral r=αθ,"
here 'with respect to' mean r andθ is in the disk reference of frame.

the conservation of angular momentum can only happens in the disk reference of frame. because in the lab reference frame the net torque can never be zero. but in the disk reference of frame, the net torque can be zero with the help of virtual forces.
  • #3
Jeremy1986 said:
i got some idear after posting this thread :biggrin:

the statement "A ball move with respect to the center of the disk in a trace of Archimedean spiral r=αθ,"
here 'with respect to' mean r andθ is in the disk reference of frame.

the conservation of angular momentum can only happens in the disk reference of frame. because in the lab reference frame the net torque can never be zero. but in the disk reference of frame, the net torque can be zero with the help of virtual forces.

You could see this more easily by considering the ball moving out with constant radial velocity ##v_r## relative to the disk. It's position relative to the disk is ##r = v_rt, \ \theta = 0##

In the external frame, it's position is ##r = v_rt, \ \theta = \omega t##, hence ##r = \alpha \theta## with ##\alpha = v_r/ \omega##

Or, turning this round: ##v_r = \alpha \omega##

And, its angular momentum in the external frame is ##L = mrv_{\theta} = mr^2 \omega = m \alpha^2 \omega^3 t^2##
  • #4
PeroK said:
You could see this more easily by considering the ball moving out with constant radial velocity ##v_r## relative to the disk. It's position relative to the disk is ##r = v_rt, \ \theta = 0##

In the external frame, it's position is ##r = v_rt, \ \theta = \omega t##, hence ##r = \alpha \theta## with ##\alpha = v_r/ \omega##

Or, turning this round: ##v_r = \alpha \omega##

And, its angular momentum in the external frame is ##L = mrv_{\theta} = mr^2 \omega = m \alpha^2 \omega^3 t^2##
Thanks PeroK! I was out for the past couple of days, and sorry for the late reply. your reply enlightens me, and i think you are right.
as the statement in the question "The angular momentum of the ball is conserved with respect to the center O", we can get that f'θ in the disk-reference frame equals to 0. And this means, as you said,"the ball moving out with constant radial velocity vr relative to the disk". Thanks again for your kind help!
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Related to Question on conservation of angular momentum

1. What is conservation of angular momentum?

The conservation of angular momentum is a fundamental law of physics that states that the total angular momentum of a closed system remains constant over time, unless acted upon by an external torque.

2. How is angular momentum defined?

Angular momentum is a measure of the rotational motion of an object, and is defined as the product of an object's moment of inertia and its angular velocity. It is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction.

3. What is an example of conservation of angular momentum in everyday life?

A common example of conservation of angular momentum can be seen in ice skaters. When a skater pulls their arms in towards their body, their moment of inertia decreases but their angular velocity increases, allowing them to spin faster while still maintaining the same amount of angular momentum.

4. Does conservation of angular momentum apply to both open and closed systems?

No, conservation of angular momentum only applies to closed systems, meaning that there are no external forces or torques acting on the system. In open systems, external forces can change the amount of angular momentum present.

5. Can angular momentum be lost or gained?

No, according to the law of conservation of angular momentum, the total amount of angular momentum in a closed system cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be transferred or redistributed between different components within the system.

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