Question on de Broglie wavelength

In summary, I don't understand what the author is trying to say. He seems to be trying to argue that the wave nature of particles isn't noticeable in our everyday lives, but then argues that we should still talk about de Broglie wavelength for footballs, hats, and cupcakes because they're macroscopic objects. I'm not sure if he's trying to say that the wavelength of a football is a superposition of the wavelengths of its constituent particles, or if he's saying that the wavelength of a football is related to the wavelength of its constituent particles.
  • #1
When textbooks introduce the de Broglie wavelength of a particle they always ask you to calculate the wavelength of a macroscopic object like a football or something. Then they conclude: "Since the wavelength of ordinary objects like footballs are only 0.00001 nm (or whatever) quantum mechanics doesn't manifest itself in the everyday world."

Here is what I don't understand: Isn't the formula [tex]\lambda = h/p [/tex] only applicable to single particles, like electrons and protons. Can you just apply it to multi-particle systems like footballs??

I would think that the wavelength of a football must be some kind of superposition of the wavelengths of the single particles making up the football - which is too complicated to even consider. Thus I don't think it makes sense to talk about de Broglie wavelength for footballs, hats or cupcakes.

I'm aware that the wave nature of particles isn't noticeable in our everyday, but I think this is a bad argument!
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  • #2
broegger said:
When textbooks introduce the de Broglie wavelength of a particle they always ask you to calculate the wavelength of a macroscopic object like a football or something. Then they conclude: "Since the wavelength of ordinary objects like footballs are only 0.00001 nm (or whatever) quantum mechanics doesn't manifest itself in the everyday world."

Here is what I don't understand: Isn't the formula [tex]\lambda = h/p [/tex] only applicable to single particles, like electrons and protons. Can you just apply it to multi-particle systems like footballs??

I would think that the wavelength of a football must be some kind of superposition of the wavelengths of the single particles making up the football - which is too complicated to even consider. Thus I don't think it makes sense to talk about de Broglie wavelength for footballs, hats or cupcakes.

I'm aware that the wave nature of particles isn't noticeable in our everyday, but I think this is a bad argument!

In principle, the deBroglie wavelength can be applied to anything. It isn't just for "single particle", or else there's no explanation why something as large as a buckyball (C60 and C70 that are roughly 200 times larger than a proton) can undergo interference and quantum tunneling. A buckyball is certainly not a single-particle.

  • #3
But the wavelength of a football must somehow be related to the wavelength of it's constituent particles?
  • #4
broegger said:
But the wavelength of a football must somehow be related to the wavelength of it's constituent particles?

That, we don't know, because to be able to know that, the whole object must be coherent with all its constituents. One can also argue that a proton should be considerent only via its quark content. Yet, it works fine if we consider it as an object with a single mass rather than the mass of its individual constituents.

Besides, if they are all traveling at relatively the same velocity, the momentum adds up nicely to represent the whole object as one "particle".

  • #5
I think this answers my question, thanks... Still; are we absolutely positive that it even makes sense to talk about wavelength for macroscopic objects?
  • #6
broegger said:
I think this answers my question, thanks... Still; are we absolutely positive that it even makes sense to talk about wavelength for macroscopic objects?

In depends on your "sense".


Related to Question on de Broglie wavelength

1. What is the de Broglie wavelength?

The de Broglie wavelength is a concept in quantum mechanics that describes the wavelength of a particle. It is named after French physicist Louis de Broglie, who proposed that all particles, including matter, have a wave-like nature. The de Broglie wavelength is inversely proportional to the momentum of the particle.

2. How is the de Broglie wavelength calculated?

The de Broglie wavelength can be calculated using the equation: λ = h/mv, where λ is the de Broglie wavelength, h is Planck's constant, m is the mass of the particle, and v is the velocity of the particle.

3. What is the significance of the de Broglie wavelength?

The de Broglie wavelength has significant implications in quantum mechanics as it demonstrates the wave-particle duality of matter. It also helps explain the quantization of energy levels in atoms and the behavior of particles in quantum systems.

4. How does the de Broglie wavelength relate to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle?

The de Broglie wavelength and the Heisenberg uncertainty principle are related in that they both describe the limitations of our ability to measure the properties of particles at the quantum level. The de Broglie wavelength is used to calculate the uncertainty in the position of a particle, while the Heisenberg uncertainty principle states that it is impossible to know both the position and momentum of a particle simultaneously.

5. Can the de Broglie wavelength be observed in everyday objects?

No, the de Broglie wavelength is only significant for particles with very small masses, such as electrons and photons. The wavelength of larger objects, such as everyday objects, is too small to be observable. However, the wave-like nature of matter can be observed in certain experiments, such as the double-slit experiment.

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