Question on Electric Potential Energy

In summary, the conversation is about deriving an expression for the total electric potential energy of a solid sphere with uniform charge density. The suggested method is to imagine adding successive layers of concentric shells of charge and using the formula dU=Vdq. The person asking for help is having trouble understanding how to approach the problem and is seeking clarification. The expert explains that the volume of the shell is essential and provides a formula for the charge of each shell. They also mention that the integral will end in "r^4 dr." After further clarification, the person understands the solution and thanks the expert.
  • #1
I can't get this question, can someone give me a hand? I will reprint the question below as it appears in the text:

A Solid sphere of radius R has a uniform charge density p(roh) and a total charge Q. Derive an expression for the total electric potential energy.(Suggestion: imagine that the sphere is constructed by adding successive layers of concentric shells of charge dq=[4(pi)r^2 dr)p and use dU=V dq)

I tried it a few times but I couldn't come up with a reasonable answer. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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  • #2
Start with an initial point charge. The work required to bring that charge to that region of space is zero. Now bring in a new charged "shell" of thickness dr. How much work is required to put this shell of radius "r" and thickness "dr" outside the charge that is already there?

try changing the "dq" statement you're given into a "dr" statement: what's the volume of that shell?
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  • #3
Ohhhh, that makes a lot of sense and I wasn't looking at it that way. I will go try that and report back with the result. Thank you kindly.
  • #4
O.K. I tried that for a white, but I am still getting nowhere . Do I have to integrate dV first then integrate it again to get U?

For the dr statement you were talking about, I get either dr=dq/((4 PI r^2)p), or I can get dr=(r^2)/3 if I play around with dq=p dV. Can you offer me any more help? Thanks a lot!
  • #5
Sorry, I was out.

Let's go straight to the source for EPE:

U=(kQq)/r [Q= one charge, q = other charge, k = 1/4pi epsilon]

You are integrating U from 0 to R.
For each successive shell of thickness dr, you are bringing in charge q "from infinity" to the previous volume of point charge Q.

the shell with thickness dr will have charge "dq" =(4 PI r^2)p dr [this is essentiall what you had.

dU will then be [(kQ)/r]dq
Q will be the volume of the sphere (that's already there when dq arrives) times charge density. Radius of the sphere and the shell are essentially "r"

you're going to get an integral that ends in "r^4 dr"
  • #6
Aha! Now I see! Thank you very, very much. What a tricky question.

  • #7
lol Could you explain this one more time , sub in the volumex charge density for Q , then sub in the dq definition , which gives me a (4*p^2 *pi/3Eo) int r^4 dr , i know I am messing up somewhere , i just can't wrap my head around where.

thx for any help :)

FAQ: Question on Electric Potential Energy

What is electric potential energy?

Electric potential energy is the energy that a charged object possesses due to its position in an electric field. It is the energy required to move a charged object from one point to another against the electric field.

How is electric potential energy calculated?

The electric potential energy of a charged object can be calculated using the equation U=qV, where U is the potential energy, q is the charge of the object, and V is the voltage or electric potential difference between the two points.

What is the difference between electric potential energy and electric potential?

Electric potential energy is the energy that a charged object possesses, while electric potential is the electric potential energy per unit charge at a point in an electric field. In other words, electric potential energy is a measure of the energy of a single charged object, while electric potential is a measure of the energy density in a specific location in the electric field.

How does distance affect electric potential energy?

As distance increases between two charged objects, the electric potential energy decreases. This is because as the distance increases, the force between the objects decreases, resulting in a decrease in the potential energy.

What are some real-life applications of electric potential energy?

Electric potential energy is used in many everyday applications, including batteries, electric motors, and generators. It is also used in power plants to generate electricity and in electronic devices such as computers and smartphones.
