Question on N-dimensional Lie Groups

In summary, the conversation discusses learning about Lie groups and algebras, specifically the special orthogonal group SO(n). The question is about finding the infinitesimal generators of SO(n), which are given by X_{\rho,\sigma}=-i\left(x_{\rho}\frac{\partial}{\partial x_{\sigma}}-x_{\sigma}\frac{\partial}{\partial x_{\rho}}\right). The conversation also touches on finding the dimensions of SO(n) and proving that sl(n) is an ideal of gl(n). The solution is to use the fact that the generators are antisymmetric and can be grouped into a matrix with only independent elements in the upper right triangle.
  • #1
I'm currently learning Lie groups/algebras and I am trying to find the infinitesimal generators of the special orthogonal group SO(n). It is the n-dimensions that throws me off. I know that the answer is [itex]n(n-1)/2[/itex] generators of the form,

[tex]X_{\rho,\sigma}=-i\left(x_{\rho}\frac{\partial}{\partial x_{\sigma}}-x_{\sigma}\frac{\partial}{\partial x_{\rho}}\right)[/tex]

where [itex]1\leq x_{\rho}\leq n[/itex] such that [itex]\sigma > \rho[/itex], but how do I get this? The only way I could think of is somehow trying to find the n-dimensional rotation matrix in general and then going from there (I have actually tried this and it gets me something similar)--there must be a simpler way though.

I also run into this problem in other areas of the book I am using. For example attempting to establish that the Lie algebra sl(n,C) is an ideal of gl(n,C). I guess I am looking for some advice on how to compute these algebras in n-dimensions. Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions, and let me know if I can make anything more clear.
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  • #2
Can't you prove that sl(n) is an ideal of gl(n) directly? You know that sl(n) is the subset of gl(n) consisting of matrices of trace zero. So prove that for A in sl(n) and B in gl(n), [A,B] is in sl(n). Use the fact that tr(AB) = tr(BA). (You could also note that the trace is a Lie algebra homomorphism gl(n) -> C with kernel sl(n).)
  • #3
Adriank is correct about the approach to sl(n) being an ideal of gl(n).

As for the dimensions of so(n), the representation you give for the generators is clearly antisymmetric in [tex]\rho[/tex] and [tex]\sigma[/tex]. This means you can group your generators [tex]X_{\rho \sigma}[/tex] into a matrix where [tex]X_{\sigma\rho}=-X_{\rho \sigma}[/tex], ie a [tex]n\times n[/tex] antisymmetric matrix. The only independent elements in such a matrix are (say) the upper right triangle. This has [tex]1 + 2 + \ldots + n-1 = \tfrac12 n(n-1)[/tex] elements.
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  • #4
thanks very much to both of you. the answers to both questions actually seem quite obvious after the fact. hah
  • #5

Hi there,

First of all, congratulations on delving into the world of Lie groups and algebras! It can definitely be a challenging subject, but it is also incredibly powerful and useful in many areas of mathematics and physics.

To answer your question about finding the infinitesimal generators of SO(n), it is helpful to first understand what a Lie group is. A Lie group is a group that is also a smooth manifold, meaning it has both group operations (such as multiplication and inversion) and a smooth structure (meaning it can be described by smooth functions). In the case of SO(n), it is a group of n-dimensional rotations that also has a smooth structure.

Now, the infinitesimal generators of a Lie group are the elements that, when exponentiated, give you the group elements. In other words, they are the "infinitely small" versions of the group elements. In the case of SO(n), these infinitesimal generators are the elements of the Lie algebra of SO(n), denoted as so(n). The Lie algebra is essentially the tangent space of the Lie group at the identity element, and it can be thought of as the "linearized version" of the Lie group.

So, how do we find the infinitesimal generators of SO(n)? As you mentioned, one way is to try to find the n-dimensional rotation matrix and then linearize it. However, there is a simpler and more elegant way to do this using the concept of Lie derivatives.

Without going into too much detail, the infinitesimal generators of SO(n) can be found using the Lie derivatives of the coordinate functions on SO(n). These coordinate functions are essentially the components of the rotation matrix, and the Lie derivatives give us a way to "twist" these components to get the infinitesimal generators.

Now, in the case of SO(n), the coordinate functions are just the entries of the rotation matrix, which we can denote as x_{ij} (where i and j range from 1 to n). Using the Lie derivatives, we can then construct the infinitesimal generators of the form that you mentioned: X_{\rho,\sigma}=-i\left(x_{\rho}\frac{\partial}{\partial x_{\sigma}}-x_{\sigma}\frac{\partial}{\partial x_{\rho}}\right). This formula may look intimidating, but it essentially just "twists" the coordinate functions in a certain way to give us the infinitesimal generators.


Related to Question on N-dimensional Lie Groups

1. What is an N-dimensional Lie Group?

An N-dimensional Lie Group is a mathematical concept that combines the properties of a group (a set with a binary operation that follows certain rules) and a manifold (a space that looks like Euclidean space locally). It is a generalization of the classical notion of a Lie group, which is a continuous group with a smooth structure.

2. How are N-dimensional Lie Groups different from classical Lie groups?

N-dimensional Lie Groups are a generalization of classical Lie groups, meaning that they have similar properties but can exist in any number of dimensions. While classical Lie groups are restricted to three dimensions, N-dimensional Lie Groups can exist in any number of dimensions, making them more versatile and applicable in various mathematical and scientific contexts.

3. What is the significance of N-dimensional Lie Groups in mathematics?

N-dimensional Lie Groups have many applications in mathematics, particularly in the fields of differential geometry, topology, and mathematical physics. They provide a powerful tool for studying symmetries and transformations, and have important implications in areas such as group theory, representation theory, and mathematical modeling.

4. Can you provide an example of an N-dimensional Lie Group?

One example of an N-dimensional Lie Group is the general linear group, which is the set of all invertible matrices of size N. This group has a natural smooth structure and is an important object in linear algebra, representation theory, and differential geometry.

5. What are some real-world applications of N-dimensional Lie Groups?

N-dimensional Lie Groups have many practical applications in fields such as physics, engineering, and computer science. They are used in computer graphics and animation for modeling rotations and transformations, in robotics for motion planning and control, and in quantum mechanics for studying symmetries and conservation laws. They also have applications in areas such as signal processing, data analysis, and machine learning.

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