Question on negative temperature

In summary, temperature is the change of thermal energy divided by the change of entropy. Negative temperatures don't exist; they are an aggregate property of a system. Temperature can also be introduced in a subsystem of a macroscopic system, as long as this subsystem isn't microscopic.
  • #1
Hi all, I was thinking I should post this thread in Statistic Physics, however there isnt, so I put it, not sure wether is ok or not.

Here is my question:

1. what exactly is negative temperature? in my mind is , in a bounded system(number of energy levels are constant), when there are more particles in the higher states than in the lowers states. Am I right?

2. In an unbound system, is there a probability than within that system, forms a ''fake'' bounded system in a very short time period, and in that sub bounded system, negative temperature occurs.

Thanks in advance
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  • #2
What is temperature? It is the change of thermal energy divided by the change of entropy. If you have a system where it is possible to add thermal energy and have entropy decrease, you have negative temperature. It's that simple. An example of such a system would be the spin states of a finite set of atoms under a magnetic field.

Negative temperature doesn't mean below absolute zero; that is impossible. If you put two similar setups, one with negative temperature and the other with positive temperature in contact, heat will flow from the positive one to the negative one, not the other way around.

To answer (1), yes that is roughly what is happening, but that is just a specific case of a general phenomenon.

To answer (2), you must realize that temperature is defined as an aggregate property of a system. As soon as you start analyzing the 'temperature' of microscopic elements within the system you lose the meaning of temperature.
  • #3
@IttyBittyBit, Great answer! Big Thanks! :)
  • #4
Just to add some clarity to the picture: it's very common to work with the inverse temperature, [tex]\beta = 1/(k_B T)[/tex] with [tex]k_B[/tex] the Boltzmann constant. Then the zero temperature case corresponds to the (unreachable) limit [tex]\beta \limit \infty[/tex]. The crossover from positive to negative temperature occurs at [tex]\beta = 0[/tex] and is smooth with respect to beta -- the temperature on the other hand has some weird flip when you cross over from positive to negative temperature, although it's a smooth transition (smooth as in smooth with respect to the thermodynamic quantities).

As for question two, I do not really agree with IttyBittyBit on this (unless I misunderstood what he ment).

Temperature can also be introduced in a subsystem of a macroscopic system, as long as this subsystem isn't microscopic. What I mean by that (or,well, what Landau and Lifgarbagez mean by that, since that's my source) is that it's perfectly valid to consider a subsystem of an isolated, but very large system. Although the system as a whole has a fixed energy, the subsystem does not -- energy of the subsystem is constantly hopping with the rest of the system. The subsystem is therefore described by considering it as some system in contact with a heat bath. The rest of the system palys the role of the heat bath, even though the total energy is fixed.

So it is very well possible to talk about the temperature of a subsystem.

As for your question: you have to remember that temperature is introduced after some form of time averaging of the system. The system is constantly fluctuating, and hops from state to state. But the temperature arises as an (implicit) averaging over these fluctuations. So although the systems hops from state to state, it's temperature does not fluctuate.
  • #5
IttyBittyBit said:
If you put two similar setups, one with negative temperature and the other with positive temperature in contact, heat will flow from the positive one to the negative one, not the other way around.

I think you must mean the reverse of this, at least in general. Otherwise there would be no way to return the temperature of a system to positive values, once it had become negative, and you would have a second law violation. Negative temperatures are weird, but not *that* weird. The way I learned to think of it is that systems with negative temperatures have a thermal population inversion (!) and are thus "hotter than than ought to be allowed". Thus heat will tend to flow out of a system with a negative temperature, until it becomes positive again.

It is important to note in this context that negative temperature systems are always "artificial", in that they require input of a lot of energy under fairly specific conditions to bring about.
  • #6
The other thing which bears remembering is that thermodynamics is a theory of equilibrium states. Temperature, entropy, etc. are undefined when the system has yet to reach equilibrium. In practise, we can relax the requirements somewhat, and talk about quasi-equilibrium, i.e. when the time needed to reach equilibrium is much shorter than other relevant scales. It is possible to go even further, but the concepts stop being quite so universal.
  • #7
SpectraCat said:
I think you must mean the reverse of this, at least in general. Otherwise there would be no way to return the temperature of a system to positive values, once it had become negative, and you would have a second law violation. Negative temperatures are weird, but not *that* weird. The way I learned to think of it is that systems with negative temperatures have a thermal population inversion (!) and are thus "hotter than than ought to be allowed". Thus heat will tend to flow out of a system with a negative temperature, until it becomes positive again.

It is important to note in this context that negative temperature systems are always "artificial", in that they require input of a lot of energy under fairly specific conditions to bring about.

Ooops! I shouldn't be writing at 2:00 AM!
Yes, I meant that energy should flow from the negative one to the positive one.
  • #8
luxiaolei said:
Hi all, I was thinking I should post this thread in Statistic Physics, however there isnt, so I put it, not sure wether is ok or not.

Here is my question:

1. what exactly is negative temperature? in my mind is , in a bounded system(number of energy levels are constant), when there are more particles in the higher states than in the lowers states. Am I right?

2. In an unbound system, is there a probability than within that system, forms a ''fake'' bounded system in a very short time period, and in that sub bounded system, negative temperature occurs.

Thanks in advance

If there is a negative temperature, I can make a Carnot engine with efficiency greater than 1.

FAQ: Question on negative temperature

1. What is negative temperature?

Negative temperature refers to a temperature scale in which temperatures are below absolute zero, the lowest possible temperature on the Kelvin scale. It is a theoretical concept and not commonly found in everyday life.

2. How is negative temperature measured?

Negative temperature is typically measured using the same units as positive temperature, such as degrees Celsius or Kelvin. However, the values will be represented with a negative sign in front of them, indicating that they are below absolute zero.

3. What are the properties of negative temperature?

One of the main properties of negative temperature is that it is a state of high energy, with particles having more energy than they would at positive temperatures. Negative temperature systems also have a reversed temperature gradient, where hotter objects have a lower energy state than cooler objects.

4. Can negative temperature be reached in a physical system?

Currently, negative temperature can only be reached in certain laboratory conditions, such as with ultracold atoms. It is not possible to naturally reach negative temperature in everyday objects or environments.

5. How does negative temperature differ from absolute zero?

Negative temperature is a theoretical concept and is not the same as absolute zero. Absolute zero is the point at which there is no thermal energy present, while negative temperature is a state of high energy. Additionally, negative temperature can only be reached in certain laboratory conditions, while absolute zero can theoretically be reached in any physical system.

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