Question on Orbits and Kepler/Uni. Grav. Laws

In summary: Kepler's third law to find the perigee distance. The perigee distance is the distance from the moon to the point in its orbit where it is closest to the earth. You should use Kepler's first law to find the apogee distance.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The picture has the problem question.


When the moon is at point B, the distance from the moon to the center of the planet is most nearly:

A) (1/25) * rA
B) (1/5) * rA
C) (1/ sqrt(5) ) * rA
D) rA
E) sqrt(5) * rA.

Homework Equations

Newton's law of gravitation. kepler's third law

The Attempt at a Solution

Ok. I am told that the correct answer is B but I do not know why.

I got A instead. Here's what I did.

I solved from my rA for the planet at point A.

I apologize for my bad math formatting, but I am in a rush and can not use latex. Hope you understand.

Gravitational force causes centripetal acceleration:

G * mPlanet * mMoon mMoon * (v0)^2
--------------------------- = -----------------------
(rA)^2 rA.

I cancel mMoon and one of my rA terms and I solve for v0^2. I got v0^2 to be equal to
G * mPlanet/r.

I then did the same thing for my planet in position B.
G * mPlanet * mMoon mMoon * (5v0)^2 mMoon * 25 * v0^2
--------------------------- = ----------------------- = ----------------------
(rB)^2 rB. rB

I plugged in my calculated result for v0^2 for position A into the expression and solved for rB.
My G and my mPlanet terms cancel. I got rB = rA/25.

Where did I mess up?

Thanks in advance.
Physics news on
  • #2

I'm absolutely not an expert in that field but I may have another approach:

Maybe you should consider the second Kepler's law: the conservation of the area in a given time.

The moon travels v0*t in the time t, if you consider a small enough time, you have the small angle approximation which provides tan(theta)=theta so the area is vo*t*rA

This value has to be equals to 5*v0*t*rB, so rA is 5 times bigger than rB...

Is it ok for you ?


  • #3
I read up a little on kepler's second law but they did not teach it in my high school class, so I am afraid to use that approach, especially with the small angle approximation.

I do see how your approach works and makes sense... but my AP Physics exam is looking for the third law, and I am trying to use it, if possible.

Thanks a lot for that interesting thought!
  • #4
The problem is that for elliptical orbits the centripetal force does not balance the gravitational force. That's why the planet's speed changes and the orbit is not circular.

A better approach is to use a conservation law. Kepler's 2nd law is really a statement about conservation of angular momentum, and you should look at the problem from that point of view. The two points of interest in this problem (apogee and perigee) are particularly amenable to this approach (why?).
  • #5
Ahh. I see the pitfall now.

Kepler's 2nd law makes sense now.

I see why kepler's third does not make sense.

  • #6
but is there any way I can use Kepler's third at all? modified, perhaps?
  • #7
RoboNerd said:
I plugged in my calculated result for v0^2 for position A into the expression and solved for rB.
My G and my mPlanet terms cancel. I got rB = rA/25.

Between 25 and 5 you clearly have squared something by mistake, I haven't done the calculations but you should check if you didn't consider v0² instead of v0 somewhere...
  • #8
RoboNerd said:
but is there any way I can use Kepler's third at all? modified, perhaps?
If there is it would probably be a very round-about way. You have to work with the information given, which does not directly give you the length of the semimajor axis of the orbit or the period. Nor are you given any actual mass values or velocities, and you aren't even supplied with an eccentricity value to help find other related parameters, so the Newton form of Kepler III is no help.

I think this problem is constructed specifically to be solved using conservation of angular momentum.
  • #9
RoboNerd said:
but is there any way I can use Kepler's third at all? modified, perhaps?
Please state Kepler's Third Law for us.
  • #10
Ok. I see how kepler's third law would not work. and I took (5 times v0)^2 and wrote it as 25 times v0^2. i do not think i made a mistake there.

kepler's third law is that the period squared is proportional to radius of orbit cubed.
  • #11
and they did state the masses to be m and 49m, so I could use them, no?
  • #12
RoboNerd said:
and they did state the masses to be m and 49m, so I could use them, no?
Well, yes and no. A simple ratio of masses for primary and satellite won't tell you much about the orbit since that depends on the total mechanical energy and the eccentricity. Kepler III gives you a handle on comparing the periods and sizes of different orbits in a system, but not much about one single orbit. You might be able to do something with the complete Newton version of Kepler III and define your own mass unit and a gravitational parameter μ (equivalent to GM) to fit the system. Then you'd still need to use an equation other than Kepler to relate velocity and radius for a single orbit.
  • #13
hmmm... that sounds a bit over my head with my limited knowledge of physics. thanks a lot, though!

Related to Question on Orbits and Kepler/Uni. Grav. Laws

1. What are Kepler's three laws of planetary motion?

Kepler's three laws of planetary motion are:
1. The Law of Ellipses - all planets move in elliptical orbits with the sun at one focus.
2. The Law of Equal Areas - a line that connects a planet to the sun sweeps out equal areas in equal time intervals.
3. The Law of Harmonies - the square of the orbital period of a planet is directly proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit.

2. How do Kepler's laws relate to Newton's law of universal gravitation?

Kepler's laws describe the motion of planets around the sun, while Newton's law of universal gravitation explains the force that causes this motion. According to Newton's law, every object in the universe attracts every other object with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. This force is what keeps planets in their elliptical orbits around the sun, in accordance with Kepler's laws.

3. What is the difference between a geocentric and a heliocentric model of the solar system?

A geocentric model of the solar system places the Earth at the center, with all other celestial bodies orbiting around it. This was the predominant view in ancient times. On the other hand, a heliocentric model places the sun at the center, with all planets, including Earth, orbiting around it. This model was proposed by Copernicus in the 16th century and is the currently accepted view of our solar system.

4. Can Kepler's laws be applied to objects other than planets?

Yes, Kepler's laws can be applied to any two objects that are orbiting each other under the influence of gravity. This includes not just planets, but also moons, comets, and even artificial satellites. As long as the objects are in orbit, Kepler's laws can be used to describe their motion.

5. What is the significance of Kepler's laws in our understanding of the universe?

Kepler's laws were groundbreaking in their time, as they provided a mathematical description of the motion of planets that was accurate and consistent with observations. They also laid the foundation for Newton's law of universal gravitation, which revolutionized our understanding of the laws governing the motion of objects in the universe. Today, Kepler's laws continue to be fundamental principles in the study of celestial mechanics and play a crucial role in our understanding of the universe.

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