Question on oscillations spring balance and fish

In summary, the mass of a fish suspended from a spring balance that has a scale reading from zero to 180 N on a 7.00 cm long scale and oscillates vertically at 2.50 Hz can be calculated by using the equation \omega = \sqrt{\frac{k}{m}}. The spring constant, k, can be found by dividing the difference in scale readings (180-0) by the length of the scale (7-0). Once k is known, the mass of the fish can be calculated by using the frequency of oscillation, 2.50 Hz, and solving for m. The result is 160.714 kg. However, this calculation may not be entirely accurate as the equation used may
  • #1
The scale of a spring balance reading from zero to 180 N is 7.00 cm long. A fish suspended from the balance is observed to oscillate vertically at 2.50 Hz. What is the mass of the fish? Neglect the mass of the spring.
________ kg

k =(180-0)/(7-0) = 25.714 N/m

frequency = (m/k)^(1/2)
2.5 = (m/25.714)^(1/2)
6.25 = m/25.714
m = 160.714 kg

I am pretty certain this is wrong.
Physics news on
  • #2
I think there are two problems. The first is that the equation is actually:

[tex] \omega = \sqrt{\frac{k}{m}} [/tex]​

and you have the reciprocal of that. The second problem is that omega is not quite the same thing as the frequency of oscillation.
  • #3
yeah but what is the spring constant, K. I sort of need that to solve the problem.

FAQ: Question on oscillations spring balance and fish

1. What is an oscillation?

An oscillation is a repeated back and forth movement or vibration around a central point. It can occur in various systems, such as a spring balance or a fish swimming in water.

2. How does a spring balance work?

A spring balance works by utilizing the principle of Hooke's law, which states that the force exerted by a spring is directly proportional to the distance it is stretched or compressed. When an object is hung from the spring, it stretches and the amount of stretch is measured by the scale on the balance, giving an indication of the weight or force of the object.

3. What factors affect the oscillation of a spring balance?

The main factors that affect the oscillation of a spring balance are the stiffness of the spring, the mass of the object attached to the spring, and any external forces acting on the system. Changes in these factors can affect the frequency, amplitude, and period of the oscillation.

4. How are oscillations used in a fish's movement?

A fish uses its fins to create an oscillating motion in the water, which propels it forward. By using the fins to push and pull against the water, the fish is able to create a series of oscillations that allow it to move efficiently and navigate its environment.

5. Can oscillations be harmful to fish?

Oscillations can be harmful to fish if they are exposed to extreme or continuous vibrations, such as those caused by loud noises or machinery. These vibrations can disrupt the fish's natural behavior and cause stress, leading to health problems or even death in some cases. It is important to monitor and control vibrations in fish habitats to ensure their well-being.
