Question on thermal equilibrium?

In summary, it is advisable to add water to an overheated automobile engine only slowly and with the engine running because pouring cold water on a hot engine can cause temperature shock and potentially damage the engine. Keeping the engine running while adding water slowly allows for a more even distribution of coolant and prevents large temperature differences that can lead to cracking in the engine block or heads.
  • #1
So I'm not too sure about the answer to this question: explain why it is advisable to add water to an overheated automobile engine only slowly, and only with the engine running?

So if something is overheating, it makes sense to want to cool it. Since the water's temperature is less than that of the engine, pouring it on will lower the temperature of the engine. But what about thermal equilibrium, and engines in particular, makes it risky to pour in water quickly? Will too much water mean that the liquid will hit the engine without being boiled, thus damaging the engine? And what about an engine running makes it advisable? Is it because it keeps its overheating temperature constant?
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  • #2
Shindo said:
what about thermal equilibrium, and engines in particular, makes it risky to pour in water quickly?
The way the forum works, is that you have to commit to an answer/approach. Pick something, and defend it.
Shindo said:
thus damaging the engine?
You're fishing. It's close, so try developing the idea a bit. "Damage how?"
Shindo said:
keeps its overheating temperature constant?
More fishing. Develop the idea.
  • #3
Bystander said:
The way the forum works, is that you have to commit to an answer/approach. .
Yeah, this was a difficult question to think about, because I'm not sure if an understanding of engines was needed or not. If I had to pick an answer it would be that the water needs to be boiled first, and too much water means only some of the water is boiled whereas the rest of the water can damage the engine. However, since I'm ignorant when it comes to car engines (thermal equilibrium too) I'm not sure if THIS is the particular reason why it's wise to pour the water slowly. I know that this forum doesn't concern itself with automobiles, so I'm guessing that the question itself shouldn't need an understanding. Without it being boiled, the liquid may hit other parts of the engine NOT overheating, and thus shrink the parts of the engine. The shrinking will cause a damage to the engine.
  • #4
Shindo said:
thus shrink the parts of the engine. The shrinking will cause a damage to the engine.
Bingo. Just like baking marbles on a cookie sheet and dropping them into water to make fractured marbles for interior decoration --- or, you're too young, and Ralph Nader forbade your mother from doing that? "Temperature shock." Great.

Now, why keep the engine running (which keeps the water pump running) as you add water slowly?
  • #5
Bystander said:
Now, why keep the engine running (which keeps the water pump running) as you add water slowly?

Well, if the engine is off the engine will slowly but surely cool down. But maybe not evenly. Adding water when it's at its hot state gives a more even distribution of equilibrium, so the engine won't break off.
  • #6
Shindo said:
a more even distribution of
Coolant is circulated through the engine by the "water pump" (little water and a lot of ethylene glycol), and lowering the coolant's temperature by gradual addition of water prevents large temperature differences being produced in the block or heads that might crack those pieces. Almost guaranteed to happen if you turn cold water on a dry hot engine.

FAQ: Question on thermal equilibrium?

What is thermal equilibrium?

Thermal equilibrium is a state in which two systems are at the same temperature and there is no net flow of heat between them.

How is thermal equilibrium achieved?

Thermal equilibrium is achieved when two systems are in contact with each other, allowing for the exchange of heat until both systems reach the same temperature.

What is the importance of thermal equilibrium?

Thermal equilibrium is important in understanding how heat is transferred between systems and how different materials respond to changes in temperature. It is also a key concept in thermodynamics and plays a crucial role in many industrial and natural processes.

What factors affect thermal equilibrium?

The main factors that affect thermal equilibrium are the temperature difference between two systems, the contact area between them, and the thermal conductivity of the materials involved.

How is thermal equilibrium different from thermal equilibrium?

Thermal equilibrium refers to a state where two systems reach the same temperature, while thermal equilibrium refers to a process in which energy is transferred between systems until they reach thermal equilibrium. In other words, thermal equilibrium is a state, while thermal equilibrium is a process.
