Question on variation of parameters - ODE

In summary, switching y1 and y2 in the calculation of the wronskian corresponds to switching a column and hence flips the sign of the Wronskian.
  • #1
I am working on a problem requiring variation of parameters. When I calculated the wronskian, I got an answer, which differed from the book only by a "-" (mine was -, the book's was +). So I switched my functions for y1 and y2 and got the answer the book had. Is there a standard for which should be which or does it work itself out either way through the course of the problem, once you start integrating?
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  • #2
I may be wrong, but your definition of y1 and y2 shouldn't matter. Because the Wronskian is given by a determinant, we know that switching y1 and y2 corresponds to switching a column and hence flips the sign of the Wronskian.

However, at the same time the formulas for the "coefficients" A(x) y1 + B(x) y2 also switch signs. This means that the answer should be the same regardless of which indexing scheme you give.
  • #3
To be more precise, let's say that the book calculates the wrongskian to be W(x). Then the coefficients will be
[tex] A(x) = -\int \frac1W y_2(x) b(x) \ dx, \qquad B(x) = \int \frac1W y_1(x) b(x) \ dx [/tex]
where b(x) is the inhomogeneous factor. This gives
[tex] A(x) y_1(x) + B(x) y_2(x) [/tex]

Now if you calculate -W(x), and set [itex] \hat y_1 = y_2, \hat y_2 = y_1 [/itex] then
[tex] \hat A(x) = -\int \frac1{-W} \hat y_2(x) b(x) \ dx, \qquad \hat B(x) = \int \frac1{-W} \hat y_1(x) b(x) \ dx [/tex]
And your solution will be
[tex] \hat A(x) \hat y_1(x) + \hat B(x) \hat y_2(x) [/tex]
but you can easily calculate [itex] \hat A(x) = B(x), \hat B(x) = A(x) [/itex] so your solution is equivalent to the first.
  • #4
Yeah, I went ahead and ran through the two scenarios and got the same answer. I guess there could be two different answers on the wronskian that would produce the same answer. Haven't had linear algebra yet, but I suspect if I ever take it, I'll get some more insight. Thanks for your reply.

FAQ: Question on variation of parameters - ODE

1. What is variation of parameters in ODE?

Variation of parameters is a method used to find a particular solution to a non-homogeneous linear ordinary differential equation (ODE). It involves finding a set of functions, known as the variation of parameters, that can be substituted into the general solution of the associated homogeneous ODE to obtain a particular solution.

2. How is variation of parameters used to solve ODEs?

To use variation of parameters to solve an ODE, first find the general solution to the associated homogeneous ODE. Then, determine the variation of parameters by setting up a system of equations using the known solution and the non-homogeneous term. Finally, use the variation of parameters to substitute into the general solution and solve for the particular solution.

3. When is variation of parameters the best method to use for solving ODEs?

Variation of parameters is most commonly used when the non-homogeneous term of the ODE is a polynomial, exponential, or trigonometric function. It is also useful when the coefficients of the ODE are not constant.

4. What are the limitations of using variation of parameters to solve ODEs?

One limitation of variation of parameters is that it can only be used for linear ODEs. Additionally, it can be a more time-consuming and complex method compared to other techniques, such as the method of undetermined coefficients.

5. Can variation of parameters be used to find the general solution to an ODE?

No, variation of parameters is only used to find a particular solution to a non-homogeneous ODE. To find the general solution, the particular solution must be added to the general solution of the associated homogeneous ODE.

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