Question on whether positron/Down Quark can be fused.

  • Thread starter 42supernerd
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In summary, a positron and down-quark can be forced together to form an electron-antineutrino and up-quark. This reaction is not an annihilation, but it can turn a neutron into a proton. If this happens to an atom, the atomic number goes up one.
  • #1
I was wondering that if positrons are antimatter and Down Quarks which are regular could be pushed together so that they break down into energy? The second question is whether this could be used for a form of fusion or fission reaction which ever is more accurate in this case by breaking a proton into 2 high energy free quarks and the energy of the first reaction?
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  • #2
Welcome to PF;
if positrons are antimatter and Down Quarks which are regular could be pushed together so that they break down into energy?
I'd be surprised - positrons annihilate electrons. A down-quark would annihilate an anti-down quark.

Technically a positron could get captured by an anti-proton to make an anti-neutron, releasing a photon.

For a reaction to count as fission you have to end up with at least two nuclei, to count as fusion you have to start with at least two nuclei and end uo with at least one bigger one. Your examples don't count as either since they don't involve nuclei at all.
In general, matter-antimatter reactions are neither fusion nor fission - they are their own kind of reaction called "annihilation".

You do not get "free quarks" - at best you can have them in pairs as mesons, triples as nucleons, or as a quark-gluon plasma.
Ejection of a meson from a nucleus is possible but iirc is never spontaneous - something else has to happen too.

Does that answer your questions?
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  • #3
yes that does thanks.
  • #4
The reaction positron + down-quark to electron-antineutrino + up-quark is possible via the weak interaction. This is not an annihilation process, but it could transform a neutron into a proton.
  • #5
So if that is what happens to a neutron then what about the proton wouldn't it then be broken apart and the mesons annihilate giving of energy that would ether break apart an atom of large size or escape into its surroundings.
  • #6
If that (positron+down-quark) happens to a neutron in an atom, then the atomic number goes up one. The new nucleus follows the rules for that atom. if it turns out to be unstable then it decays normally. This sort of thing happens all the time.

FAQ: Question on whether positron/Down Quark can be fused.

1. Can positrons and down quarks be fused together?

Yes, positrons and down quarks can be fused together through a process called electron capture. This occurs when a proton in a nucleus captures an electron, converting into a neutron. The resulting neutron can then fuse with a down quark to form a neutron-rich nucleus.

2. What is the purpose of fusing positrons and down quarks?

The purpose of fusing positrons and down quarks is to study the properties of strong nuclear force and to produce new particles. This process also plays a role in nuclear energy production and is being researched for potential use in fusion reactors.

3. Are positron/down quark fusions a common occurrence in nature?

No, positron/down quark fusions are not a common occurrence in nature. This process usually occurs in extreme conditions, such as within the core of a star or during particle accelerator experiments.

4. What are the potential implications of successful positron/down quark fusion?

If successful, positron/down quark fusion could provide a clean and efficient source of energy, as well as help us better understand the fundamental building blocks of matter and the universe. It could also have implications for medical imaging and cancer treatment.

5. What challenges exist in attempting to fuse positrons and down quarks?

One of the main challenges in fusing positrons and down quarks is creating the necessary conditions for them to come into contact with each other. This requires extremely high temperatures and pressures, as well as precise control and manipulation of particles. Additionally, the resulting unstable nuclei must be carefully studied and controlled to prevent them from decaying too quickly.

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