Question regarding higgs, grravity, and electromagnetic dimensions

In summary, there is no proven theory of quantum gravity, just the theory of gravity (general relativity) which does not require a Higgs-field or extra dimensions (unless 4D spacetime already counts as an extra dimension over 3D space to you) and the Standard Model of particle physics which does not require extra dimensions (same comment about 4D spacetime vs. 3D space here) and does not describe gravity at all. There is string theory, which is capable of including both a graviton and a higgs. However as far as I know there is no special connection whatsoever between the graviton and the higgs in string theory, any more than there is between the higgs and anything else. (In fact I
  • #1
This question is going to be very weird, but bear with me please. The higgs, we believe is associated with the gravitron, correct? And it's possible that dimensions 5-7 could be the electromagnetic spectrums that can manipulate the higgs/gravitron? Or am I not even close?

I am doing research for a science fiction story I am writing and am a stickler for making things as close to scientificly true as possible, or within the realm of possibility. Therefore, I don't like to break the basic rules of physics that we already know to be true, i.e.- When the fiction part takes over from the known laws of physics, I like for the fiction to atleast be true to science up to the point of what we know to be proven true.

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  • #2
Yazirical said:
This question is going to be very weird, but bear with me please. The higgs, we believe is associated with the gravitron, correct?
No, I don't think so.

And it's possible that dimensions 5-7 could be the electromagnetic spectrums that can manipulate the higgs/gravitron?
Don't think so, either.

Or am I not even close?
Not in any BSM theory I know.

I am doing research for a science fiction story I am writing and am a stickler for making things as close to scientificly true as possible, or within the realm of possibility. Therefore, I don't like to break the basic rules of physics that we already know to be true, i.e.- When the fiction part takes over from the known laws of physics, I like for the fiction to atleast be true to science up to the point of what we know to be proven true.
There is no proven theory of quantum gravity, just the theory of gravity (general relativity) which does not require a Higgs-field or extra dimensions (unless 4D spacetime already counts as an extra dimension over 3D space to you) and the Standard Model of particle physics which does not require extra dimensions (same comment about 4D spacetime vs. 3D space here) and does not describe gravity at all.
  • #3
Timo said:
There is no proven theory of quantum gravity, just the theory of gravity (general relativity) which does not require a Higgs-field or extra dimensions (unless 4D spacetime already counts as an extra dimension over 3D space to you) and the Standard Model of particle physics which does not require extra dimensions (same comment about 4D spacetime vs. 3D space here) and does not describe gravity at all.

There is string theory, which is capable of including both a graviton and a higgs. However as far as I know there is no special connection whatsoever between the graviton and the higgs in string theory, any more than there is between the higgs and anything else. (In fact I am not even sure that string theory always has a higgs.) String theory is also the most popular (only?) more-than-four-dimensional theory being used in physics today.

It is also worth noting however that string theory does not do the kaluza-klein thing of "assigning" dimensions to forces-- they wouldn't say that, like, "dimension 5 is the electromagnetic spectrum". Rather the idea is that string theory says that particles arise because of the vibrations and interactions of one-dimensional strings, and these strings can only exist inside a ten-dimensional (or eleven-dimensional, or 26-dimensional) background.
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ok i re-read some of the stuff I had read before, and had mixed some of it up in my head.

So, is there nothing we currently know of that can effect the force of gravity? Is Dark Matter/energy the only thing we know of that theoretically can, and that might be solved soon at CERN?

And please don't respond with something like centrifugal force. You physicists are ever so picky with wording on things and I just don't know enough to phrase everything perfectly. I am looking for what, if any, theories exist about effecting gravity artificially with another force.

Related to Question regarding higgs, grravity, and electromagnetic dimensions

1. How does the Higgs field give particles mass?

The Higgs field is a fundamental field that permeates throughout the universe. As particles interact with this field, they acquire mass through a process called the Higgs mechanism. This is due to the Higgs field interacting with particles and giving them resistance to movement, which we experience as mass.

2. What is the significance of the Higgs boson in relation to the Higgs field?

The Higgs boson is the particle associated with the Higgs field. Its discovery in 2012 confirmed the existence of the Higgs field and its role in giving particles mass. The Higgs boson is also responsible for mediating interactions between particles and the Higgs field.

3. How does gravity fit into the Standard Model of particle physics?

Gravity is not currently included in the Standard Model of particle physics, which is the most widely accepted theory that describes the fundamental particles and forces in the universe. However, many scientists are working to find a way to incorporate gravity into the Standard Model, as it is a fundamental force that plays a crucial role in the structure of the universe.

4. What are electromagnetic dimensions and how do they relate to the Higgs field?

Electromagnetic dimensions are theoretical dimensions that could exist beyond the three dimensions of space and one dimension of time that we are familiar with. Some theories suggest that these extra dimensions may be compactified, meaning they are curled up and too small for us to observe. The Higgs field is thought to permeate through these dimensions, giving particles mass and mediating interactions.

5. How does the Higgs field interact with other fundamental forces?

The Higgs field interacts differently with each of the other fundamental forces (strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, and electromagnetism). It is responsible for giving particles mass, while also playing a role in mediating interactions between particles and the other forces. For example, the Higgs field can give particles mass, which then allows them to interact with the strong and weak nuclear forces. The Higgs field also interacts with the electromagnetic force through the Higgs mechanism, which gives particles that interact with the electromagnetic force their mass.

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