Question regarding parallel plate capacitor

In summary, when a third plate is inserted between two parallel plates in a capacitor, it creates two new capacitors in series, forming an overall capacitor.
  • #1
Lets assume that there is a parallel plate capacitor connected across a supply of V volts. Then, there is charge redistribution between the plates such that finally the potential of positive plate wrt the negative plate is V volts. Let us assume air is the dielectric between the two plates. Now what happens if I introduce a plate in between the existing two plates. As per electrical analogy, its as good as two capacitors connected as a capacitor.

My question is that will such an arrangement of 3 plates with two plates connected across the supply and with a plate in between these two plates still behave as a capacitor. If so, please explain the physics behind it.

Thank you.
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  • #2
arunbhaskar said:
My question is that will such an arrangement of 3 plates with two plates connected across the supply and with a plate in between these two plates still behave as a capacitor.
Why not? It would be like two capacitors in series.
  • #3
If so what is the charge on the middle plate assuming that the middle plate is equally spaced from the other two plates?
  • #4
arunbhaskar said:
If so what is the charge on the middle plate assuming that the middle plate is equally spaced from the other two plates?
The net charge would be zero of course. The surface charge on the middle plate will be the same as on the outer plates.

To see if the charge stored changes when the middle plate is introduced, calculate the new capacitance in terms of the original.
  • #5
Ok. I think I got the logic here. The field lines of positive plate end on one side of the middle plate(the one facing the positive plate) and the field lines again start from other side of the middle plate and end on the negative plate of the original capacitor. Am I right?
  • #6
Sounds good to me.
  • #7
arunbhaskar said:
Lets assume that there is a parallel plate capacitor connected across a supply of V volts. Then, there is charge redistribution between the plates such that finally the potential of positive plate wrt the negative plate is V volts. Let us assume air is the dielectric between the two plates. Now what happens if I introduce a plate in between the existing two plates. As per electrical analogy, its as good as two capacitors connected as a capacitor.

My question is that will such an arrangement of 3 plates with two plates connected across the supply and with a plate in between these two plates still behave as a capacitor. If so, please explain the physics behind it.

Thank you.
In a capacitor it is known that the two plates are oppositely charged , which is in turn due to attraction of negative charge or the electrons of the second plate by the the first plate which is charged with the help of battery and these both oppositely charged plates form a capacitor.
now when a third plate is inserted , the previously charged positive plate attracts the electron of the third plate due to which one side of the "inserted plate" becomes negatively charged and the other side of this plate becomes positively charged .so the left side separately serve as "-ve"counterpart for the previously the first plate and the right side separately serve as the "+ve" plate for the negative plate.So this forms two complete pairs of positively and negatively charged capacitor plates, hence giving rise to the two new capacitors.

Related to Question regarding parallel plate capacitor

1. What is a parallel plate capacitor?

A parallel plate capacitor is a type of capacitor that consists of two parallel conductive plates separated by an insulating material, also known as a dielectric. When a voltage is applied to the plates, an electric field is created between them, allowing the capacitor to store electrical energy.

2. How does a parallel plate capacitor work?

A parallel plate capacitor works by storing electrical energy in an electric field. When a voltage is applied to the plates, the positive charges on one plate are attracted to the negative charges on the other plate, creating an electric field between them. The strength of this electric field is determined by the distance between the plates and the voltage applied.

3. What is the formula for calculating the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor?

The formula for calculating the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor is C = ε0A/d, where C is the capacitance in farads, ε0 is the permittivity of free space (8.85 x 10^-12 F/m), A is the area of the plates in square meters, and d is the distance between the plates in meters.

4. How can I increase the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor?

The capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor can be increased by increasing the area of the plates, decreasing the distance between the plates, or using a material with a higher dielectric constant. Additionally, connecting multiple parallel plate capacitors in series or in parallel can also increase the overall capacitance.

5. What are some real-life applications of parallel plate capacitors?

Parallel plate capacitors have many practical applications, including in electronic circuits to store and regulate electrical energy, in power transmission systems to improve power factor, and in electronic devices such as radios, televisions, and computers. They are also used in sensors, actuators, and various medical devices.
