Question regarding probability of observation

In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between two binary random variables, A and B, and how observing one variable affects the probability of the other variable. The first scenario involves observing A=T and the second scenario involves observing B=T. The first question asks if the probability of B=T becomes 1.0 when it is observed, and the second question asks why the marginal value of P(B=T) is used in the Bayes' rule instead of the observed value. The conversation also includes a notation clarification and suggests building a tree to better understand the possible outcomes of the experiment.
  • #1
Hi Everyone,

I am a newbie in probability theory and following is my question:

Consider we have two binary random variables A and B. B is dependent on A. So we have two conditional probability tables P(A) and P(B|A) with the following parameters :

A P(A)
F 0.3
T 0.7

A P(B=T|A)
F 0.4
T 0.6

Suppose that A=T is observed. So, now the probability of A being True is 1.0 instead of 0.3 and P(A=F) = 0.0 instead of 0.7. Observing A=T the probability of B=T is going to be 0.4, by just looking up the corresponding tuple in B's CPT. Consider a different scenario where we now observe only B=T. My first question is,

1) is P(B=T) going to be 1.0, since we have observed it, comparing to the first scenario of observing A=T? I know that if nothing is observed then P(B=T) is calculated as P(A=T)xP(B=T|A=T)+P(A=F)xP(B=T|A=F), which is the marginal probability of B=T.

My second question which follows from the first one is,
2) if P(B=T) = 1.0 when B=T has been observed, then while calculating the posterior probability of A=T given B=T i.e. P(A=T|B=T) why is it that we don't put P(B=T)=1.0 in the denominator of the following Baye's rule

P(A=T|B=T) = P(A=T) x P(B=T|A=T) / P(B=T)

Why do we use the marginal value of P(B=T) [when nothing is observed] computed by the expression
P(A=T) x P(B=T|A=T) + P(A=F) x P(B=T|A=F)?

Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
OK - denote ##\small A## meaning ##\small A\leftarrow T## and ##\small \lnot A## meaning ##\small A \leftarrow F##.
$$\small P(A)=0.7\\
\small P(\lnot A)=0.3\\
\small P(B|A)=0.6\\
\small P(B|\lnot A)=0.4$$
So, if ##\small A## then ##\small P(B)=0.6##
We want to ask, if ##\small B## then what is ##\small P(A)## ?

Construct a tree and figure out how many situations could lead to B (=T).
That should allow you to confirm or refute your assertions.
  • #3
Thank you Simon for your reply. If A=T then is P(A) = 1.0? I can understand that if A=T then P(B) = 0.6. I am just thinking what the probability of an observed event should be, not the unobserved event given some observation. This is actually my first question.
  • #4
My response was in two parts.
The first part hoped to tidy up the notation in a way that may help you think about the problem.
The second part hoped to point you in the direction of finding the answers to your questions.

If you observed A, then P(A) no longer has any meaning by itself.
Subsequent observations may see A or not depending on the nature of the system.

If you tossed a (biased) coin, and left it there, then subsequent measurements will be the same as the first one. eg. if A="the coin shows heads side up when I look at it" and the result was A, then you can say that P(A)=1 for subsequent measurements (observations of the coin without tossing it).

i.e. P(A|A)=1.

You use coin A to select which of two possible B-coins to pick.
You toss the indicated one ...

But you wanted to consider the consequences of doing the math in reverse.
To understand how that works, you need to think what the reverse process is.
The reverse experiment would be that someone else follows the procedure and I see only the result on the B coin ... what does this tell me about the probable states of the A coin?

If you were thinking of a different experiment, then please describe it.
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  • #5

1) No, P(B=T) would not necessarily be 1.0 just because B=T has been observed. The probability of B=T would still depend on the conditional probability of A=T and the marginal probability of A=T, as shown in the formula P(B=T) = P(A=T)xP(B=T|A=T)+P(A=F)xP(B=T|A=F). In this scenario, P(A=T) would still be 0.7 and P(B=T|A=T) would still be 0.6, resulting in P(B=T) = 0.7x0.6 + 0.3x0.4 = 0.58.

2) When using Bayes' rule to calculate the posterior probability of A=T given B=T, we use the marginal value of P(B=T) because it represents the overall probability of B=T, regardless of any specific observations. It takes into account both scenarios where A=T and A=F. If we were to use P(B=T)=1.0 in the denominator, it would only reflect the probability of B=T when A=T is observed, and would not accurately represent the overall probability of B=T. Therefore, using the marginal value of P(B=T) is necessary for an accurate calculation of the posterior probability.

Related to Question regarding probability of observation

1. What is probability of observation?

Probability of observation refers to the likelihood or chance of a particular event or outcome occurring based on the available evidence or data. It is a measure of how likely it is for a specific observation or result to be obtained.

2. How is probability of observation calculated?

Probability of observation is calculated by dividing the number of favorable outcomes by the total number of possible outcomes. This can be represented as a fraction, decimal, or percentage.

3. What factors influence probability of observation?

The probability of observation is influenced by several factors, including the number of possible outcomes, the sample size, and the level of uncertainty or randomness in the data. Other factors such as bias, confounding variables, and measurement error can also affect the probability of observation.

4. How does probability of observation relate to statistical significance?

Probability of observation is closely related to statistical significance, which is a measure of how likely it is for a result to be due to chance. A lower probability of observation (i.e. a smaller p-value) indicates a higher level of statistical significance and a stronger relationship between the observed data and the hypothesis being tested.

5. Can probability of observation be used to make accurate predictions?

While probability of observation can provide useful insights and information about the likelihood of certain events, it cannot guarantee accurate predictions. This is because probability only considers the available evidence and cannot account for all possible variables that may influence the outcome. However, with a large enough sample size and a well-designed study, probability of observation can help make more informed and reliable predictions.

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