Question regarding vector spaces and axioms

In summary: Check my previous post. Looks like it fails axiom 7.Axiom 7 in this case is the distributive law, which states that if you multiply two vectors, the result will be a vector that contains the products of the two original vectors. This does not seem to be the case in the example, as multiplying 1 by (x,y,z) does not result in (x,y,z).
  • #1

Homework Statement

I have quite a few problems that I believe I answered correctly, but here is one of them:

1. Rather than use the standard definitions of addition and scalar multiplication in R3, suppose these two operations are defined as follows:
(x1, y1, z1) + (x2, y2, z2) = (x1+ x2 + 1, y1+ y2 + 1, z1+ z2 + 1);

c(x,y,z) = (cx + c - 1, cy + c - 1, cz + c -1)

Homework Equations

10 axioms of a vector space

The Attempt at a Solution

R3 is not a vector space as it fails axiom 10 (Scalar Identity/ Axiom 10).
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  • #2
What is axiom 10? And why do you think it fails in this case?
  • #3
micromass said:
What is axiom 10? And why do you think it fails in this case?

Axiom 10 is the identity axiom.

The new definition states that multiplying a vector by scalar c will result in :

c(x,y,z) = (cx + c - 1, cy + c - 1, cz + c -1)

However, axiom 10 states that if you multiply 1 by the vector the result should be the vector. This is not the case, as the result is not the vector, but :
c(x,y,z) = (cx + c - 1, cy + c - 1, cz + c -1)
  • #4
I don't think it's obvious that 1(x,y,z) is not (x,y,z). Can you clarify this? (i.e. actually substitute c with 1...)
  • #5
micromass said:
I don't think it's obvious that 1(x,y,z) is not (x,y,z). Can you clarify this? (i.e. actually substitute c with 1...)

You're right, I missed it.

Substituting in c=1, you will get the same vector.

I believe this fails axiom 4, the additive identity.

(1,2,3) + (0,0,0) = (2,3,4)

Please correct me if I am wrong.
  • #6
Yes, but that only proves that (0,0,0) isn't the additive identity. But there may be other vectors which do satisfy the additive identity law. In fact, there is one such vector in this case...
  • #7
micromass said:
Yes, but that only proves that (0,0,0) isn't the additive identity. But there may be other vectors which do satisfy the additive identity law. In fact, there is one such vector in this case...

Any hints as to which axiom it would fail?

I'm having a hard time discerning which axiom it would fail.

I tested Axiom 7, and it does not work.

c(u + v) = cu + cv

c(u + v) = 6[(1,2,3) + (3,2,1)] = (30,30,30)

cu + cv = (34,34,34)
  • #8
Sadly enough, you need to check every 10 of the axioms to decide whether it's a vector space. It's a bit tedious, but it must be done...

And, who knows, maybe none of the axioms fail and it is a vector space
  • #9
micromass said:
Sadly enough, you need to check every 10 of the axioms to decide whether it's a vector space. It's a bit tedious, but it must be done...

And, who knows, maybe none of the axioms fail and it is a vector space

Check my previous post. Looks like it fails axiom 7.
  • #10
trojansc82 said:
Any hints as to which axiom it would fail?

I'm having a hard time discerning which axiom it would fail.

I tested Axiom 7, and it does not work.

c(u + v) = cu + cv

c(u + v) = 6[(1,2,3) + (3,2,1)] = (30,30,30)

cu + cv = (34,34,34)

Hmm, I calculated it myself, and I seem to get a different answer than you. So perhaps I miscalculated it, can you show your steps to be sure?

But my answer also failed axiom 7, so I do think that axiom 7 is likely to fail!

FAQ: Question regarding vector spaces and axioms

What is a vector space?

A vector space is a mathematical structure that consists of a set of elements, called vectors, and two operations: addition and scalar multiplication. These operations must follow a set of axioms, or rules, in order for the set to be considered a vector space.

What are the axioms of a vector space?

The axioms of a vector space are the rules that define the properties and behaviors of the set and its operations. These axioms include closure, associativity, commutativity, identity element, inverse element, and distributivity.

What is closure in a vector space?

Closure is an axiom that states that when two vectors are added together or multiplied by a scalar, the result must also be a vector in the same set. This means that the set is closed under the operations of addition and scalar multiplication.

Why is the identity element important in a vector space?

The identity element is important because it serves as a reference point for the operations of addition and scalar multiplication. For addition, the identity element is the vector that when added to any other vector, results in the same vector. For scalar multiplication, the identity element is the number 1, which when multiplied by any vector, results in the same vector.

What is the difference between a vector space and a subspace?

A vector space is a set that satisfies all the axioms of a vector space, while a subspace is a subset of a vector space that also satisfies all the axioms. In other words, a subspace is a smaller version of a vector space, but it still follows all the same rules and properties as the larger set.

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