Questionable Ads Showing Up in Physics Forums Threads - Investigate Now!

  • Complaint
  • Thread starter DaveC426913
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the issue of advertisements appearing in posts on the Physics Forums website. The original poster expresses concern that these ads can potentially confuse readers and alter the content of posts. Another user suggests reporting specific ads to be banned, but points out that the ad space will still remain. The discussion then shifts to the importance of advertisements in supporting the site and a clarification is made that the original poster was not complaining but rather providing feedback. The attached screen grab shows two examples of inappropriate ads appearing on a specific post.
  • #1
Gold Member
See thread
and attached screen grab.

Is this an ad? Or something else? It's directly PF-related. It's a "related searches" Flash thingy in the body of my message.

I wasn't logged in so I know why I was getting it, and I'm sure once logged in I won't see it.


This is worse than intrusive; it's damaging. It potentially completely changes the content of a post. Readers of the thread will refer to the inclusion and try to figure out what I'm talking out. I know I did, and I wrote the post!

Can anything be done?


  • pf_ad.jpg
    55 KB · Views: 573
Physics news on
  • #3
Well it's still there. All I have to do is log out and I see it again.But I'm not concerned about my specific post as much as I am about the problem in general of putting ads inside a post where they can be easily confused with the post content.

I know this is all pretty automatic, and I don't know how much control you have over where/when/what ads are placed.

Anyway, it's a Flash element. The src URL is
h t t p //,465&cxy=1475,732&dxy=1475,732&tz=240&ln=en-US
  • #4
Yes it is ad space. I'm saying I can ban the specific ad if warranted, but the ad space will remain.
  • #5
Greg Bernhardt said:
Yes it is ad space. I'm saying I can ban the specific ad if warranted, but the ad space will remain.

Yeah. That's what I assumed.

I guess the confusion lies in the fact that the ad ... is advertizing ... PF?
  • #6
DaveC426913 said:
I guess the confusion lies in the fact that the ad ... is advertizing ... PF?

I guess if you push Targeted Advertising to the limit, you reach Tautological Adverstising: "People who bought XYZ are interested in buying XYZ"...
  • #7
AlephZero said:
I guess if you push Targeted Advertising to the limit, you reach Tautological Adverstising: "People who bought XYZ are interested in buying XYZ"...

  • #8
DaveC426913 said:
I guess the confusion lies in the fact that the ad ... is advertizing ... PF?
Just how, my friend, do you think that Greg supports this site considering how few of us actually pay for a membership as opposed to the thousands who indulge for free? Sometimes I snoop around without logging on, and the ads are irritating but not lethal. I prefer to log on so that I might respond to something or be alerted to things that are new since my last viewing, but sometimes I just snoop.
  • #9
Danger said:
Just how, my friend, do you think that Greg supports this site considering how few of us actually pay for a membership as opposed to the thousands who indulge for free? Sometimes I snoop around without logging on, and the ads are irritating but not lethal. I prefer to log on so that I might respond to something or be alerted to things that are new since my last viewing, but sometimes I just snoop.

I wasn't not complaining about any intrusion, as if I have some right to be ad-free. I was just concerned about the ads affecting the message of the posts.
  • #10
Speaking of sending the wrong message ...

It occurs to me I should not have used the Complaint label. I'm not complaining. I should have used the Feedback label.
  • #11
I have attached two bad ads repeatedly appearing in Ryan's post.


  • 1.png
    41 KB · Views: 437
  • 2.png
    14.8 KB · Views: 459

FAQ: Questionable Ads Showing Up in Physics Forums Threads - Investigate Now!

What are "questionable ads"?

Questionable ads refer to advertisements that may be misleading, inappropriate, or unrelated to the content of the website or forum they are displayed on.

Why are these ads showing up in Physics Forums threads?

It is likely that these ads are being displayed through third-party advertising networks. These networks use algorithms to target specific websites and may not always filter out questionable ads.

Are these ads harmful?

It is possible that some of these ads could lead to harmful websites or contain malware. However, it is also possible that they are simply misleading or untrustworthy. It is important to be cautious when clicking on any ad, especially if it seems questionable.

What can be done to investigate these ads?

The first step would be to report the ads to the website or forum moderators. They can then investigate and potentially remove the ads from their site. It may also be helpful to report the ads to the advertising network itself.

How can we prevent these ads from appearing in the future?

Unfortunately, it is difficult to completely prevent these ads from appearing. However, website and forum moderators can work with their advertising networks to filter out questionable ads. Website visitors can also use ad-blocking software to avoid seeing these ads.

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