Questionable results with simulation software

In summary: LTspice? Specifically, what type of problems does it typically solve?LTspice is a SPICE simulator that is used to compare results of circuits. It is not as accurate as more complex simulators, but it is more user-friendly and is often used to illustrate circuits that are being solved analytically.
  • #1
Bourbon daddy
I am doing an assignment for college, (though my question is more general, rather than based on questions I have been set, hence the reason this post not being in the homework forum).

It is basic DC circuit analysis using, Kirchhoff, Thevenin and Norton theorems. Nothing taxing, so I know my calculations are correct. Also, using different methods on each circuit is giving me the same results,confirming my findings.

However, to back it up, I have also created the circuits using Yenka simulation software and I find that the results differ. Not by much, generally less than 5% of the expected value, but occasionally as much as 8.5%. I am not too concerned, but does anyone know why there is a slight anomaly between the results. Am I just expecting too much from the software or is it something more than this. For instance, the calculations being more of a theoretical estimation and the simulation software being closer to what the readings would be 'in the real world'.

Thanks guys
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  • #2
Bourbon daddy said:
... For instance, the calculations being more of a theoretical estimation and the simulation software being closer to what the readings would be 'in the real world' ...
All the software does is find a numerical solution to a problem you already have an analytical solution for. If there's that large of a difference in results, then it's either a terrible solver for your problem (which seems odd for the ideal, linear networks you're probably working on) or there's other elements to the circuit used in the simulation which you aren't including when solving it analytically.

Have you tried using LTspice or some other SPICE simulator to compare results?
  • #3
I haven't tried LT spice, I will download it and give it a go. Yenka is a very basic software, similar to crocodile technologies, that I was introduced to when designing circuits with logic gates. It is not really up to much, I usually just use it to illustrate the circuits that I am solving.

Like I said, the circuits that I am calculating are all very basic: 2 voltage sources, 3 resistors max. So i could understand why the results are so inaccurate.

Thanks for the advice though, being fairly new to this, I am always on the look out for good software I can use.
  • #4
I'm not familiar with the software from Yenka - the default settings for its solver might be too lax (as in _a lot_), but I'm just speculating. If you have the same problem with LTspice then I'd very much like to see your analytical solution vs. the simulation results.
  • #5
of course. I have just downloaded LT spice IV. I will watch a few tutorials and get to grips with it, but it will probably be later tonight, or maybe even tomorrow that I get to complete the questions that I am currently doing.
  • #6
Show as a circuit diagram you use in Yenka. Is impossible to get wrong result in DC analysis in simulation software.
  • #7
I have just set up a parallel dc circuit consisting of two power supplies, 108V and 84V, and three resistors, 6, 99 and 30 ohms. Measuring the voltage and current of the various components using LT spice I am getting exactly the results I was expecting. I guess it is time to stop using Yenka for network analysis. Thanks for the advice Miles young.
  • #8
Well very strange, because I get exactly the same result in both programs.
Maybe you have "ON" internal resistance in Yenka.


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  • #9
Jony130 said:
Is impossible to get wrong result in DC analysis in simulation software.

Ahh ... the innocence of youth ... :smile:

But if you are getting results 5% wrong for a circuit that simple, either the software is complete junk, or (more likely) the simulation you ran was not the same as the one you wanted to run.
  • #10
AlephZero said:
Ahh ... the innocence of youth ... :smile:

But if you are getting results 5% wrong for a circuit that simple, either the software is complete junk, or (more likely) the simulation you ran was not the same as the one you wanted to run.

Yep ... Perhaps the simulation has an internal resistance in the source, or some other aspect that it is modeling that does not match what the OP thinks they are simulating. I am not familiar with that software, but the OP should "open up" the elements and see what parameters they have ... it is likely not doing what they think it is. It is possible the software reallly is that bad - but I would be surprised.


Related to Questionable results with simulation software

1. What are some potential reasons for questionable results with simulation software?

There are a few possible reasons for questionable results with simulation software. One common reason is that the software may have bugs or errors, which can lead to inaccurate results. Another reason could be that the input data or parameters used in the simulation are incorrect or incomplete. Additionally, the simulation model itself may be oversimplified or not fully representative of the real-world system being studied.

2. How can I determine if the results from a simulation software are reliable?

To determine the reliability of simulation results, it is important to validate the software by comparing the output to known analytical or experimental results. It is also crucial to thoroughly review and verify the input data and parameters used in the simulation. Conducting sensitivity analyses and running multiple simulations with varying inputs can also help assess the reliability of the results.

3. What steps should I take if I encounter questionable results from simulation software?

If you encounter questionable results from simulation software, the first step is to carefully review and verify the input data and parameters. Then, try to validate the results by comparing them to known analytical or experimental results. If the results still seem questionable, it may be necessary to adjust the simulation model or seek expert advice to troubleshoot the issue.

4. How can I improve the accuracy of simulation software results?

Improving the accuracy of simulation software results requires careful consideration of the input data and parameters. Ensuring that the simulation model is well-validated and representative of the real-world system is also crucial. It may also be helpful to conduct sensitivity analyses and run multiple simulations with varying inputs to assess the impact on the results.

5. Are there any limitations to simulation software that could lead to questionable results?

Yes, there are some limitations to simulation software that could lead to questionable results. One limitation is that the simulation model may not fully capture all the complexities and nuances of the real-world system being studied. Additionally, the accuracy of the results may be affected by the quality and completeness of the input data and parameters. Lastly, the software may have inherent limitations or assumptions that could impact the results.

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