Questions about Carbon Nanotubes

In summary, there are many reputable sources available to learn more about single layer carbon nanotubes, including the Royal Society of Chemistry, American Physical Society, and National Nanotechnology Initiative websites.
  • #1
Anyone know a good source to learn more about them. Recently I was watching a video at and a speaker purposed interesting concepts about single layer carbon nanotubes.

Questions I have:
Acceleration of particles(The speaker said something about accelerating particles using the tubes)
Could I accelerate molecules or atoms through them?
How does exposing oxygen to the nanotubes that are semiconductors effect their type (n/p material properties)? If I understand that right than could doing something like a memristor change a carbon nanotube from n to p "type" material dynamically?
How does a carbon fly wheel work? Could this be applied to harvesting lightening?

I just got my bachelors in computer science but I've always been more into physics, I'm planning on going back to get a graduate degree in physics but I need to start learning now... Sorry if I rant
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  • #2
too much.There are many great resources to learn about single layer carbon nanotubes. One of the best places to start is the Royal Society of Chemistry’s website ( They have a wealth of information on the subject, including articles, books, and other resources. Additionally, the American Physical Society ( has a large collection of articles and research papers on the topic. Finally, the National Nanotechnology Initiative ( also has a wealth of information on carbon nanotubes and other nanotechnologies.
  • #3

I can provide some insight into your questions about carbon nanotubes. Carbon nanotubes are cylindrical structures made of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal pattern. They have unique properties such as high strength, flexibility, and conductivity, making them useful in various fields including electronics, materials science, and energy storage.

Regarding the acceleration of particles, carbon nanotubes have been shown to have high electron mobility, meaning they can transport electrons quickly. This property has been utilized in research to accelerate particles such as electrons and protons through the tubes. However, this technology is still in its early stages and more research is needed to fully understand its potential and limitations.

In terms of accelerating molecules or atoms through carbon nanotubes, it is possible in theory, but it would require precise control and manipulation of the particles. This is an area that is still being explored and researched.

Exposing carbon nanotubes to oxygen can affect their properties, particularly their conductivity. This is because oxygen can introduce defects or impurities in the carbon structure, changing its electrical properties. As for the memristor concept, it is possible to change the type of material properties of a carbon nanotube dynamically, but it would require sophisticated control and manipulation techniques.

A carbon flywheel is a type of energy storage device that uses the rotational energy of a spinning carbon disk to store and release energy. While this technology has been used in various applications, it is not directly related to carbon nanotubes. However, carbon nanotubes have been studied for their potential use in energy storage devices, including flywheels.

If you are interested in learning more about carbon nanotubes, I recommend starting with a basic understanding of nanotechnology and materials science. There are also many online resources and research papers available that can provide more in-depth information on the specific topics you mentioned. Additionally, pursuing a graduate degree in physics would provide you with a more comprehensive understanding of the science behind carbon nanotubes and their potential applications. I hope this helps and good luck with your studies!

Related to Questions about Carbon Nanotubes

What are carbon nanotubes?

Carbon nanotubes are cylindrical structures made of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal pattern. They have a diameter of about 1 nanometer and can be several micrometers long.

What are the properties of carbon nanotubes?

Carbon nanotubes have a high strength-to-weight ratio, excellent thermal and electrical conductivity, and are highly flexible and durable. They also have a large surface area, making them useful for various applications.

What are the potential uses of carbon nanotubes?

Carbon nanotubes have a wide range of potential uses in various industries, including electronics, energy storage, aerospace, and medicine. They can be used as conductive additives in materials, as sensors, and in drug delivery systems, among other applications.

What are the challenges in producing carbon nanotubes?

One of the main challenges in producing carbon nanotubes is achieving a high level of purity and controlling their size and shape. The manufacturing process can also be costly and requires specialized equipment and techniques.

Are there any safety concerns with carbon nanotubes?

While carbon nanotubes have many potential benefits, there are also some safety concerns. Inhalation of carbon nanotubes in their raw form can be harmful to human health, and their effects on the environment are still being studied. Proper handling, disposal, and regulation are important in the use of carbon nanotubes.

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