Questions about Carbon Nanotubes

In summary, scientists and engineers say that carbon nanotubes are strong because of their high strength to weight ratio. They also say that carbon nanotube materials will be strong in the same ways as other carbon materials, which is interesting to know.
  • #1
I don't know if this is in the right forum but it seemed to fit quite nicely in here :P

I was wondering about cxarbon nanotubes. There said to be really very strong, but what i don't underdtand is why? There so very thin! Doesd nanotechnology behave differasntly to microtechnology due to the huge size decreease? is this more of quantum mechanics than classial mechanics?

if anybody could put meright on any of this id be very grateful :) tar!
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  • #2
When a scientist or engineer says something is "strong" they don't usually mean in an absolute sense, they mean strength to weight ratio or sometimes strenght to cross sectional area. For example, it is often said that for cables of the same thickness, a cable made of spider web material is stronger than a cable made of iron. And titanium in general is stronger and lighter than steel.

Carbon nanotubes have the highest strength to weight ratio of any material known (afaik) as a consequence of the chemical bonding properties of carbon. For years, various other carbon materials have been used in place of metal for a variety of applications (my golf clubs) due to their high strenght to weight ratio.
  • #3
oh i see, so when they say they use it in practical applications, they actually mean a whole load of carbon nanotubes all wrapped around one another!

thanks :)
  • #4
if you've ever looked closely at normal break cable, its 3 strands wrapped around each other, and each 1 of those strands is made from 3 smaller strands.

and by strenth, they mean tensile strenth. as in, spiders silk has a higher tensile strenth than steal, BUT, you can't make a wall out of spiders silk, it'll just flop into a pile, like yarn.

wether carbon nanotubes will be strong in the spiders silk sence, or steel sence, i do not know.

Related to Questions about Carbon Nanotubes

1. What are carbon nanotubes?

Carbon nanotubes are cylindrical structures made up of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice. They have a diameter of only a few nanometers and can be several millimeters long. They are considered one of the strongest and most conductive materials known.

2. How are carbon nanotubes made?

There are several methods for making carbon nanotubes, including chemical vapor deposition, arc discharge, and laser ablation. These methods involve heating carbon-containing materials in a controlled environment to form the nanotubes.

3. What are the potential applications of carbon nanotubes?

Carbon nanotubes have many potential applications in various fields, including electronics, energy storage, and biomedical devices. They are being researched for use in transistors, batteries, and drug delivery systems due to their unique properties.

4. Are carbon nanotubes harmful to human health?

There is ongoing research on the potential health effects of carbon nanotubes. Some studies have shown that certain types of nanotubes can cause lung damage and inflammation, similar to asbestos. However, more research is needed to fully understand the health risks.

5. Can carbon nanotubes be used in environmental remediation?

Yes, carbon nanotubes have been researched for use in environmental remediation, specifically in removing pollutants from water and soil. They have been shown to have a high adsorption capacity for various contaminants, making them a potential solution for pollution cleanup.

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