Questions about convergence testing.

In summary, the conversation discusses the discovery of an infinite sum that appears to converge to a number. Using different rules and methods, four of these series have been created, all involving odd primes and showing that the series are infinite. One more series has been found to converge to a number, but drops an occasional prime. The question is raised whether proving convergence for the series involving all primes would also indicate convergence for the second series. The use of Euler's Prime Product and the ratio test is also mentioned. It is then revealed that the series has led to proofs of Andrica's Conjecture, Legendre's Conjecture, and Goldbach's Conjecture. The discovery of these proofs is attributed to being ignored by the forum.
  • #1
Rudy Toody
I have found an interesting infinite sum that appears to converge to a number.

In fact, I have created four of these using slightly different rules.

Since, all of the odd primes are involved in each series, I know that the series are infinite. I will confirm this by using Euler's Prime Product in place of the sum at each step. I should get Pi^2 / 6.

Now, I have one more series that is nearly identical to one of the above, but it drops an occasional prime (about one prime for every 8 steps.) The two series are in lock-step for 7 out of 8 steps.

That series also seems to converge to a number.

Question1: If I can prove convergence of the series that contains all of the primes, and if I can prove that when using the ratio test that they converge, would that indicate that the second series is also infinite? I know it would mean that it is convergent.

Question2: Can I use the Prime Product as one (or both) elements of the ratio test, or does that only work for sums?
Mathematics news on
  • #2
This is a math forum. if you want some feedback on your ideas, you will have to write down some math.

There are some excellent mathematicians here, but not many experts at ESP.
  • #3
AlephZero said:
This is a math forum. if you want some feedback on your ideas, you will have to write down some math.
Think of it as a story problem.

Edit: I think this should be in the Number Theory forum. Perhaps, a moderator could move it.
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  • #4
I have found that these series sum to a numbers whose convergence/divergence is undecidable.

Using this information and a few more rules, I have created proofs of Andrica's Conjecture, Legendre's Conjecture, and using a slightly different method, Goldbach's Conjecture.

It seems that the Twin Primes and Quadruplet Primes might also be targets for this series.

I would not have found these calculations had I not been ignored by this forum. Thanks for the tough-love!

I am drafting the proofs now and will post again after I submit them to a journal.
  • #5
So far you have made three posts and said you have some series and want to know if it converges. That is a lot like saying "I have this problem, and want to know the answer"! There simply isn't enough information to tell us what your question reall is!
  • #6
HallsofIvy said:
So far you have made three posts and said you have some series and want to know if it converges. That is a lot like saying "I have this problem, and want to know the answer"! There simply isn't enough information to tell us what your question reall is!

In my previous post, I stated that I had found the answer. I am in the process of drafting the proofs.

It turns out that these series are entirely new and magical.

Bounded, Convergent Prime Series Abstract:
1) We create a new type of infinite prime series using bounded steps to force convergence. 2) Using one of these series, we show a proof of Andrica's Conjecture. 3) Using that proof, we show a proof of Legendre's Conjecture. 4) Using that same series in a slightly different manner, we show a proof of Goldbach's Conjecture. 5) Using another series and the series from 4, we show a proof of Goldbach's Weak Conjecture.
  • #7
First, I want to apologize about my curtness earlier. I did not have any math at that time to show. Now I do. I have started a thread on the Number Theory forum to discuss this series.

Edit:"" It was rejected for obvious reasons. You can use it to get a sneak-peek at the proofs I will present on the other thread to see how magical this Semi-Pronic series can be.

If anyone has suggestions, feel free to jump onto that thread.

If you come up with your own proof, publish it! (with a citation to give me some credit.)

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FAQ: Questions about convergence testing.

1. What is convergence testing?

Convergence testing is a method used to determine the accuracy and reliability of a numerical or mathematical algorithm. It involves testing the output of the algorithm against known or expected values to ensure that it is approaching a stable solution.

2. Why is convergence testing important?

Convergence testing is important because it allows scientists and mathematicians to validate the results of their algorithms and ensure that they are producing accurate and reliable solutions. It also helps identify and correct any errors in the algorithm.

3. How is convergence testing performed?

Convergence testing can be performed using a variety of methods, such as comparing the results of the algorithm with known or expected values, plotting the results on a graph to observe trends, or using statistical tests to determine the level of convergence.

4. What are some common convergence criteria?

Some common convergence criteria include reaching a specific level of accuracy or precision, decreasing the error or difference between successive iterations, or reaching a plateau in the results.

5. What are the limitations of convergence testing?

Convergence testing is limited by the accuracy of the initial values and the chosen convergence criteria. It is also important to note that convergence testing does not guarantee the correctness of the algorithm, as it only checks for convergence towards a solution, not the actual correctness of the solution.

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