Questions about string theory Black hole entropy results

In summary, the results have not yet been extended to non-extremal black holes. It is unclear if they work for backgrounds that are strongly varying in time or for rotating black holes that are rapidly losing or gaining mass or charge. There is skepticism from some physicists, such as Roger Penrose and Lee Smolin, about string theory's derivation of black hole entropy. The physical interpretation of these results is still being explored, with the idea that the horizon may be an emergent thermodynamic effect. The microstates in these calculations are configurations of spacetimes or branes, and it is unknown if they are volume-extensive or if they offer precise details of Hawking radiation. It is hoped that the calculations will remain roughly the same as the
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Has these results been extended to non-extremel BH?

Do they work when the cc is +, (deSitter) and where SUSY is strongly broken (like our world)

Do they work when the background is strongly varying in time, such as two black holes merging?

They work for extremel black holes that are rotating, rapidly losing or gaining mass or charge? i.e if they calculate using string theory an extremel black hole entropy, what happens to the entropy as the bh becomes more neutral charge?

Does it offer precise details of hawking radiation, its spectrum and particle content?

Roger Penrose in Road to Reality and Lee Smolin in TWOP expressed deep skepticism of string theory's derivation of black hole entropy. "I am quite unconvinced" Penrose states plainly in RTR.
Are there any reasons to be skeptical of this deviation? i.e are a pile of branes really a black hole? is it true they make these calculations with gravity = 0 and no cosmological constant?

What is the physical interpretation of these results? The microstates are branes? Is the entropy volume-extensive? What are some qualitative physics in the interior beyond event horizon when GR and QM break down.
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I am working on this stuff, but I've only just started, so I can't answer questions very well.

Yes, so far we do calculations where the gravitational coupling is zero. The hope is that the microstate counting remains roughly the same as the coupling is turned on. I'm not familiar with the details of this yet, so I can't comment on the rigor of this idea.

It does NOT offer precise details of Hawking radiation (I think).

In the examples I've seen so far, the microstates are configurations of spacetimes (or configurations of branes, which produce different spacetimes). Large classes of solutions (for BPS black holes) can be found where the spacetime is completely regular, with no horizons or singularities. It is thought perhaps that the horizon is an emergent thermodynamic effect (the fuzzball proposal). For non-BPS black holes, the equations become significantly more difficult to solve, so it is an open question whether the same sort of solutions exist in that case.

As for supersymmetry, right now I am working on some solutions where most SUSY is broken. I don't know if these solutions are extremal or not. I can tell you more when I finish. :)

FAQ: Questions about string theory Black hole entropy results

1. What is string theory and how does it relate to black hole entropy?

String theory is a theoretical framework that attempts to unify the four fundamental forces in the universe (gravity, electromagnetism, strong and weak nuclear forces) by describing them as vibrations of tiny, one-dimensional strings. Black hole entropy is a measure of the number of microscopic states that make up a black hole, and string theory has been used to explain the origin of this entropy.

2. How does string theory explain black hole entropy?

According to string theory, black holes are made up of microscopic strings that are constantly vibrating. These vibrations create a holographic "surface" around the black hole, which stores information about the particles and energy that have fallen into the black hole. This surface is what gives rise to the black hole's entropy.

3. What are the major implications of the recent black hole entropy results in string theory?

The recent results in string theory have provided evidence for the holographic principle, which states that all the information about a three-dimensional system can be represented on a two-dimensional surface. This has major implications for our understanding of the fundamental laws of physics and the nature of space and time.

4. How do these results impact our understanding of black holes?

The string theory black hole entropy results have shed light on the mysterious nature of black holes and provided a potential explanation for their entropy. They also suggest that the event horizon of a black hole may not be a true boundary, but rather a holographic projection of the information contained within the black hole.

5. What are the next steps in researching the connection between string theory and black hole entropy?

Further research is needed to fully understand the implications of the recent results and to explore the connection between string theory and black hole entropy in more depth. This may involve developing new mathematical models and conducting experiments to test the predictions of string theory in relation to black holes.
