Questions about Undergrad research

In summary, the speaker is a senior at UC Berkeley studying Computer Science and is looking for research experience in the fields of CS for next fall. They have a strong interest in machine learning and have had two internships related to big data. They have a few questions about the process of getting research and are unsure how to apply since they are currently off campus. They also want to know how many professors to reach out to and how much GPA and internships matter in the application process.
  • #1
I will be a senior at UC Berkeley studying Computer Science, and I am looking for some research experience in the fields of CS for next fall. The CS class that I have done best in is machine learning and I also enjoy working with big data (2 internships related to it), so any type of research that is ML/data or a mix of both would be ideal for me. I have a few questions regarding the process of getting research:

1. Because I am off campus right now, how should I go about applying to research positions? Usually, when someone sends an email to professor inquiring research, it comes with meeting a professor personally at office hours to discuss opportunities, but obviously, that wouldn't work for me right now. So what should I say in my email?

2. How many professors should I apply to and reach out before I expect an offer? I sent out like 3 so far and gotten no responses yet. I try to read research papers and personalize my emails to them, but this is taking really slow so far, unlike when applying to jobs where I would just use almost the same cover letter and spam resumes.

3. How much does GPA and internships matter? My technical GPA is 3.3 but I got an A in machine learning, and I'm trying to apply for positions with professors in that field.

THanks in advance!
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  • #2
If you're not getting replies then hold off until classes start in 3 weeks or so and go the personal route.

FAQ: Questions about Undergrad research

1. What is undergraduate research?

Undergraduate research refers to any type of research project or investigation that is conducted by undergraduate students during their college education. It involves the use of scientific methods to explore a specific question or topic of interest.

2. Why is undergraduate research important?

Undergraduate research allows students to gain hands-on experience in their field of study and develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It also provides opportunities for students to work closely with faculty mentors and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their field.

3. How can I get involved in undergraduate research?

There are various ways to get involved in undergraduate research, such as reaching out to faculty members to inquire about research opportunities, joining research groups or clubs on campus, or applying for research grants or scholarships.

4. What are the benefits of participating in undergraduate research?

Participating in undergraduate research can enhance a student's resume and make them more competitive for graduate school or job opportunities. It also allows students to explore their interests and gain a deeper understanding of their field of study.

5. What types of research can be conducted as an undergraduate student?

Undergraduate students can conduct a wide range of research in various fields, including laboratory-based research, field studies, literature reviews, and data analysis. The type of research depends on the student's interests and the resources available at their institution.

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