Questions concerning integrals in Schwartz's QFT text

In summary: R) and then you expand the rest in deltas...In summary, the expansion of (19.34) in the QFT notes can be obtained by first multiplying and expanding the fractions, then dropping terms that are not needed, and finally expanding the remaining terms in the deltas. This results in the expression on the right-hand side of (19.34), where m_R is present in the denominators. This is different from what is shown in the textbook, where the expansion is done by taking out m_R as a common factor and then expanding in terms of deltas.
  • #1
Two (supposedly) trival questions in Schwartz's QFT notes. The notes can be found

1. page 155, equation 15.2, how does the integrand reduce to k dk? I would guess that there must be some logarithm, but k dk?

2. page 172, equtiation 17.11, why is it legal to shift the variable that way? Will the x integral not notice when we add the x to the equation? I mean, the one x term comletlely disappears after the shifting.

thank you!
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  • #2
Hi :) let's see about the questions:

1. The integral reduces to that because it's in 4 dimensions, so that d4k = k3dk dΩ changing to (hyper-)spherical coordinates. This cancels the k2 in the denominator leaving k, and you can trivially do the angular integral of course.

2. If you swap the integration order as it's implicitly done in the notes, you can shift the k variable without problems. The moral issue is "can you swap the integration order?" the integral dx is on a compact region and the integrand has no problems w.r.t. x, while the k integral has a logarithmic divergence. But in the notes a PV regulator is introduced, so that the integral is convergent and you can do the swap. You can also justify it with DimReg, which I think would be more elegant.

I hope I got those right :) great notes by the way! Is this an actual book?
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  • #3
Thanks rubbergnome, much appreciated! Everything crystal-clear now!

And yes, these notes have been turned into a book: "". I bought it and it is fantastic. For me it's the best QFT text out there.
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  • #4
That will be a great reference for my paper :) you're welcome! Even though I made a typo (d3 is supposed to be k3) and it seems I can't edit my post.
  • #5
I have yet another question concerning these same, this time on page 192 concerning (19.34).

Simply, how do I get from the lhs to the rhs of (19.34). I know that is just a Taylor expansion in delta_2, but I can't see how this ends up in the expression on the rhs.

any answers are much appreciated!
  • #6
Hmmm... can't you just write:

[itex] \frac{1}{Z} \frac{i}{q -m } \approx \frac{i}{q-m} - \frac{i \delta_2}{q-m} = \frac{i}{q-m} + i^2 \frac{i \delta_2}{q-m} = \frac{i}{q-m} + \frac{i}{q-m} ( i \delta_2 [q-m]) \frac{i}{q-m} [/itex]
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Likes Lapidus
  • #7
Ahhhh, of course! Thanks Chris!
  • #8
rubbergnome said:
Even though I made a typo (d3 is supposed to be k3) and it seems I can't edit my post.
Fixed. :)
  • #9
Hm, isn't this a bit complicated? I'd say you have both a "wave-function renormalizatio" and a "mass" counter term. They are not restricted by a Ward identity and thus free to choose independently. So you could simply start from (19.40) to begin with.

I also like Schartz's book. Finally there's a QFT book one can recommend as a good starting point (not full of typos and even with some conceptual bugs as Peskin and Schroeder, as far as I've seen from using Schwartz's book not for such a long time as Peskin and Schroeder).
  • #10
A bit embarrassed to come back, but concerning my question in post 5 and ChrisVer answer in post 6, I am confused what Schwartz does in the textbook what is a bit different from what goes on in its notes


If I expand and multipy as shown in post 6 of this thread, then how do I get the m_r in the denominators? As I understand after exanding and multiplying I have everywhere m_0. After that II can set
, but that would not look like the last line given here.

Any help?

  • #11
I don't remember how to use slash notation, so I'll write just p ,denoting p-slashed
[itex] \frac{1}{1+ \delta_2} \frac{ i }{p - m_R - \delta_m m_R} [/itex].

[itex] (1 - \delta_2) \frac{i}{p - m_R} \frac{1}{1 - \frac{\delta_m m_R}{p - m_R}} [/itex]

[itex] \frac{i}{p-m_R} (1- \delta_2) ( 1 + \frac{\delta_m m_R}{p-m_R})[/itex]

[itex] \frac{i}{p-m_R} + \frac{i}{p-m_R}\frac{\delta_m m_R}{p-m_R} - \frac{i}{p-m_R} \delta_2 - \frac{i}{p-m_R} \delta_2\frac{\delta_m m_R}{p-m_R}[/itex]

time to drop things that are not-needed...
The first term= your first term ... the rest is so:

[itex]\frac{i}{p-m_R}\frac{\delta_m m_R}{p-m_R} - \frac{i}{p-m_R} \delta_2 - \frac{i}{p-m_R} \delta_2\frac{\delta_m m_R}{p-m_R}= \frac{i}{p-m_R} (\delta_m m_R - \delta_2 \delta_m m_R) \frac{1}{p-m_R}-A[/itex]

Where [itex]A = \frac{i}{p-m_R} \delta_2 = \frac{i}{p-m_R} \delta_2 \frac{ p - m_R}{p-m_R}[/itex]

Inserting this [itex]A[/itex] above you obtain:

[itex]\frac{i}{p-m_R} (\delta_m m_R - \delta_2 \delta_m m_R- \delta_2 (p -m_R)) \frac{1}{p-m_R}[/itex]

So far I've been dragging the [itex]\delta_2 \delta_m[/itex] for too long, it's time to drop it out, since it's a second order (delta squared) contribution...

[itex]\frac{i}{p-m_R} (\delta_m m_R- \delta_2 (p -m_R)) \frac{1}{p-m_R}[/itex]

[itex] \frac{i}{p-m_R} ( - \delta_2 p + (\delta_2 + \delta_m) m_R ) \frac{1}{p-m_R} [/itex]

[itex] \frac{i}{p-m_R} ( i^2 \delta_2 p - i^2 (\delta_2 + \delta_m) m_R ) \frac{1}{p-m_R} = \frac{i}{p-m_R} ( i \delta_2 p - i (\delta_2 + \delta_m) m_R ) \frac{i}{p-m_R} [/itex]

or finally what you have:
[itex] \frac{i}{p-m_R} ( i[ \delta_2 p - (\delta_2 + \delta_m) m_R ]) \frac{i}{p-m_R} [/itex]As an overall note, by what I understand that is your problem, you needed to expand in the deltas... in other words if you have:

[itex] \frac{1}{1+a + x} [/itex] and you want to expand wrt to [itex]x[/itex], the common way to do that is by taking [itex]1+a[/itex] as a common factor out, so you have:
[itex] \frac{1}{1+a} \frac{1}{1+ \frac{x}{1+a}} [/itex]
and then you can expand the second fraction in terms of x...
Here you expand in deltas...
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  • #12

A big thank you, Chris!

And you are totally right in determing what my problem was. Must admit I didn't know how to expand in the delta as you have shown it.
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Related to Questions concerning integrals in Schwartz's QFT text

1. What is Schwartz's QFT text?

Schwartz's QFT text refers to the textbook "Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model" written by Matthew D. Schwartz. It is a comprehensive and widely-used text for learning about quantum field theory.

2. What is an integral in the context of QFT?

In QFT, an integral is a mathematical tool used to calculate the probability amplitudes of various physical processes. It involves summing over all possible paths or configurations of fields, and is a crucial concept in understanding the behavior of quantum fields.

3. Why are integrals important in QFT?

Integrals are important in QFT because they allow us to calculate and predict the behavior of quantum fields, which are fundamental to understanding the interactions of particles in the universe. Integrals also play a crucial role in the development and testing of new theories in physics.

4. How do integrals work in Schwartz's QFT text?

In Schwartz's QFT text, integrals are introduced as a way to calculate the transition amplitudes between different quantum states. The text presents various techniques for evaluating integrals, including Feynman diagrams, perturbation theory, and renormalization.

5. Are there any common challenges or difficulties in understanding integrals in QFT?

Yes, integrals in QFT can be challenging to understand due to their abstract nature and the complex mathematical concepts involved. Some common difficulties include understanding the role of boundary conditions, dealing with divergences, and grasping the connection between the mathematical formalism and physical reality.

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