Questions For Math And Physics Enthusiasts

In summary: I find I function optimally with 8 hours of sleep. I'm not completely sure why 8 hours is the magic number, but it seems to be.4. Do you exercise? If so, how often and what type of exercise?I used to play hockey, but I've stopped recently because my hockey stick broke and I don't have the money to buy a new one. I try to go for a run at least once a week.5. What is your height, weight, and age?5'10", 145lb, and 16 years old.6. What is(was) your preferred method of taking notes in class?I used to take notes on
  • #1
1. When is the latest time you drink water in the day prior to a sleep cycle?
Example: The last time I drink water before I sleep is 1-2 hours before bed.

2. What are your eating habits? What type of food do you normally eat? Breakfast? Vitamins? ...

Example: Half the time I eat nutritious, healthy meals and the other half of the time I eat outside food. I eat breakfast as soon as I wake up and dinner by 7:30.

3. How much sleep did you need between the ages of 18-20?
example: I sleep 8+1/2 hours daily on average.(feel free to elaborate on the question with your current age and etc.)

4. Do you exercise? If so, how often and what type of exercise?

Example: I do some minor calisthenics but not enough to affect muscular development.

5. What is your height, weight, and age?
Example: I'm 5'11" and weigh 205lb.

6. What is(was) your preferred method of taking notes in class?
Example: I like to use a heavy duty binder and loose-leaf paper.

7. When do you prefer to shower?
Example: I generally like to shower in the morning.

8. How do you fall sleep?
Example: I fall asleep while laying on my side and I sleep naked because I fall asleep faster. (I know that sounds odd but it's actually recommended from what I hear)

9. What type of clothing do you prefer?

Example: I prefer casual clothing. I usually wear sweatpants or khakis with basic color shirts and sneakers.

10. What are your hobbies?

Example: I spend most of my free time using the computer and browsing the internet.

11. Where do you live?
Example: I live in NY, USA.

12. How do you like to keep your hair?

Example: I like to keep my hair medium length and combed.

13. What are your hobbies? Favorite books, movies, shows, etc.?
Example: I like to write things down on index cards whenever I notice something interesting on the internet. My favorite books are Physics Of The Impossible, Cryptonomicon, and A Brief History Of Time. My favorite movie is Inglourious Basterds.

14. When and how did you become interested in physics?

15. Do you masturbate? If so how often(or feel free to leave this part out)?
Did I leave out any good questions? Feel free to reply to all, some, or none of the 16 questions above.
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Physics news on
  • #2
I am going to take this test because I enjoy these.

1. When is the latest time you drink water in the day prior to a sleep cycle?
right before I fall asleep I down a bottle

2. What are your eating habits? What type of food do you normally eat? Breakfast? Vitamins? ...
no breakfast. Pizza, sandwiches, poptarts. A full meal at supper

3. How much sleep did you need between the ages of 18-20?

8 or so

4. Do you exercise? If so, how often and what type of exercise?
Depends on how lazy I am. I snowboard and play hockey so that is about half of my physical activity, the other half is running and weightlifting

5. What is your height, weight, and age?
I am 5'10" and weight 144 age 16

6. What is(was) your preferred method of taking notes in class?


7. When do you prefer to shower?

morning and night

8. How do you fall sleep?

9. What type of clothing do you prefer?
depends on my mood. The whole emo look if I feel like spending an hour getting ready. or a more casual approach with jeans and various snowboarding sweatshirt if I am rushed.

10. What are your hobbies?

snowboarding, hunting, fishing, competitive shooting

11. Where do you live?
Great white north Minnesota

12. How do you like to keep your hair?
Summer is cut about half inch above the eyebrows, winter is depending on how I feel, either short or longish, able to touch the bridge of my nose or so.
13. What are your hobbies? Favorite books, movies, shows, etc.?
Any Star Wars book that is told from the side of the Empire or the bounty hunters, the Malazan Books of the Fallen series

14. When and how did you become interested in physics?
I became interested in physics in 08 when the LHC started up. . . and died
  • #3
AHAHAHA This should be fun :smile:
  • #4
Leptos said:
1. When is the latest time you drink water in the day prior to a sleep cycle?
Whenever I'm thirsty, waking up to go to the bathroom doesn't bother me.

2. What are your eating habits? What type of food do you normally eat? Breakfast? Vitamins? ...[/B]
Big bowl of oatmeal for breakfast usually. Other than that no fixed diet, usually make sure I eat some kind of veggies and some kind of fruit everyday though. I take a vitamin once in a while, overall though I think the emphasis on vitamins is a little ridiculous these days.

3. How much sleep did you need between the ages of 18-20?
Currently 22. I find I function optimally with 8 hours of sleep, I can sleep more but find it actually has an adverse effect on my alertness during the day. I don't tolerate less than 6 hours well at all, I will feel kind of sick all day.

4. Do you exercise? If so, how often and what type of exercise?

I try to run a couple miles 3 times a week. Often doesn't happen during the winter though. I used to be really into lifting weights but currently don't have good access to a gym. I do some simple stretching every night.

5. What is your height, weight, and age?
5'8 170lbs

6. What is(was) your preferred method of taking notes in class?
1-subject notebooks, mechanical pencil. I make sure I put in a heading at the beginning of every class with the date, topic of discussion.

7. When do you prefer to shower?
In the morning, sometime before class.

8. How do you fall sleep?
Usually start on my back but flip to my side or stomach at some point.

9. What type of clothing do you prefer?

I like to keep a scholarly appearance in class lol. Sweaters, polos or button up shirts. Jeans or corduroys. Outside of class, grateful dead shirts.

10. What are your hobbies?

Skiing, hiking/backpacking, jam band shows, rave/dance music, partying, Usually those all suffer while schools in session though. I don't really have any hobbies during the school week, except imperial conflict.

11. Where do you live?
Upstate New York.

12. How do you like to keep your hair?

Had a pony tail for a long time, shaved head recently (not bald just really short).

13. What are your hobbies? Favorite books, movies, shows, etc.?
Hobbies above. Books: Dune, Wheel of time, Foundation series. Edit: forgot star wars I've read most star war novels. I, Jedi by Michael Stackpole is the best. Movies: Superbad, Grandma's boy, not huge into movies I hate watching movies unless they are above average. Shows: Always sunny in philadelphia, Futurama, ESPN. I don't watch a lot of TV except sports.

14. When and how did you become interested in physics?
Was interested in science as long as I can remember. 3rd grade or earlier. Majored in physics because I did really well in AP physics, it was interesting and the only subject I could see myself actually taking seriously. Looking back I wish I chose EE or ME instead but whatever, close enough.
  • #5
1. When is the latest time you drink water in the day prior to a sleep cycle?
rarely do this

2. What are your eating habits? What type of food do you normally eat? Breakfast? Vitamins? ...

usually don't breakfast, eat out for lunch #'s 1 and 2 (subway, deli), eat dinners 1 and 2 at home via frozen food

3. How much sleep did you need between the ages of 18-20?
around that age now but i sleep about 10 hours a day

4. Do you exercise? If so, how often and what type of exercise?

pump iron twice a week, see last question

5. What is your height, weight, and age?
tall skinny just graduating college

6. What is(was) your preferred method of taking notes in class?
Typically don't do this but on loose white paper

7. When do you prefer to shower?
once a week

8. How do you fall sleep?
at 4am

9. What type of clothing do you prefer?


10. What are your hobbies?

im answering from the bottom up so see below 13 and 15.

11. Where do you live?

12. How do you like to keep your hair?

shave it.

13. What are your hobbies? Favorite books, movies, shows, etc.?
drinking, music, women in that order.

14. When and how did you become interested in physics?
after about 10 years of thinking i was smart, probably like 1 week into realizing that hard work > intelligence

15. Do you masturbate? If so how often(or feel free to leave this part out)?
probably every day at least once.
  • #6
1. When is the latest time you drink water in the day prior to a sleep cycle?
All the time.

2. What are your eating habits? What type of food do you normally eat? Breakfast? Vitamins? ...
Healthy meals, and lots of latin food (beans, rice and meat)

3. How much sleep did you need between the ages of 18-20?
7-8 hrs

4. Do you exercise? If so, how often and what type of exercise?
Yes, weight lifting

5. What is your height, weight, and age?
Example: I'm 6', 175 lbs

6. What is(was) your preferred method of taking notes in class?
I typically buy a notebook and write whatever I think is important. However, for tests I rely on my super accurate crazy memory, and reading the textbooks.

7. When do you prefer to shower?
Morning or Night

8. How do you fall sleep?
I fall asleep when I fall asleep. I sleep like a log.

9. What type of clothing do you prefer?
t-shirts and jeans.

10. What are your hobbies?
Weight lifting, Bar hopping, Picking up girls and reading textbooks

11. Where do you live?
Right now in the Twin Cities, MN.

12. How do you like to keep your hair?
Combed, short length.

13. What are your hobbies? Favorite books, movies, shows, etc.?
The Big Bang Theory, Seinfeld, Arrested Development, and tons of movies I enjoy. My favorite is Gattaca.

14. When and how did you become interested in physics? At College Physics 101.

15. Do you masturbate? If so how often(or feel free to leave this part out)?
What?, that is too personal.
  • #7
1. When is the latest time you drink water in the day prior to a sleep cycle?

I drink when I'm thirsty.

2. What are your eating habits? What type of food do you normally eat? Breakfast? Vitamins? ...

Breakfast: Steel-cut oatmeal with a dollup of natural peanut butter and a banana.
Lunch: Deli sandwhich made from store-bought ingredients which I keep in the company's fridge. Usually I'll grab a handful of almonds on which to snack as well.
Dinner: Protein, carb, vegetable, and sometimes a fruit.

3. How much sleep did you need between the ages of 18-20?

I preferred to get at least 6 hours.

4. Do you exercise? If so, how often and what type of exercise?

I exercise 5 days out of the week. Moutain biking (1-1.5 hours) or climbing. I prefer to be outside when I exercise.

5. What is your height, weight, and age?

Height: 6'0"
Weight: 190 lbs.
Age: 26

6. What is(was) your preferred method of taking notes in class?

Pencil (mechanical) and a legal pad.

7. When do you prefer to shower?

Whenever I get home.

8. How do you fall sleep?

I sleep in boxer-briefs and on my side.

9. What type of clothing do you prefer?

Casual: jeans, t-shirt, sneakers.

10. What are your hobbies?

Reading/learning, camping, drumming.

11. Where do you live?

Sierra Nevada Mountains, U.S.

12. How do you like to keep your hair?

Short in the summer and long in the winter.

13. What are your hobbies? Favorite books, movies, shows, etc.?

Favorite books: Lord of the Rings series by Tolkien
The only thing I watch regularly on TV anymore is PBS.

14. When and how did you become interested in physics?

In high school I had an amazing teacher who made the subject come to life.
  • #8
1. When is the latest time you drink water in the day prior to a sleep cycle?
I drink water when I'm thirsty, if it happens to be 2 seconds before bed, so be it

2. What are your eating habits? What type of food do you normally eat? Breakfast? Vitamins?
I'll eat anything and try anything once. It has to have a lot of flavor, moderately healthy but not required

3. How much sleep did you need between the ages of 18-20?
8-9 hours

4. Do you exercise? If so, how often and what type of exercise?
I walk about 40 min a day, sometimes I'll go to the gym, but not often

5. What is your height, weight, and age?
5'8, 125lbs, 25

6. What is(was) your preferred method of taking notes in class?
I like to take notes on graph paper, either bound or unbound, always in pencil

7. When do you prefer to shower?
before leaving the house

8. How do you fall sleep?
usually watching re-runs of any Star Trek series or BSG

9. What type of clothing do you prefer?
My bf says I dress like a Golden Girl

10. What are your hobbies?
Studying, watching tv/movies, playing video games (mostly fps and rpgs, Guild Wars from time to time)

11. Where do you live?

12. How do you like to keep your hair?

13. What are your hobbies? Favorite books, movies, shows, etc.?
Again? I like to read, I've recently read the Mass Effect books which are very entertaining, I read Star Trek novels and, yes, Twilight. Harry Potter, too

14. When and how did you become interested in physics?
I've always liked math, never had much exposure to physics in high school. When taking Gen Physics I stumbled upon Prof. Lewin's lecutres at MIT and fell in love.
  • #9
Is it wrong that I became interested in physics at an age before I could really understand advanced scientific concepts? Since 1st or 2nd grade I started reading layman science books and my interest only increased as I grew older. I remember obsessing over black holes, planets, stars, galaxies, etc. years before I hit puberty.

I ask this because I noticed that it's uncommon for people to grow up to become what they wanted to be from a young age(i.e from their own choice as opposed to letting their parents choose for them).
  • #10
Leptos said:
Is it wrong that I became interested in physics at an age before I could really understand advanced scientific concepts? Since 1st or 2nd grade I started reading layman science books and my interest only increased as I grew older. I remember obsessing over black holes, planets, stars, galaxies, etc. years before I hit puberty.

I ask this because I noticed that it's uncommon for people to grow up to become what they wanted to be from a young age(i.e from their own choice as opposed to letting their parents choose for them).

That's probably mostly because the kids have 'unrealistic' goals i.e. becoming a surgeon or a lawyer who makes 1 million a year.

Pursuing science is an honest goal and anyone can 'grow up' to become or continue to hold interest in science (or physics specifically). There's nothing wrong with having an interest in physics at any age and there is definitely nothing wrong with this interest growing or continuing throughout your life. You should be thankful you have so far strived to possibly be a scientist of some sort than a doctor :wink:.
  • #11
Lol, this seems like it may be interesting. +I'm extremely bored and slightly depressed atm.

1. When is the latest time you drink water in the day prior to a sleep cycle?
Before I go to sleep I normally drink water. I drink water very often while I'm awake.

2. What are your eating habits? What type of food do you normally eat? Breakfast? Vitamins? ...

I don't eat breakfast very often if I do it's probably just a bagel or some fruit. Right NOW I don't eat very much because of problems I'm having at home with my parents... the only time I really eat is when I have money to go out and get myself some food lol.

3. How much sleep did you need between the ages of 18-20?
Hmmm I've just turned 21 I sleep around 6 hours... When I was 18-20 I was working 30 hours a week and going fulltime to school so I didn't get that much sleep then either :-p.

4. Do you exercise? If so, how often and what type of exercise?

I do exercise. I run often and every day I do a core workout and push-ups until exhaustion. I'm thinking about starting to weight train but I don't know if I'm up to it lol. The reason I do this training right now is for my military testing.

5. What is your height, weight, and age?
I am 6'2 and I currently weigh 150lbs. I used to weigh around 180lbs last summer but as I said before problems in the house with my parents have led to me not eating enough food and I've lost a considerable amount of weight.

6. What is(was) your preferred method of taking notes in class?
What are notes? :wink:
I rarely took notes in class but my preferred method was by going through a reading and highlighting key points and summarizing them myself in jot-note format in a binder and in chronological order. (Unless I'm writing a essay or something then I group it by various categories)

7. When do you prefer to shower?
In the morning after I am completely awake (hate taking a shower RIGHT when I wake up). I take showers before I go out anywhere and sometimes if I just feel the need to sit with the water beating off my body for a bit lol.

8. How do you fall sleep?
I fall asleep on my side many times with clothes I wore that day on, I never got into the whole pj thing. Unless of course it's too hot or too cold.

9. What type of clothing do you prefer?

I prefer fashionable clothing :-p. I like to always look good no matter where I'm going or who I'm with.

10. What are your hobbies?

Researching various things to do with science, history, philosophy. I like cooking and studying various types of foods and I am a 5 pin bowler (embarassing... Go Canada :smile:)

11. Where do you live?
I live in Mississauga Ontario (it's close to Toronto.)

12. How do you like to keep your hair?

I like my hair short enough to be able to style it without it falling down :smile:

13. What are your hobbies? Favorite books, movies, shows, etc.?
I swear this question was asked before :-p. I also like reading any type of book pretty much. Don't watch much TV though.

14. When and how did you become interested in physics?
When I was a child watching the Discovery channel. (when it use to be a good channel to watch to learn that sort of stuff.)

15. Do you masturbate? If so how often(or feel free to leave this part out)?
This question is kind of random why do you ask it? There's nothing wrong with masturbation at all. I don't know if it's something you should be publicly asking people on a science based forums though.
  • #12
1. When is the latest time you drink water in the day prior to a sleep cycle?

Rarely drink water -- mostly drink juice.

2. What are your eating habits? What type of food do you normally eat? Breakfast? Vitamins? ...

Anything quick and easy, like toast, yogurt or pasta. I eat breakfast, a takeout lunch and supper. I try to have a salad at least every couple days.

3. How much sleep did you need between the ages of 18-20?

I always need about 8 hours. I may not always be able to sleep that long.

4. Do you exercise? If so, how often and what type of exercise?

If I'm not busy I exercise about three or four times a week, usually lifting weights.

5. What is your height, weight, and age?

5'11" -- 155lbs -- 24

6. What is(was) your preferred method of taking notes in class?

Computer paper using different coloured pens.

7. When do you prefer to shower?

In the morning -- helps me wake up.

8. How do you fall sleep?

face down and in the nude, or on my side -- but always in the nude :eek:

9. What type of clothing do you prefer?

comfortable and odd.

10. What are your hobbies?

Real Time Strategy (RTS) PC games, eg, StarCraft.

11. Where do you live?

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

12. How do you like to keep your hair?

Short and somewhat neat, but, if it becomes messy, that's OK with me (not others!).

13. What are your hobbies? Favorite books, movies, shows, etc.?

RTS games and hard science fiction novels -- Peter Watts, Alastair Reynolds.

14. When and how did you become interested in physics?

More interested in math and engineering.

15. Do you masturbate? If so how often(or feel free to leave this part out)?

Once a day in the morning, it's too hard to concentrate otherwise.
  • #13
All the physically unhealthy answers
  • #14
1. When is the latest time you drink water in the day prior to a sleep cycle?

Glass or two right before bed.

2. What are your eating habits? What type of food do you normally eat?

Healthy food and vitamins.

3. How much sleep did you need between the ages of 18-20?

9 - 10 hours.

4. Do you exercise? If so, how often and what type of exercise?

Weightlifting at least four times a week.

5. What is your height, weight, and age?

6' 1" 194 lbs

6. What is(was) your preferred method of taking notes in class?

Regular lined paper with either a blue or black pen...or pencil.

7. When do you prefer to shower?


8. How do you fall sleep?


9. What type of clothing do you prefer?


10. What are your hobbies?

Chess, Weightlifting (if that counts)

11. Where do you live?


12. How do you like to keep your hair?

Medium length

13. What are your hobbies? Favorite books, movies, shows, etc.?

Science Fiction.

14. When and how did you become interested in physics?

Don't remember
  • #15
1. When is the latest time you drink water in the day prior to a sleep cycle?
Right before bed.

2. What are your eating habits? What type of food do you normally eat? Breakfast? Vitamins? ...

Bacon, Hashbrowns, Orange Juice, and Fruit for Breakfast.
Lunch varies, but always have vegetable and fruit with it.
Diner, salad than main course which varies.
Night time, pizza often. I don't enjoy chips or cookies.

3. How much sleep did you need between the ages of 18-20?
Atleast 8 hours.

4. Do you exercise? If so, how often and what type of exercise?

Once a week, I ride my bike to work. Yes, even when it's -10 degrees.

5. What is your height, weight, and age?
5'10 - 157 pounds.

6. What is(was) your preferred method of taking notes in class?
I don't take any.

7. When do you prefer to shower?

8. How do you fall sleep?
I lay down and close my eyes.

9. What type of clothing do you prefer?

Abercrombie that I bought 2 years ago. In graduate school and broke, so I just keep using the same stuff over and over again.

10. What are your hobbies?

Learning Chinese, Reading, Coin Collecting and going out to events.

11. Where do you live?
Ontario, Canada.

12. How do you like to keep your hair?

Natural... don't touch it.

13. What are your hobbies? Favorite books, movies, shows, etc.?
You just asked me this. No favourites since anything will get boring after awhile. Although Coach Carter is an honourable mention for movies.

14. When and how did you become interested in physics?
When I was about 19-20. I read a book (non-fiction) by Asimov.

15. Do you masturbate? If so how often(or feel free to leave this part out)?

Did I leave out any good questions? Feel free to reply to all, some, or none of the 16 questions above.
  • #16
Oh man, have not done one of these since good ol' AOL came around. Why the hell not?

1. When is the latest time you drink water in the day prior to a sleep cycle?
If I feel particularly parched I'll have a glass immediately before going upstairs to bed. Otherwise, I have no idea.

2. What are your eating habits? What type of food do you normally eat? Breakfast? Vitamins? ...

Pretty much whatever I like. But what I like includes Cheerios, Honey Bunches of Oats with Almonds and Life, bacon, turkey, celery, green peppers, onions, bacon, beef, eggs, tuna, bacon and bread. I could eat an entire loaf of fresh Italian bread. Oh, and pasta too, and bacon. Pizza! I don't like potato chips, but I do enjoy pretzels. The occasional cookies and milk, but it has to be chocolate chip.

3. How much sleep did you need between the ages of 18-20?
A lot more than I got.

4. Do you exercise? If so, how often and what type of exercise?

I just started trying to get into the habit of exercising. Mostly minor body weight exercises in the morning. Its not going very well.
5. What is your height, weight, and age?
25, 5'10", 652.5 N at sea level.

6. What is(was) your preferred method of taking notes in class?

7. When do you prefer to shower?
Whenever I feel dirty or smell smelly.

8. How do you fall sleep?
With my eyes closed.

9. What type of clothing do you prefer?

Cargo pants or jeans, t shirt, short sleeved button down (when I want to look "nice"), zip up hoodie make up 95% of my clothing.

10. What are your hobbies?

Snowboarding, golfing, just started getting back into video games. Wasting hours looking at silly things online.

11. Where do you live?

12. How do you like to keep your hair?

Short. I cut it myself and usually wear a hat.

13. What are your hobbies? Favorite books, movies, shows, etc.?
Lullaby is a pretty good read as is The Rum Diary or Diaries, I forget. I like any good mystery book as well. I can watch just about any movie, even the really bad ones.

14. When and how did you become interested in physics?
The short of it is I had to take physics as a requirement and thought it was fun.
15. Do you masturbate? If so how often(or feel free to leave this part out)?
I'm a guy.
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FAQ: Questions For Math And Physics Enthusiasts

1. What is the difference between math and physics?

Math is a branch of science that deals with numbers, quantities, and shapes. It is primarily concerned with abstract concepts and their relationships. Physics, on the other hand, is a natural science that studies matter, energy, and their interactions. It uses mathematical models to explain and predict the behavior of physical systems. In short, math provides the language and tools for understanding physics.

2. How does math relate to real-world applications in physics?

Math is the foundation of physics and is used extensively to describe and analyze the physical world. For example, calculus is used to describe the motion of objects, and differential equations are used to model complex systems. Essentially, math provides a way to quantify and understand the natural world.

3. What are some common math and physics concepts that are frequently used together?

Some common concepts include algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, and vectors. In physics, these concepts are used to solve problems related to motion, forces, energy, and more. A deep understanding of these concepts is crucial for success in both math and physics.

4. How can I improve my skills in both math and physics?

Practice is key to improving your skills in both math and physics. Solving problems, attempting challenging questions, and reviewing concepts regularly can help strengthen your understanding. Additionally, seeking help from teachers, tutors, or online resources can also be beneficial.

5. What are some real-world applications of math and physics?

Both math and physics have numerous real-world applications. For example, math is used in engineering to design structures and solve problems related to electricity and magnetism. In physics, concepts such as gravity and thermodynamics are essential in understanding the universe and developing technologies such as space exploration and renewable energy sources.

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