Questions on conditions for calculating flux integrals?

In summary, we have discussed the conditions for calculating flux integrals and how they relate to the divergence and curl of a vector field. We have also touched on the concept of conservative fields and their implications for flux integrals. Remember that while div(G) = 0 is a sufficient condition for the flux integral to be independent of the surface, it is not a sufficient condition for a field to be conservative. Keep exploring and seeking out more information to deepen your understanding.
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Conditions for calculating flux integrals? [Figured it out]

If one uses Stokes' theorem and if two oriented surfaces S1 and S2 share a boundary ∂s then the flux integral of curl(F) across S1 equals the flux integral of curl(F) across S2. However, in general it won't be true that flux integral G across S1 equals the flux integral of G across S2. If you can show that div(G) = 0, then will the flux integral be independent of the surface (assuming they share ∂s?)

I was thinking if flux of G across S1 = flux of G across S2, when flux of G across S1 U S2 is 0 and then you can apply the divergence theorem, and div G must be 0. My question is, is Div(G) = 0 a sufficient condition, or only works sometimes?

Also if a surface S is closed (has no boundary) then we know flux of curl(F) through S is 0, but not necessarily flux of F through S. If F is a conservative field then given S is closed then flux of F through S is zero, but does div F = 0 also imply that flux of F through S, when S is closed, is 0?

Conservative fields have 0 curl, but is there any relation between divergence and conservative fields? What are the implications of no divergence, everywhere I look it says "under suitable conditions" you can do this and this, but it doesn't clarify what those suitable conditions are.

Nvm most of my questions are answered when I realized div F = 0 => F = curl G, so ques 1: Yes b/c of the aforementioned observation, ques 2: div F = 0 => flux of F = 0 by div. thm. , and ques 3 is just that observation div F = 0 => F = curl G.
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Thank you for your post and for sharing your thought process. It seems like you have a good understanding of the concepts involved in calculating flux integrals. To answer your question, yes, div(G) = 0 is a sufficient condition for the flux integral to be independent of the surface, as long as they share the same boundary. This is because the divergence theorem states that the flux of a vector field through a closed surface is equal to the volume integral of the divergence of that vector field over the enclosed volume. So if div(G) = 0, then the flux of G through any closed surface will be zero.

You are correct that for a closed surface, the flux of a conservative field is always zero. This is because a conservative field can be written as the gradient of a scalar potential function, and the flux of a gradient field through a closed surface is always zero.

As for the relation between divergence and conservative fields, you are on the right track with your observation that div F = 0 implies that F = curl G. This means that the field is irrotational, or has no curl, which is a necessary condition for a field to be conservative. However, it is not a sufficient condition. There are other conditions that must be satisfied for a field to be conservative, such as the path independence of line integrals.

I hope this helps clarify some of your questions. Keep up the good work in understanding flux integrals and their conditions!

Related to Questions on conditions for calculating flux integrals?

1. What are the conditions for calculating flux integrals?

The conditions for calculating flux integrals depend on the type of integral being solved. For surface integrals, the surface must be closed and bounded, and the flux must be defined over the entire surface. For line integrals, the curve must be smooth and the integrand must be continuous along the curve.

2. How do I determine the direction of the flux for a surface integral?

The direction of the flux for a surface integral is determined by the orientation of the surface. This can be determined by the right-hand rule, where the fingers of your right hand point in the direction of the normal vector of the surface and the thumb points in the direction of the flux.

3. Can flux integrals be negative?

Yes, flux integrals can be negative. This occurs when the direction of the flux and the orientation of the surface are in opposite directions. This often happens when the normal vector of the surface points inward instead of outward.

4. How is the flux calculated for a vector field?

The flux for a vector field is calculated by taking the dot product of the vector field and the normal vector of the surface. This gives the amount of the vector field that is passing through the surface.

5. What are some real-world applications of flux integrals?

Flux integrals have many applications in physics and engineering, such as calculating the flow of fluid through a surface, determining the amount of electric or magnetic field passing through a surface, and analyzing the heat transfer through a surface. They are also used in computer graphics to simulate the flow of light and particles through a surface.

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