Questions on Parallel Transport: Riemann Tensor & More

In summary: This is an excerpt from a PDF entitled "Curvature" by Prof. Michael J. Sussman. In summary, the author discusses the issue of how to transport a loop around a closed curve in 3 or more dimensions without breaking the linearity of the tensor. There are several methods that one can use to solve this problem.
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In my recent studies of curvature, I worked with the Riemann tensor and the equation:

([itex]\delta[/itex]V)a= A[itex]\mu[/itex]B[itex]\nu[/itex]Rab[itex]\mu[/itex][itex]\nu[/itex]Vb

Now previously, I worked in 2D with the 2 sphere. While doing so, I learned that if I set my x1 coordinate to be θ and my x2 coordinate to be ø, then the vectors that serve to be the legs of the loop that I am transporting around would be as follows:

A[itex]\mu[/itex] = <θ, 0>

B[itex]\nu[/itex] = <0, ø>

and then of course the vector that I parallel transport would be as follows:

Vb= <θ, ø>

Now this may work for 2 dimensions, but what if I have 3 or more dimensions? With only 2 vectors being the legs of the loop, there wouldn't be enough vectors for me to give each individual coordinate its own leg with every other component being 0 (as shown above with A[itex]\mu[/itex] and B[itex]\nu[/itex]).

How do I deal with this? Is it even a requirement for every coordinate to have its own leg that is reminiscent of a unit vector? Page 5 on the following PDF gave me the impression that it is a requirement:

Is it possible for one of the legs of the loop to have more than one type of coordinate in it (like A[itex]\mu[/itex] = <r , θ, 0>) ?
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  • #2
space-time said:
Is it possible for one of the legs of the loop to have more than one type of coordinate in it (like A[itex]\mu[/itex] = <r , θ, 0>) ?

Yes, and indeed that's usually the case; the Riemann tensor tells you how a vector is affected (usually differently) by [parallel transport along a closed curve with any orientation. If you have more than one non-zero component in the A aor B vectors, then you just end up with additional terms when you do the implied summation on ##\mu## and ##\nu##.
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You have several options when you want to evaluate a loop that doesn't point in the direction of the coordinate basis vectors.

The easiest way is probably to take advantage of the linearity property of tensors.

Suppose ##A^\nu = C^\nu + D^\nu## and ##B^\mu = D^\mu + E^\mu##, where we make C,D,E,and F some multiples of the coordinate basis vectors

A^\nu B^\mu R^{\rho}{}_{\sigma \mu \nu} V^{\sigma} = [(C^\nu + D^\nu)(E^\mu + F^\mu)]R^{\rho}{}_{\sigma \mu \nu} V^{\sigma} =

[C^\nu E^\mu + C^\nu F^\mu + D^\nu E^\mu + D^\nu F^\mu]R^{\rho}{}_{\sigma \mu \nu} V^{\sigma} =
C^\nu E^\mu R^{\rho}{}_{\sigma \mu \nu} V^{\sigma} + C^\nu F^\mu R^{\rho}{}_{\sigma \mu \nu} V^{\sigma} + D^\nu E^\mu R^{\rho}{}_{\sigma \mu \nu} V^{\sigma} + D^\nu F^\mu R^{\rho}{}_{\sigma \mu \nu} V^{\sigma}

Then you just need to evalutate the for terms for CE, CF, DE, and DF which you can do by inspection since they align with the coordinate axis.

Other methods include keeping tract of all the components, or transforming the basis vectors of the tensor by the tensor transformation rules.

FAQ: Questions on Parallel Transport: Riemann Tensor & More

1. What is parallel transport?

Parallel transport is a mathematical concept used to describe how a vector or tensor is transported along a curve in a curved space without changing its direction. It is an essential tool in understanding the curvature of a space and is used in many fields, including physics and differential geometry.

2. What is the Riemann tensor?

The Riemann tensor, also known as the Riemann curvature tensor, is a mathematical object that measures the curvature of a space at a particular point. It is defined in terms of the Christoffel symbols, which describe how the basis vectors change as they are parallel transported along a curve in the space. The Riemann tensor is a key component in Einstein's theory of general relativity.

3. How is the Riemann tensor related to parallel transport?

The Riemann tensor is directly related to parallel transport as it measures how a vector or tensor changes when it is parallel transported along a curve. In particular, the Riemann tensor captures the non-commutativity of parallel transport, meaning that the order in which vectors are transported matters and can result in a different final outcome.

4. Why is the Riemann tensor important?

The Riemann tensor is important because it is a fundamental tool in understanding the geometry of curved spaces. It allows us to quantify the amount of curvature at a given point and is essential in Einstein's theory of general relativity, which describes how gravity arises from the curvature of spacetime.

5. What are some real-world applications of parallel transport and the Riemann tensor?

Parallel transport and the Riemann tensor have many applications in physics and engineering. They are used in fields such as astrophysics to study the curvature of the universe and in computer graphics to create realistic 3D images. They are also used in navigation systems to calculate the shortest path between two points on a curved surface, such as the Earth's surface. Additionally, they have applications in machine learning and data analysis for understanding the underlying structure of complex datasets.

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