Questions on reversed Coulomb force.

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  • #1
Questions on reversed "Coulomb" force.

I've seen that with Moeller scattering, the attractive force between
the nucleus and the electron can become repulsive at high relativistic
velocities of the electron. What are the energies required for this to
Is there an analogous result between electrons, i.e., in electron-
electron scattering, where the repulsive force between them switches
to become attractive at high energies?
The strong nuclear force operates as an attractive force even between
protons at distances of the size of the nucleus, about 10^-15 m. This
works even for protons beamed towards a nucleus at short distances,
not necessarily already contained within a common nucleus.
But shouldn't this distance be frame dependent? If the protons are
aimed toward a nucleus but to be a longer distance away, shouldn't
they regard the distance to be Lorentz contracted at sufficiently high
If the proton beam say was aimed to skirt the outside of an atoms
electron cloud at about 10^-10 m away from the nucleus, shouldn't a
Lorentz contraction factor of 10^5 cause the protons to regard the
distance to be within the 10^-15 distance to the nucleus at which the
strong force is active?
The proton has a rest energy of close to 1 GeV. So a Lorentz factor
of 10^5 would correspond to giving the proton an energy of 100 Tera
eV. Not even the LHC is expected to get this high. However, Fermilab
gets up to 1 TeV. If the proton beam was aimed to come within 10^-12 m
of the nucleus, where the strong force would not be expected to
operate, then Lorentz contraction should make the distance appear as
10^-15 m to the protons, where the strong force would operate. Has
such an effect been seen?

Bob Clark
Physics news on
  • #2

Thank you for your questions about the reversed "Coulomb" force. This phenomenon is known as the Coulomb repulsion, and it occurs when the attractive Coulomb force between the nucleus and the electron becomes repulsive at high relativistic velocities of the electron. The energy required for this to occur is dependent on the mass and velocity of the electron, as well as the distance between the electron and the nucleus.

In terms of electron-electron scattering, there is indeed an analogous result where the repulsive force between them can switch to become attractive at high energies. This is known as the van der Waals force, which is a weak intermolecular attraction that can become significant at short distances and high energies.

The strong nuclear force, also known as the strong force, is indeed an attractive force between protons at distances of the size of the nucleus. This force operates even at short distances, not necessarily within a common nucleus. However, as you mentioned, the distance can be frame dependent due to the Lorentz contraction factor at high velocities. This means that the protons may perceive the distance to be shorter and therefore within the range of the strong force.

In terms of experiments, the effects of Lorentz contraction on the strong force have been observed in high-energy particle collisions. For example, in experiments at Fermilab, the protons are accelerated to energies of up to 1 TeV, which corresponds to a Lorentz factor of 10^5. This means that the protons may perceive distances to be shorter and therefore within the range of the strong force, resulting in the observation of the strong force at shorter distances than expected.

In conclusion, the effects of Lorentz contraction on the strong force have been observed in experiments, and the energy required for the Coulomb repulsion to occur is dependent on the mass and velocity of the electron. I hope this helps to answer your questions. Please let me know if you have any further inquiries.
  • #3
, thank you for your question regarding the reversed Coulomb force. In Moeller scattering, the attractive force between the nucleus and electron can become repulsive at high relativistic velocities of the electron. This occurs when the electron's velocity is close to the speed of light, and the Coulomb force is reversed due to the effects of relativity.

To answer your first question, the energy required for this to occur depends on the specific system and the velocity of the electron. In general, the energy needed for the Coulomb force to reverse can be calculated using the relativistic formula for energy, E = mc^2 / √(1-v^2/c^2), where m is the mass of the electron, v is its velocity, and c is the speed of light.

As for your second question about electron-electron scattering, there is indeed an analogous result. At high energies, the repulsive force between electrons can switch to become attractive. This is due to the exchange of virtual photons between the electrons, which can lead to an attractive force.

Regarding the strong nuclear force, it is indeed frame dependent. The distance between protons may appear different depending on the frame of reference. However, the strong nuclear force is a fundamental force that is independent of the frame of reference. This means that even if the distance between protons appears different, the strong force will still act between them.

In terms of your last question, there have been experiments conducted to observe the effects of Lorentz contraction on the strong nuclear force. For example, at Fermilab, experiments have been conducted using high-energy proton beams to study the structure of nucleons. These experiments have shown that at high energies, the strong force becomes weaker and the nucleons appear to be more spread out. However, the strong force still operates at these distances.

I hope this helps answer your questions about the reversed Coulomb force and its effects on different particles. Thank you for your interest in this topic.

FAQ: Questions on reversed Coulomb force.

1. What is the Coulomb force?

The Coulomb force, also known as the electrostatic force, is a fundamental force of nature that describes the interaction between electrically charged particles. It is similar to the force of gravity, but instead of mass, it is dependent on the magnitude and distance between electric charges.

2. How is the Coulomb force calculated?

The Coulomb force is calculated using Coulomb's law, which states that the force between two charged particles is directly proportional to the product of their charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. This can be represented by the equation F = (k * q1 * q2) / r2, where F is the force, k is a constant, q1 and q2 are the charges of the particles, and r is the distance between them.

3. What is meant by "reversed" Coulomb force?

The term "reversed" Coulomb force is often used in the context of charged particles with opposite charges. In this case, the Coulomb force acts in the opposite direction of what would be expected based on the charges of the particles. For example, if a positively charged particle and a negatively charged particle are attracted to each other, the reversed Coulomb force would refer to the force pushing them away from each other.

4. How is the reversed Coulomb force observed in nature?

The reversed Coulomb force can be observed in various natural phenomena, such as the repulsion between two similarly charged particles, the attraction between an electron and a proton in an atom, and the repulsion between two atoms with the same type of charge. It is also responsible for many everyday occurrences, such as the shock you feel when touching a doorknob after walking on carpet.

5. How does the Coulomb force relate to other fundamental forces?

The Coulomb force is one of the four fundamental forces of nature, along with gravity, the strong nuclear force, and the weak nuclear force. It is responsible for holding atoms and molecules together, as well as determining the behavior of electrically charged particles on a larger scale. It also plays a key role in the electromagnetic force, which is the force responsible for the interaction between electrically charged particles and magnetic fields.
