Questions re: Matter-Antimatter Annihilation

In summary: If the ratio of particles before annihilation (npb) is equal to the ratio of particles after annihilation (neb), then the number of particles before annihilation (npa) should also be equal to the number of particles after annihilation (nea). However, this is not always the case. In fact, there are situations where the number of particles after annihilation (nea) is greater than the number of particles before annihilation (npa). This is due to the fact that when particles annihilate, some of the particles are converted to energy in the form of photons and neutrinos. The number of photons and neutrinos produced is determined by the energy of the particles and the temperature of
  • #1
Buzz Bloom
Gold Member
I am having trouble getting my head around several of the concepts related to the very early activities of the universe expansion. For this thread in particular, what are the assumptions regarding the relative number of particles of different species before and after annihilation.

First, I am aware that the nucleon antinucleon annihilation occurred much before the electron positron annihilation.

1. Was is the assumed ratio rp of the number of per unit volume (PUV) of protons before to after their annihilation with antiprotons?

2. Was is the assumed ratio re of the number of PUV of electrons before to after their annihilation with positrons?

I am concluding that there must be an assumed value for this 2nd ratio because of the calculation of the temperature difference between photons and neutrinos. The temperature difference would be the difference in average kinetic energy of the various particles in equilibrium with the photons due to the energy released by the annihilation.

I am assuming that the number npa of protons PUV after annihilation is the same as the number nea of electrons PUV after annihilation, because the net charge of the universe is supposed to be zero. However, these two values before annihilation, npb and neb, need not necessarily be the same. If
rp = re
npb = neb.​

3. If these equalities are assumed to hold, what is the justification for this assumption?
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  • #2
These ratios are a bit difficult to quantify, because they depend upon temperature. One way of thinking of it is that there is a number of protons around that represents the matter/anti-matter imbalance plus a bunch of proton/anti-proton pairs that are there due to the high temperature. At higher temperatures, there are more proton/anti-proton pairs.

With the electrons, a similar dynamic is occurring, but because the electrons have a much lower mass (about 1/2000th the mass of the proton), there are a much larger number of thermally-produced electron/positron pairs at the same temperature. To add even more complexity to the whole mess, at these high temperatures the protons are converting to/from neutrons by interacting with electrons and neutrinos.

Overall, it's very possible to calculate based upon known physics the number density of all of these components (protons, anti-protons, neutrons, anti-neutrons, electrons, positrons, etc.). The only necessary observable inputs are the normal and dark matter densities today. From there it's just a matter of doing some fairly complicated calculations to determine the densities of these various components at different points in time.
  • #3
Chalnoth said:
From there it's just a matter of doing some fairly complicated calculations to determine the densities of these various components at different points in time.
Hi @Chalnoth:

Thanks for your post.

Can you suggest a reference that gives the results of these calculations for some assumed values for the relevant variables, such as temperature and densities. Or alternatively a reference that gives the equations and explains how to do the calculations.

  • #4
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  • #5
Chronos said:
The ratio of anti matter to matter in the early universe is believed to be about 1 part per billion matter excess based on photon abundance.
Hi @Chronos:

This was exactly the kind of help I was looking for. Your answer and the link are great. But, as I anticipated, the answer leads to another question that I find much more interesting.

Here is a quote from the link.
It turns out that the laws of nature don't obey the symmetries mentioned above exactly. They almost do. Experiments, for instance, show that a certain type of decay of long-lived kaons produce 301 positron for every 299 electrons. If the symmetries were exact, the decays should have produced 300 positrons and 300 electrons. As the universe evolved after the Big Bang, these very small symmetry violations may have resulted in the abundance of matter and the dearth of antimatter we see today.​
If I am correctly interpret the quote from your post and the quote from the link, there seems to be a very strange coincidence. I would very much appreciate a correction to my interpretation that avoids this strangeness.

First, the example in the quote above is in the wrong direction. There should be a net excess of electrons, not of positrons. The quote suggests there are many such reactions that have similar asymmetries, and when all are combined, there would be a be a net surplus of electrons. For the purpose of this post, I am going to take into account a quote from Chalnoth's post:
Chalnoth said:
because the electrons have a much lower mass (about 1/2000th the mass of the proton), there are a much larger number of thermally-produced electron/positron pairs at the same temperature.
Now here is the more interesting issue.

The ratio rp of the proton count density before to after annihilation is about a billion, while the ratio re of the electron count density before to after annihilation (in my assumed example) is only about 150. It seems oddly and extremely coincidental that these random asymmetrical processes could result in a net zero charge in the universe. A random asymmetric process creates (about) 2,000,000,001 protons and 1,999,999,999 anti-protons up until the time when annihilation occurs, and a combination of other random asymmetric processes creates (about) 4,000,000,000,001 electrons and 3,999,999,999,999 positrons. So what happens? These two random processes by some strange unknown mechanism turns out to produce after annihilation exactly the same numerical density value for protons and electrons.

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  • #6
This may be helpful. While it may not adequately address all your questions it appears to cover the basics. The basic question is by no means completely solved, but, we have strong evidence the universe as a whole is electrically neutral. In a charged universe, gravity would not dominate in the way suggested by modern observational evidence. So, we can be confident the answer to the question is the universe is electrically neutral. But, as usual, the devil is in the details. The why part is still a work in progress.
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  • #7
Buzz Bloom said:
The quote suggests there are many such reactions that have similar asymmetries, and when all are combined, there would be a be a net surplus of electrons.

More precisely, when all of the reactions that actually took place in the early universe are combined, there would be a net surplus of electrons. I don't think it's assumed that every single reaction that is possible according to theory made a significant contribution in the early universe.
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  • #8
Chronos said:
While it may not adequately address all your questions it appears to cover the basics.
Hi @Chronos:

Thanks very much for your post, especially the link.

If I interpret the link correctly, the following quote from the link seems to agree with my conclusion that the explanation for why the universe is electrical neutral is still a mystery.
So there had to be some asymmetry which left us with a remnant population of electrons, and just the right number of electrons to give us an electrically neutral universe where gravity is dominant. This classic problem is often called the matter-antimatter problem, and we have some tentative suggestions about how the asymmetry came about.​
As I interpret this, it says that current physics has ideas about mechanisms for asymmetry that resulted in a surplus of electrons, but there are no ideas mentioned about why this surplus exactly matches the proton surplus.

BTW, I started another thread to discuss that particular mystery:

  • #9
PeterDonis said:
when all of the reactions that actually took place in the early universe are combined, there would be a net surplus of electrons.

Hi Peter:

Thanks for your post. I appreciate the improved clarity in your rephrasing.


Related to Questions re: Matter-Antimatter Annihilation

1. What is matter-antimatter annihilation?

Matter-antimatter annihilation is a process in which a particle of matter and a corresponding antiparticle collide and are converted into energy. This process is governed by the laws of physics, specifically the conservation of energy and mass.

2. Why is matter-antimatter annihilation important in scientific research?

Matter-antimatter annihilation is important in scientific research because it helps us understand the fundamental laws of physics and the nature of the universe. It also has practical applications in fields such as nuclear energy and medical imaging.

3. How does matter-antimatter annihilation occur?

Matter-antimatter annihilation occurs when a particle of matter and a corresponding antiparticle come into contact with each other. The particles then annihilate, releasing energy in the form of gamma rays.

4. Can matter-antimatter annihilation be observed in real life?

Yes, matter-antimatter annihilation has been observed in particle accelerators and in natural phenomena such as lightning strikes. However, it is a rare occurrence in everyday life due to the scarcity of antimatter in the universe.

5. Are there any potential dangers associated with matter-antimatter annihilation?

While matter-antimatter annihilation can produce a large amount of energy, it is not a concern for everyday life. The amount of antimatter present in the universe is small and it is currently not feasible to create large quantities of antimatter in a controlled manner. Additionally, scientists have developed safety protocols for handling antimatter in laboratory experiments.

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