Quick Phys question before test, involves Energy, just confused? Help please

In summary, to find the optimal angle for a swing to have the same KE as a moving car, you must first find the height at which the man must start swinging so that his potential energy is equal to the car's kinetic energy. Then, use the length of the rope and trigonometry to calculate the angle.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The rope of a swing is 2.90 m long. Calculate the angle from the vertical at which a 81.0 kg man must begin to swing in order to have the same KE at the bottom as a 1450 kg car moving at 1.05 m/s (2.35 mph).

Homework Equations

SOH CAH TOA (trig reference)

The Attempt at a Solution

I made a right traingle from the mass at the beginning of its journey to the very bottom (middle of the rope). Then I found the KE at the bottom which is the KE of the car. Then I took 1/2mv^2 and set it equal to the KE of the car so I could find the velocity of the man.
Then I found the height of the starting position of the man to get his gravitational PE by setting mgh=to the KE of the car to find h.

What do I do after this? I am confused on how to find this optimal angle.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
jcfor3ver said:

Homework Statement

The Attempt at a Solution

I made a right traingle from the mass at the beginning of its journey to the very bottom (middle of the rope). Then I found the KE at the bottom which is the KE of the car.

I don't understand what you mean here. But it sounds like you did everything else correctly, so far. If you know the length of the rope, and how high he starts, you then can subtract how high he is from the rope length and solve for the angle by trig.

What did you get for starting height?
  • #3
You are asked to find the initial angle for the swing. Assuming the swing has negligible losses, the man's PE at this point will be the same as his KE at the bottom.

You can therefore work out how high the man must be raised at the start so that his PE is equal to the car's KE, and use the rope length and trigonometry to find the angle.

FAQ: Quick Phys question before test, involves Energy, just confused? Help please

1. What is energy and how is it related to physics?

Energy is the ability to do work or cause a change in an object. In physics, energy is a fundamental concept and is involved in all physical processes and interactions.

2. What are the different forms of energy?

There are many forms of energy, including kinetic energy (energy of motion), potential energy (stored energy), thermal energy (heat), electromagnetic energy (light and other forms of radiation), and chemical energy.

3. How is energy conserved in a closed system?

In a closed system, energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred from one form to another. This principle is known as the law of conservation of energy.

4. What is the difference between potential and kinetic energy?

Potential energy is the energy an object has due to its position or state, while kinetic energy is the energy an object has due to its motion. Both forms of energy can be converted into one another.

5. How can I calculate the energy of a system?

The energy of a system can be calculated using various equations, depending on the type of energy involved. Some common equations include E=mc² for calculating the energy of mass, and E=hf for calculating the energy of electromagnetic radiation.
