Quick question on product of Minkowski tensors

In summary, the conversation discusses solving a problem involving Lorentz tensors and an axial Lorentz vector in three spacetime dimensions using Lagrangian and Euler-Lagrange equations. The conversation covers various attempts and equations, including the field equations, Bianchi identities, and the Klein Gordon equations. The conversation also addresses potential typos and mistakes in the given equations.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let's say I have (g[itex]^{\nu\alpha}[/itex]g[itex]^{\mu\beta}[/itex] - g[itex]^{\nu\beta}[/itex]g[itex]^{\mu\alpha}[/itex])F[itex]_{\nu}[/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

Would this just equal g[itex]^{\mu\beta}[/itex]F[itex]_{\alpha}[/itex] - g[itex]^{\mu\alpha}[/itex]F[itex]_{\beta}[/itex] = [itex]\delta[/itex][itex]^{\mu}_{\alpha}[/itex]F[itex]_{\alpha}[/itex] - [itex]\delta[/itex][itex]^{\mu}_{\beta}[/itex]F[itex]_{\beta}[/itex] = 0?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Of course not. The g and the delta are different objects, you can't change one for the other. The result is [itex] g^{\mu\beta}F^{\alpha}-g^{\mu\alpha}F^{\beta} [/itex] which can't be simplified further.
  • #3
Thanks for the reply. I asked this question because I was having trouble with this problem:In three spacetime dimensions (two space plus one time) an antisymmetric Lorentz tensor
F[itex]^{\mu\nu}[/itex] = -F[itex]^{\nu\mu}[/itex] is equivalent to an axial Lorentz vector, F[itex]^{\mu\nu}[/itex] = e[itex]^{\mu\nu\lambda}[/itex]F[itex]_{\lambda}[/itex]. We have the following Lagrangian:

L = -(1/2)*F[itex]_{\lambda}[/itex]F[itex]^{\lambda}[/itex] + (m/2)*F[itex]_{\lambda}[/itex]A[itex]^{\lambda}[/itex] (6)


F[itex]_{\lambda}[/itex](x) = (1/2)*[itex]\epsilon[/itex][itex]_{\lambda\mu\nu}[/itex]F[itex]^{\mu\nu}[/itex] = [itex]\epsilon[/itex][itex]_{\lambda\mu\nu}[/itex][itex]\partial[/itex][itex]^{\mu}[/itex]A[itex]^{\nu}[/itex],

or in components, F[itex]_{0}[/itex] = -B, F1 = +E[itex]^{2}[/itex], F[itex]_{2}[/itex] = -E[itex]^{1}[/itex].

(b) Write down the field equations, including the Bianchi identities, for the F[itex]_{λ}[/itex] fields. Then show that these equations imply the Klein Gordon equations ([itex]\partial[/itex][itex]^{2}[/itex] + m[itex]^{2}[/itex])F[itex]_{λ}[/itex] = 0

hint: ε[itex]^{αβ\gamma}[/itex]ε[itex]_{\nu}[/itex][itex]^{αβ}[/itex] = g[itex]^{\alpha μ}[/itex]g[itex]^{\beta\nu}[/itex]-g[itex]^{\alpha\nu}[/itex]g[itex]^{\beta\mu}[/itex]I was able to figure out the Euler-Lagrange equation gives
[itex]\partial[/itex][itex]^{μ}[/itex](F[itex]^{λ}[/itex] - (m/2)A[itex]^{λ}[/itex]) + (m/2)F[itex]_{λ}[/itex] = 0
which then gives
[itex]\partial[/itex][itex]^{μ}[/itex]F[itex]^{λ}[/itex] - (m/4)ε[itex]^{\nuμλ}[/itex]F[itex]_{\nu}[/itex] + (m/2)F[itex]_{λ}[/itex] = 0

after multiplying the whole equation by ε[itex]_{\nu}[/itex][itex]^{αβ}[/itex], and using the hint and the response above, and then taking [itex]\partial[/itex][itex]_{μ}[/itex] of the whole thing, I get

ε[itex]_{\nu}[/itex][itex]^{αβ}[/itex][itex]\partial[/itex][itex]^{2}[/itex]F[itex]^{λ}[/itex] - (m/4)g[itex]^{μβ}[/itex][itex]\partial[/itex][itex]_{\mu}[/itex]F[itex]_{α}[/itex] + (m/4)[itex]\partial[/itex][itex]_{\mu}[/itex]F[itex]_{β}[/itex]g[itex]^{μα}[/itex] + (m/2)ε[itex]_{\nu}[/itex][itex]^{αβ}[/itex][itex]\partial[/itex][itex]_{\mu}[/itex]F[itex]_{λ}[/itex] = 0

But now I'm stuck.
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  • #4
Hmm, are you sure you're supposed to get the Proca equation for F and not for A ? I mean, the langrangian is second-order in potentials, thus the E-L equations can't be 3rd order.

I guess you need to brush up your differentiations techniques. The epsilon with 3 indices can't have one index down and 2 up, they're either all up, or all down. Also pay attention to index placement, to keep the equations covariant. I.e. in the LHS for example, you can't have as free indices one time lambda up and other time lambda down.
  • #5
No, we've never covered the Proca equation. As for the epsilon with one index down and 2 up, that's just the Hint the prof gave us. So if that's wrong, then he made a typo. Same with the Lagrangian (6), as that is what the prof gave us
  • #6
Why don't you write you Lagrangian in 6 wrt A only and then compute the E-L equations for it ?
  • #7
I tried substituting the equation I got just after the E-L eq into the last equation, but then that gives
ε[itex]_{\nu}[/itex][itex]^{αβ}[/itex][itex]\partial[/itex][itex]^{2}[/itex]F[itex]^{λ}[/itex] - ((m^2)/16)F[itex]^{\muβ}[/itex] + ((m^2)/16)F[itex]^{\mu\nu}[/itex] + ((m^2)/4)ε[itex]_{\nu}[/itex][itex]^{αβ}[/itex][/itex]F[itex]^{λ}[/itex] = 0

Can I get the middle two terms to cancel by setting F[itex]^{\muβ}[/itex] = ε[itex]^{\lambda\muβ}[/itex]F[itex]_{\lambda}[/itex] and F[itex]^{\mu\alpha}[/itex] =ε[itex]^{\lambda\mu\nu}[/itex]F[itex]_{\lambda}[/itex]
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  • #8
I made the calculations and I got

[tex] \frac{m}{2} F^{\tau} - \Box A^{\tau} - \partial^{\tau} \partial_{\mu} A^{\mu} = 0 [/tex]
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  • #9
dextercioby said:
I made the calculations and I got

[tex] \frac{m}{2} F^{\tau} - \Box A^{\tau} - \partial^{\tau} \partial_{\mu} A^{\mu} = 0 [/tex]

From the work I did above or from computing the E-L equations from writing the Lagrangian in (6) wrt A?

After getting the new E-L equations, I obtained

(m/2)F[itex]^{\lambda}[/itex] + (1/2)[itex]\epsilon[/itex][itex]^{\lambda\mu\nu}[/itex][itex]\partial[/itex][itex]_{\mu}[/itex]F[itex]_{\lambda}[/itex] - (m/4)[itex]\epsilon[/itex][itex]^{\lambda\mu\nu}[/itex][itex]\epsilon[/itex][itex]^{\gamma\mu\lambda}[/itex]F[itex]^{\gamma}[/itex] = 0

And I think this is where the Hint would be useful, but if it's really a typo, then I am stuck here
  • #10
You;re missing the 3rd term I got. The fully contracted epsilons should give you a number which is 6 (3!).
  • #11
It seems that I got my 3rd term instead of the 3rd term you got. I double-checked my work, and I don't see how you got the 3rd term that is different from mine

But my
[itex]\frac{\partial L}{\partial A^{\lambda}}[/itex] = (m/2)F[itex]_{\lambda}[/itex]


[itex]\partial[/itex][itex]_{\mu}[/itex]( [itex]\frac{\partial L}{\partial (\partial^{\mu}A^{\nu})}[/itex] ) = [itex]\partial[/itex][itex]_{\mu}[/itex]A[itex]_{\nu}[/itex] + [itex]\epsilon[/itex][itex]_{\lambda\mu\nu}[/itex](m/2)A[itex]^{\lambda}[/itex]

so is this right?
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  • #12
The kinetic term I got is

[tex] -\frac{1}{2}\left[\left(\partial^{\sigma}A^{\rho}\right)\left(\partial_{\sigma}A_{\rho}\right) - \left(\partial^{\rho}A^{\sigma}\right)\left(\partial_{\sigma}A_{\rho}\right)\right] [/tex]

so that the [itex] \partial_{\mu}\frac{\partial\mathcal{L}}{\partial \left(\partial_{\mu}A_{\tau}\right)}[/itex] has the form I wrote above.

(There's something wrong with mathjax. It won't fully parse my code.)
  • #13
The full Lagrangian I have is

-(1/2)[ [itex]\partial[/itex][itex]^{\lambda}[/itex]A[itex]^{\mu}[/itex][itex]\partial[/itex][itex]_{\lambda}[/itex]A[itex]_{\mu}[/itex] - [itex]\partial[/itex][itex]^{\mu}[/itex]A[itex]^{\lambda}[/itex][itex]\partial[/itex][itex]_{\mu}[/itex]A[itex]_{\lambda}[/itex] ] + (m/2)([itex]\epsilon[/itex][itex]_{\lambda\mu\nu}[/itex][itex]\partial[/itex][itex]^{}\mu[/itex]A[itex]^{\nu}[/itex])A[itex]^{\lambda}[/itex]

so it seems that I have the same kinetic term that you have

After I got the Euler-Lagrange eq, it seems that I have the [itex]\epsilon[/itex][itex]^{\lambda\mu\nu}[/itex](m/2)[itex]\partial[/itex][itex]_{}\mu[/itex]A[itex]^{\lambda}[/itex] term when I shouldn't.

But shouldn't this be true?
[itex]\frac{\partial}{\partial(\partial_{\mu}A_{\nu})}[/itex][(m/2)([itex]\epsilon[/itex][itex]_{\lambda\mu\nu}[/itex][itex]\partial^{\mu}[/itex]A[itex]^{\nu}[/itex])A[itex]^{\lambda}[/itex] ] =[itex]\epsilon[/itex][itex]^{\lambda\mu\nu}[/itex](m/2)A[itex]^{\lambda}[/itex]
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FAQ: Quick question on product of Minkowski tensors

1. What is the product of Minkowski tensors?

The product of Minkowski tensors is a mathematical operation that combines two or more Minkowski tensors to create a new tensor. It is commonly used in the field of physics and geometry to describe the shape and properties of an object.

2. How is the product of Minkowski tensors calculated?

The product of Minkowski tensors is calculated by taking the tensor product of the individual tensors and then applying a set of mathematical rules to simplify the result. This process can be complex and requires a good understanding of tensor algebra.

3. What are the applications of the product of Minkowski tensors?

The product of Minkowski tensors has various applications in physics, engineering, and computer science. It is used to describe the properties of spacetime in general relativity, analyze the shape and structure of materials in material science, and in image processing for object recognition and shape analysis.

4. Can the product of Minkowski tensors be applied to non-Euclidean spaces?

Yes, the product of Minkowski tensors can be applied to non-Euclidean spaces, including curved spaces in general relativity. This is because Minkowski tensors are designed to work with tensors in any geometric space, not just Euclidean space.

5. Are there any limitations to using the product of Minkowski tensors?

One limitation of using the product of Minkowski tensors is that it is a complex mathematical operation that requires advanced knowledge of tensor algebra. It may not be suitable for applications where simpler methods can provide accurate results. Additionally, it may not be as useful in cases where the objects being analyzed are highly irregular or have a complex shape.
