Quickest Route Between Horizontal Points using the Initial Velocity & Friction

In summary, the quickest route between two horizontal points can be determined by factoring in the initial velocity and friction. The initial velocity, or the speed at which an object starts moving, can affect the time it takes to reach the destination. Friction, or the resistance between two surfaces, can also impact the speed and movement of an object. By considering both of these factors, one can determine the most efficient and quickest route between two horizontal points.
  • #1
re: https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/is-it-possible-to-solve-for-t.996132/post-6421205


Would it be possible to find t and r via the exact same equations as found in posts #4 and #10, and then find the parametric curve by incorporating the coefficient of friction via (where r is labeled a):



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Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
This was already explained in the linked article. To summarise, imagine the particle as bead sliding along a rail in the shape of the trajectory. The contact force ##\mathbf{N}## satisfies$$(\mathbf{N} + m\mathbf{g})\cdot \mathbf{n} = \frac{mv^2}{\rho} \mathbf{n}$$If you approximate the RHS to be negligible, then$$\mathbf{F}_{f} = -\mu N \mathbf{t} = -\mu mg\cos{(\theta)} \mathbf{t}$$Apply Newton II tangentially,$$-mg\sin{(\theta)} - \mu mg \cos{(\theta)} = m\ddot{s}$$But ##\cos{(\theta)} = dx/ds## and ##\sin{(\theta)} = dy/ds##, so$$-g \frac{dy}{ds} - \mu g \frac{dx}{ds} = \ddot{s} = \dot{v}$$Now, critical step is to rewrite$$\dot{v} = \frac{dv}{ds} \frac{ds}{dt} = v\frac{dv}{ds} = \frac{1}{2} \frac{d}{ds} \left( v^2 \right)$$so that$$-2g \frac{dy}{ds} - 2\mu g \frac{dx}{ds} = \frac{d(v^2)}{ds}$$and now integrate, taking ##v(0,0) = 0##,$$-2g(y + \mu x) = v^2 \implies v = \sqrt{-2g(y+\mu x)}$$Now we can define the time functional$$T[y] = \int_0^l \frac{ds}{v} = \int_{x_0}^{x_1} \frac{\sqrt{1+y'^2}}{\sqrt{-2g(y+\mu x)}} dx$$Now you can let$$\mathcal{L} = \frac{\sqrt{1+y'^2}}{\sqrt{-2g(y+\mu x)}}$$and we now have to compute ##\mathcal{L}_{y}## and ##\mathcal{L}_{y'}##, and use the Euler-Lagrange condition for extremum ##\mathcal{L}_{y} = \frac{d}{dx} {\mathcal{L}}_{y'}##, i.e.$$\frac{g\sqrt{1+(y')^2}}{(-2g(y+\mu x))^{\frac{3}{2}}} = \frac{d}{dx} \left( \frac{y'}{\sqrt{(1+y'^2)} \sqrt{-2g(y+\mu x)}} \right)$$ $$\frac{g\sqrt{1+(y')^2}}{(-2g(y+\mu x))^{\frac{3}{2}}} =

\sqrt{1+(y')^2} \sqrt{-2g(y+\mu x)} y'' - y' \left( y' y''\frac{\sqrt{-2g(y+\mu x)}}{\sqrt{1+(y')^2}} - g(y' + \mu)\frac{\sqrt{1+(y')^2}}{\sqrt{-2g(y+\mu x)}} \right)
(1+y'^2)(-2g(y + \mu x))

$$Now we must find a substitution to make this equation more manageable!
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  • #3
You can actually simplify it fairly nicely, first multiply through by ##(-2g(y+\mu x))^{\frac{3}{2}}(1+y'^2)^{\frac{3}{2}}##, and you get$$g(1+y'^2)^2 = y''(1+y'^2)(-2g(y+\mu x)) - y'^2 y''(-2g(y+ \mu x)) - gy'(y' + \mu)(1+y'^2)$$Now regroup the ##y''## terms,$$\begin{align*}g(1+y'^2)^2 &= y'' \left[ (1+y'^2)(-2g(y+\mu x)) - y'^2(-2g(y+\mu x)\right] - gy'(y' + \mu)(1+y'^2) \\ &= -2gy''(y+\mu x) - gy'(y' + \mu)(1+y'^2)\end{align*}$$And finally transpose the second term$$g(1+y'^2) \left[ 1+2y'^2 + \mu y' \right] + 2gy''(y+\mu x) = 0$$
  • #4
I haven’t yet managed to rearrange the formula to solve for r, ta, tb, u but just wanted to find an initial very approximate solution as a guide.

My goal was to find a curve with an approximate initial depth of -1, a horizontal distance of 1 and a nonzero u and after fiddling around for a while I got this:


  • #5
I’ve been able to approximate the results in the linked article:

Parametric Graph: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/jkth1kofbd


Starting with a cycloid radius 1 with a final angle of 3.88 rad with 0 friction coefficient, I increased the friction coefficient to 0.18 and concluded it is necessary to reduce the radius from 1 to 0.845 and increase the final angle from 3.88 rad to 4.24 rad to reach approximately the same endpoint in the shortest possible time. With the added friction, the optimal path “goes deeper” than the frictionless path.
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Likes etotheipi
  • #6
@etotheipi Is it apparent to you from your equations how to find r, ta & tb between 2 horizontal points from the coefficient of friction and the initial velocity? The math is a bit advanced for my present understanding. In the other thread (without friction) I was able to find r, ta and tb using a purely geometrical approach.

The goal is to find a “traversable path” for a vehicle similar to a magnetically levitated hyperloop in vacuum (with a certain lift to drag ratio), where the initial velocity is high enough that, even with friction, the vehicle is able to return to the starting elevation and travel from point a to horizontal point b in the shortest possible time.

For example, without friction, with 9 m/s initial velocity, a horizontal distance of 5000m can be traveled in less than 1/10th the time on the optimal path compared to the flat route.
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  • #7
We'd need to try an ansatz, but presumably you'd end up with the parameterisation given on the website you found. I would play around with it for a bit longer, but I'm a little bit too busy tonight 😌
  • #8
The best I can do at this point is say here is the quickest, traversable path between horizontal points with an initial velocity and a 250:1 lift to drag ratio (0.004 coefficient of friction), but I don’t know the initial velocity or the exact horizontal distance. The start and endpoints are at the 2 intersections of the orange and blue lines (the test body starts at rest from the origin and crosses the blue line with an initial velocity and crosses again with a final velocity):

Parametric Graph: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/peb5xdtqgk


Ideally I would like to find the minimum initial velocity for the optimal (for time) traversable pathway with a given horizontal distance, local gravity and coefficient of friction.
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  • #9
Playing around with the graph a bit more I find the minimum initial velocity for a horizontal distance of 5000m with 250:1 lift to drag ratio is equivalent to a fall down the ramp from the origin of roughly 20 meters and the optimal path for time for such a vehicle is very close to a cycloid. This gives a very rough minimum initial velocity of 19-20m/s in 9.8m/s^2 gravity or roughly ~43mph.

Graph: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/fxu9dcvmps



  • #10
With a given r and u, is it possible to determine the y position of the cusp on the right hand side, use that to determine the initial velocity at the same depth from the cusp at the origin on the left hand side, and use that to calculate the travel time with minimal initial velocity?

FAQ: Quickest Route Between Horizontal Points using the Initial Velocity & Friction

1. What is the "Quickest Route Between Horizontal Points" problem?

The "Quickest Route Between Horizontal Points" problem is a physics problem that involves finding the shortest path between two points on a horizontal surface, taking into account the initial velocity and friction. It is commonly used in real-world scenarios, such as finding the fastest route for a car to travel from one point to another.

2. How is the initial velocity used in this problem?

The initial velocity is the starting speed of an object and is used to calculate the total distance traveled. In the "Quickest Route Between Horizontal Points" problem, it is used to determine the time it takes for an object to reach its destination, which is necessary for finding the quickest route.

3. What role does friction play in this problem?

Friction is a force that opposes the motion of an object and is caused by the interaction between two surfaces. In the "Quickest Route Between Horizontal Points" problem, friction is taken into account because it affects the speed and distance an object can travel.

4. How is the quickest route determined in this problem?

The quickest route is determined by using the principles of physics, specifically the equations for motion and the concept of optimization. By considering the initial velocity and friction, the time it takes for an object to travel from one point to another can be calculated, and the shortest path can be determined.

5. What are some real-world applications of this problem?

The "Quickest Route Between Horizontal Points" problem has many real-world applications, such as finding the fastest route for a car to travel from one location to another, determining the most efficient path for a robot to navigate, or calculating the shortest distance for a projectile to travel. It is also used in sports, such as determining the fastest way for a runner to complete a race or for a skier to reach the bottom of a slope.

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