Quickly: Multlinearity of exterior derivative, and proof of invariant formula

In summary, The conversation discusses proving the invariant form for the exterior derivative by following some notes. The participants are confused about the symmetry of the right hand side and the use of a multiindex in the notation. It is clarified that the (-1)^{p-1} factor in the multilinear property is a typo and that the authors assume the equality is linear in \omega. The complete argument for the proof involves verifying the equality for \omega=fdx^I and then using linearity to generalize it to any k-form.
  • #1
Hi all,

I am trying to prove the invariant form for the exterior derivative http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exteri...tions_of_grad.2C_curl.2C_div.2C_and_Laplacian by following these notes http://idv.sinica.edu.tw/ftliang/diff_geom/*diff_geometry(II)/3.11/exterior_derivative_2.pdf.

I am confused however, as the beginning of the proof is to show that the RHS form is "multilinear", in the sense that, for arbitrary vectors [itex]V_i[/itex]

[tex] RHS(V_1, \ldots, fV_p, \ldots, V_{k+1}) = (-1)^{p-1} f RHS(V_1, \ldots, V_p, \ldots, V_{k+1}) [/tex]

Given that the right hand side is equal to the exterior derivative of something, does this not imply that the exterior derivative of something has the same weird symmetry. I would have thought that since the exterior derivative is a tensor, it is the usual linear
[tex] d \Omega (V_1, \ldots, fV_p, \ldots, V_{k+1}) = f d \Omega(V_1, \ldots, V_p, \ldots, V_{k+1}). [/tex]
Could someone please clarify this?

As for the general proof, after proving that things are multilinear in that unusual sense, the author states that [itex] \omega = f dx ^I[/itex] for some index set [itex] I [/itex]. Is this meant to be [itex] \omega = f_I dx ^I[/itex]?

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  • #2
If you read the proof, you will see that they actually prove that RHS is multilinear in the usual sense of the word, and so that (-1)^{p-1} factor is some kind of typo.

Next, the authors make the remark that since a general k-form is (locally) a sum of terms of the form [itex]f dx ^I[/itex] (for some multiindex I), and since both RHS and d are linear, it suffices to check that RHS = d on forms [itex]\omega[/itex] of the type [itex]\omega = f dx ^I[/itex]. It is completely unnecessary to clog up the notation by giving f a multiindex, but you may do so if its absence makes you uneasy.
  • #3
quasar987 said:
If you read the proof, you will see that they actually prove that RHS is multilinear in the usual sense of the word, and so that (-1)^{p-1} factor is some kind of typo.

Next, the authors make the remark that since a general k-form is (locally) a sum of terms of the form [itex]f dx ^I[/itex] (for some multiindex I), and since both RHS and d are linear, it suffices to check that RHS = d on forms [itex]\omega[/itex] of the type [itex]\omega = f dx ^I[/itex]. It is completely unnecessary to clog up the notation by giving f a multiindex, but you may do so if its absence makes you uneasy.

Thanks. I soon figured out that it was multilinear in the usual sense, though the initial error was confusing.

As for the next point, I just wanted to clarify that they were not assuming that all the coefficients were equal, i.e. letting [itex]f = f_{a_1\ldots a_{p}}[/itex] for all [itex]a_i[/itex].

Ah, I see --- maybe they can assume that, as long as they show that the equation is linear in [itex]\omega[/itex]. I think they state this, but do not prove it.

  • #4
I suppose that the complete argument would be this: pick a multiindex I and a function f, then verify the equality for [itex]\omega=fdx^I[/itex]. Then, observe that nowhere in this is verification did we explicitely use the value of I or any special property about the function f. So the equality is valid for any multiindix I and associated function f_I and hence for any k-form by linearity.
  • #5



The multilinearity of the exterior derivative refers to its behavior when acting on a function multiplied by a vector. In the context of the invariant formula, this means that the exterior derivative of a function multiplied by a vector is equal to the function multiplied by the exterior derivative of that vector, with a sign change depending on the degree of the form.

As for the proof, the author is using Einstein notation, where repeated indices are summed over. So in the expression \omega = f dx ^I, the index I represents all possible indices and is summed over. This notation is commonly used in differential geometry to simplify expressions involving tensors.

I hope this clarifies things for you. Good luck with your proof!

FAQ: Quickly: Multlinearity of exterior derivative, and proof of invariant formula

1. What is the multlinearity of the exterior derivative?

The multlinearity of the exterior derivative refers to its property of being a linear operator. This means that for any two functions f and g, and any scalar c, the exterior derivative of the sum cf+g is equal to c times the exterior derivative of f plus the exterior derivative of g. In other words, the exterior derivative is additive and satisfies the distributive law.

2. How is the exterior derivative related to vector calculus?

The exterior derivative is closely related to the vector calculus operators of gradient, divergence, and curl. In fact, the exterior derivative of a function is equivalent to its gradient, the exterior derivative of a one-form (differential) is equivalent to its divergence, and the exterior derivative of a two-form (bivector) is equivalent to its curl. This relationship allows for a deeper understanding and generalization of vector calculus concepts.

3. What is the invariant formula for the exterior derivative?

The invariant formula for the exterior derivative is a fundamental equation in differential geometry that relates the exterior derivative of a differential form to its interior product with the vector field that it represents. It states that the exterior derivative of a k-form is equal to the sum of its interior product with the exterior derivative of a k-1 form, plus the exterior product of its interior product with the vector field. This formula is invariant under coordinate transformations, making it a powerful tool in geometric calculations.

4. How is the invariant formula used in differential geometry?

The invariant formula for the exterior derivative is used extensively in differential geometry to study the geometry of smooth manifolds. It allows for the computation of important geometric quantities such as curvature, torsion, and volume forms. It also plays a crucial role in the formulation of Maxwell's equations in electromagnetism and in the theory of relativity.

5. What is the proof of the invariant formula for the exterior derivative?

The proof of the invariant formula for the exterior derivative involves using the Cartan calculus and the definition of the exterior derivative as a limit of difference quotients. It also relies on the properties of the exterior product, the interior product, and the Lie derivative. The proof is a bit technical and requires a solid understanding of differential forms and differential geometry, but it can be found in many advanced textbooks and online resources.
