Quote on ligh-matter interaction is needed

In summary, the speaker is asking for a quote from a famous scientist that describes the role of spectroscopy in solid state physics. They express frustration in not being able to find a suitable quote and mention using various spectroscopic techniques in their own thesis. They jokingly suggest a potential quote but acknowledge that they are not a famous scientist. Lastly, they congratulate the listener on completing their PhD thesis.
  • #1
The waveguide

It is generally not my style to ask for this type of help... But I am now summarizing my PhD thesis, and I feel that I desperately need a quote by a famous scientist who say something like that:

The whole solid state physics is based on throwing photons on matter and studies of humps and bumps on the spectra that reveal the amazing world of molecules and atoms within the solid.

Well, anything that I say sounds awkward but that is how I feel regarding my work. I was using X-rays, visible and infrared spectroscopies to study properties of solids and I always found it fascinating how those humps and bumps in the spectra can reveal so much about the inner world of solid, hidden from our eyes!

I am sure that famous physicists/chemists had said something more intelligent than I can ever make up... I googled for a while, and also read some books, but I never came across anything matching!

It really drives me mad for a while- I know that my thesis will survive without such a quote, but I can not sleep like that!
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  • #2
I think a statement along the lines of "solid state physics is essentially about pushing a solid and seeing how it wobbles" sounds cute - Unfortunately, I'm not a famous scientist by any stretch.

Oh, and congratulations on completing your PhD thesis!

  • #3

Dear researcher,

I understand your need for a quote on light-matter interaction for your PhD thesis. I would like to share with you a quote from Albert Einstein, one of the greatest scientists of all time:

"All of physics is either impossible or trivial. It is impossible until you understand it, and then it becomes trivial."

This quote highlights the importance of light-matter interaction in understanding the complex world of solid state physics. It emphasizes that once we have a deeper understanding of this interaction, the mysteries of the solid state become clear and seemingly impossible tasks become trivial.

I hope this quote resonates with your work and provides the inspiration you need for your thesis. Best of luck!

FAQ: Quote on ligh-matter interaction is needed

1. What is light-matter interaction?

Light-matter interaction refers to the process by which light (electromagnetic radiation) and matter (atoms, molecules, etc.) interact with each other. This interaction can result in various phenomena such as absorption, emission, and scattering of light.

2. Why is understanding light-matter interaction important?

Understanding light-matter interaction is crucial for many fields of science, including optics, chemistry, and physics. It allows us to explain and predict how light interacts with matter, which is essential for developing new technologies and solving complex problems.

3. How does light-matter interaction influence the behavior of matter?

Light-matter interaction can affect the behavior of matter in various ways. For example, it can cause changes in the energy levels of atoms, leading to chemical reactions. It can also induce the movement of particles, resulting in mechanical effects.

4. What are some real-life applications of light-matter interaction?

Light-matter interaction has many real-life applications, such as in solar cells, optical communication systems, and medical imaging. It is also essential in fields like spectroscopy, where it is used to identify and study the structure of molecules.

5. How do scientists study light-matter interaction?

Scientists use various techniques and instruments to study light-matter interaction, such as spectrometers, lasers, and microscopes. They also conduct experiments to observe and measure the effects of light on different types of matter under controlled conditions.

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