Quotient Groups - Dummit and Foote, Section 3.1, Exercise 17

In summary, the problem involves finding the order of the quotient group $\overline{G}$, which is generated by $r^4$ in the dihedral group $G$. The order is found to be 8. In order to express each element of $\overline{G}$ in the form $\overline{s}^a \overline{r}^b$, we must view the cosets as $s^ar^bH$, where $r \in \{0,1,2,3 \}$ and $s \in \{0,1 \}$. This also helps in understanding how a surjective homomorphism can be formed from $D_8$ to $D_4
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
I am reading Dummit and Foote Section 3.1: Quotient Groups and Homomorphisms.

Exercise 17 in Section 3.1 (page 87) reads as follows:


Let G be the dihedral group od order 16.

[TEX] G = < r,s \ | \ r^8 = s^2 = 1, rs = sr^{-1} > [/TEX]

and let [TEX] \overline{G} = G/<r^4> [/TEX] be the quotient of [TEX] G [/TEX] generated by [TEX] r^4 [/TEX].

(a) Show that the order of [TEX] \overline{G} [/TEX] is 8

(b) Exhibit each element of [TEX] \overline{G} [/TEX] in the form [TEX] \overline{s}^a \overline{r}^b [/TEX]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I have a problem with part (b) in terms of how you express each element of [TEX] \overline{G} [/TEX] in the form requested - indeed, I am not quite sure what is meant by "in the form [TEX] \overline{s}^a \overline{r}^b [/TEX]"My working of the basics of the problem was to put [TEX] H = <r^4> [/TEX] and generate the cosets of H as follows:

[TEX] 1H = H = \{ r^4, 1 \} [/TEX]

[TEX]rH = \{ r^5, r \}[/TEX]

[TEX]r^2H = \{ r^6, r^2 \}[/TEX]

[TEX]r^3H = \{ r^7, r^3 \}[/TEX]

[TEX]sH = \{ sr^4, s \}[/TEX]

[TEX]srH = \{ sr^5, sr \}[/TEX]

[TEX]sr^2H = \{ sr^6, sr^2 \}[/TEX]

[TEX] sr^3H = \{ sr^7, sr^3 \} [/TEX]So the order of [TEX] \overline{G} [/TEX] is 8BUT - how do we express the above in the form [TEX] \overline{s}^a \overline{r}^b [/TEX] and what does the form mean anyway?

Would appreciate some help.


[Note: This has also been posted on MHF]
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  • #2
Peter said:
I am reading Dummit and Foote Section 3.1: Quotient Groups and Homomorphisms.

Exercise 17 in Section 3.1 (page 87) reads as follows:


Let G be the dihedral group od order 16.

[TEX] G = < r,s \ | \ r^8 = s^2 = 1, rs = sr^{-1} > [/TEX]

and let [TEX] \overline{G} = G/<r^4> [/TEX] be the quotient of [TEX] G [/TEX] generated by [TEX] r^4 [/TEX].

(a) Show that the order of [TEX] \overline{G} [/TEX] is 8

(b) Exhibit each element of [TEX] \overline{G} [/TEX] in the form [TEX] \overline{s}^a \overline{r}^b [/TEX]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I have a problem with part (b) in terms of how you express each element of [TEX] \overline{G} [/TEX] in the form requested - indeed, I am not quite sure what is meant by "in the form [TEX] \overline{s}^a \overline{r}^b [/TEX]"My working of the basics of the problem was to put [TEX] H = <r^4> [/TEX] and generate the cosets of H as follows:

[TEX] 1H = H = \{ r^4, 1 \} [/TEX]

[TEX]rH = \{ r^5, r \}[/TEX]

[TEX]r^2H = \{ r^6, r^2 \}[/TEX]

[TEX]r^3H = \{ r^7, r^3 \}[/TEX]

[TEX]sH = \{ sr^4, s \}[/TEX]

[TEX]srH = \{ sr^5, sr \}[/TEX]

[TEX]sr^2H = \{ sr^6, sr^2 \}[/TEX]

[TEX] sr^3H = \{ sr^7, sr^3 \} [/TEX]So the order of [TEX] \overline{G} [/TEX] is 8BUT - how do we express the above in the form [TEX] \overline{s}^a \overline{r}^b [/TEX] and what does the form mean anyway?

Would appreciate some help.


[Note: This has also been posted on MHF]
You have essentially already done that when you listed the cosets. All you need to do is to notice that $\overline{s}^a \overline{r}^b$ is just an alternative notation for the coset $s^ar^bH$.
  • #3
Opalg said:
You have essentially already done that when you listed the cosets. All you need to do is to notice that $\overline{s}^a \overline{r}^b$ is just an alternative notation for the coset $s^ar^bH$.
Thanks Opalg.

... just checking ...

It does not appear at first glance that [TEX]r^3H = \{ r^7, r^3 \}[/TEX] actually fits the form \(\displaystyle s^ar^bH \) unless of course we view it as \(\displaystyle s^0r^3H \).

Presumably that is the interpretation?

  • #4
Peter said:
Thanks Opalg.

... just checking ...

It does not appear at first glance that [TEX]r^3H = \{ r^7, r^3 \}[/TEX] actually fits the form \(\displaystyle s^ar^bH \) unless of course we view it as \(\displaystyle s^0r^3H \).

Presumably that is the interpretation?

Yes, you need to say that $r\in\{0,1,2,3\}$ and $s\in\{0,1\}$.
  • #5
Opalg said:
Yes, you need to say that $r\in\{0,1,2,3\}$ and $s\in\{0,1\}$.


I do not follow why $r\in\{0,1,2,3\}$ and $s\in\{0,1\}$.

Can you explain?

  • #6
Peter said:
I do not follow why $r\in\{0,1,2,3\}$ and $s\in\{0,1\}$.

Can you explain?
Look at the list of cosets that you gave:

Peter said:
[TEX] 1H = \color{red}{s^0r^0H}[/TEX]
[TEX]rH = \color{red}{s^0r^1H}[/TEX]
[TEX]r^2H = \color{red}{s^0r^2H}[/TEX]
[TEX]r^3H = \color{red}{s^0r^3H}[/TEX]
[TEX]sH = \color{red}{s^1r^0H}[/TEX]
[TEX]srH = \color{red}{s^1r^1H}[/TEX]
[TEX]sr^2H = \color{red}{s^1r^2H}[/TEX]
[TEX] sr^3H = \color{red}{s^1r^3H}[/TEX]
  • #7
Opalg said:
Look at the list of cosets that you gave:

Hi Opalg,

From what you have emphasized regarding my calculations it appears that the cosets are of the form \(\displaystyle \overline{s}^a \overline{r}^b \)


\(\displaystyle a \in \{0,1 \} \)


\(\displaystyle b \in \{ 0,1,2, 3 \} \)

Can you please comment?

[Maybe I am being pedantic, but just want to make sure i understand what is being said ...]

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  • #8
One can visualize $\langle r \rangle$ in the following "geometric" way:

Imagine a unit circle in the plane with eight distinguished "dots", starting at (1,0), and spaced around the unit circle so as to form a regular octagon. $r$ then can be represented as the rotation that takes each dot to the next one counter-clockwise.

Now what does "modding out $\langle r^4 \rangle$" correspond to?

You can imagine it like so: We deform the circle by "squeezing" the points (-1,0) and (1,0) together, to form TWO circles, like a figure 8, and then "fold the top one over" fusing the two circles. So now what used to be a 1/8 turn (on the original circle) is a 1/4 turn on the fused pair.

$s$ plays no part in this, all we have done with $G$ is to effectively replace the rotation generator $r$ with a new one $rH$ that now has an order of 4, instead of 8. In this quotient, the coset of $s$ is still of order 2 (because we have $s^2 = e \in H$ and $s \not\in H$, so that $sH \neq H$) and the relation:

$rs = sr^{-1}$

still holds in $G/H$:

$(rH)(sH) = rsH = sr^{-1}H = (sH)(r^{-1}H) = (sH)(rH)^{-1}$.

Given this, do you see how we can form a surjective homomorphism: $D_8 \to D_4$?
  • #9
Deveno said:
One can visualize $\langle r \rangle$ in the following "geometric" way:

Imagine a unit circle in the plane with eight distinguished "dots", starting at (1,0), and spaced around the unit circle so as to form a regular octagon. $r$ then can be represented as the rotation that takes each dot to the next one counter-clockwise.

Now what does "modding out $\langle r^4 \rangle$" correspond to?

You can imagine it like so: We deform the circle by "squeezing" the points (-1,0) and (1,0) together, to form TWO circles, like a figure 8, and then "fold the top one over" fusing the two circles. So now what used to be a 1/8 turn (on the original circle) is a 1/4 turn on the fused pair.

$s$ plays no part in this, all we have done with $G$ is to effectively replace the rotation generator $r$ with a new one $rH$ that now has an order of 4, instead of 8. In this quotient, the coset of $s$ is still of order 2 (because we have $s^2 = e \in H$ and $s \not\in H$, so that $sH \neq H$) and the relation:

$rs = sr^{-1}$

still holds in $G/H$:

$(rH)(sH) = rsH = sr^{-1}H = (sH)(r^{-1}H) = (sH)(rH)^{-1}$.

Given this, do you see how we can form a surjective homomorphism: $D_8 \to D_4$?

Thanks for those helpful insights, Deveno.

I can see how the two circles come about from squeezing the points (-1,0) and (1,0) ... see my attached diagram and brief explanation ...

I am not sure what the above does to the octagon but inuitively it turns it into a sqare in each of the smaller circles, and hence the octagon becomes a square in the overlapped circles ... so I can imagine a transformation from \(\displaystyle D_8 \) to \(\displaystyle D_4 \) ... but exactly how to show this ... ?

You mention that if we replace the rotation generator r with rH where \(\displaystyle H = r^4 \), then rH has an order of 4. This seems right as

\(\displaystyle rH = \{ r^5, r \} \)

\(\displaystyle {rH}^2 = (rH)(rH) = r^2H = \{ r^6, r^2 \} \)

\(\displaystyle {rH}^3 = r^3H = \{ r^7, r^3 \} \)

\(\displaystyle {rH}^4 = r^4H = 1.H \)

Thus (rH) has an order of 4, compared with r which has an order of 8.
You also mention that the coset sH has an order of 2 ...

we have \(\displaystyle (sH)^2 = s^2H = 1H = H \)

So yes, sH has an order of 2 ...

(But what is the relevance of \(\displaystyle rs = sr^{-1} \)
Regarding a surjective homomorphism \(\displaystyle D_8 \to D_4 \) I cannot quite see how to do it ... can you help?

I can see that there is a surjective homomorphism: \(\displaystyle \pi \ : \ D_8 \to D_8/H \) where \(\displaystyle H = <r^4> \) given by

\(\displaystyle \pi (a) = aH \)

In this homomorphism for example:

\(\displaystyle \pi (r) = rH = \{r^5 , r \} \)

\(\displaystyle \pi (s) = sH = \{ sr^4 , s \} \)

and then

\(\displaystyle \pi (sr) = srH = \{ sr^5 , sr \} \)

So, check that \(\displaystyle \pi (s) \pi (r) = \pi (sr) \)

\(\displaystyle \pi (s) \pi (r) = \{ sr^4, s \}* \{ r^5, r \} \)

But ... how to multiply two sets ... ? ... Guess ... multiply all elements ...

Then get \(\displaystyle \pi (s) \pi (r) = \{ sr^9, sr^5, Sr^5, Sr \} = \{sr, sr^5 \} \)

which seems right ...

But how do we get a surjective homomorphism from \(\displaystyle D_8 \) to \(\displaystyle D_4 \)?

Would appreciate some help.

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  • #10
The rule for multiplying two cosets is:

$(aH)(bH) = (ab)H$

For this to "make sense", we need to be confident that whenever:

$c \in aH$
$d \in bH$

that $cd \in (ab)H$.



Suppose $H$ is normal, with $c \in aH, d \in bH$. Thus:

$c = ah$, for some element $h \in H$, and $d = bh'$ for some element $h' \in H$.

So... $cd = (ah)(bh')$.

But since $H$ is normal, $Hb = bH$, that is, $hb = bh''$ for some (possibly different) $h'' \in H$. Thus:

$cd = (ah)(bh') = a(hb)h' = a(bh'')h' = (ab)(h''h') \in (ab)H$

(since $h''h' \in H$ by the closure property of a subgroup).

  • #11
Deveno said:
The rule for multiplying two cosets is:

$(aH)(bH) = (ab)H$

For this to "make sense", we need to be confident that whenever:

$c \in aH$
$d \in bH$

that $cd \in (ab)H$.



Suppose $H$ is normal, with $c \in aH, d \in bH$. Thus:

$c = ah$, for some element $h \in H$, and $d = bh'$ for some element $h' \in H$.

So... $cd = (ah)(bh')$.

But since $H$ is normal, $Hb = bH$, that is, $hb = bh''$ for some (possibly different) $h'' \in H$. Thus:

$cd = (ah)(bh') = a(hb)h' = a(bh'')h' = (ab)(h''h') \in (ab)H$

(since $h''h' \in H$ by the closure property of a subgroup).


Thanks Deveno, yes, that is clear.

Can you help on the surjective homomorphism from \(\displaystyle D_8 \) to \(\displaystyle D_4 \)?

  • #12
Let's write:

$D_8 = \{1,r,r^2,r^3,r^4,r^5,r^6,r^7,s,sr,sr^2,sr^3,sr^4,sr^5,sr^6,sr^7\}$

Where $r^8 = s^2 = 1$.

The multiplication table is completely determined by the rule:

$rs = sr^{-1}$.

For example:

$(sr^2)(sr^3) = (sr)(rs)r^3 = (sr)(sr^{-1})r^3 = (srs)r^2$

$ = s(rs)r^2 = s(sr^{-1})r^2 = s^2r = r$

(It is faster when verifying the entire multiplication table of 256 entries (!) to first prove the rule:

$r^ms = sr^{-m}$)

Let us write:

$D_4 = \{e,a,a^2,a^3,b,ba,ba^2,ba^3\}$ where $a^4 = b^2 = e$,

subject to the rule:

$ab = ba^{-1}$.

Then, all we must do is verify that the following map gives a homomorphism:

$\phi(s^kr^m) = b^ka^m$

(There are four cases to check, I leave them to you).

Note that this mapping is NOT one-to-one, for example:

$\phi(r^2) = a^2 = ea^2 = (a^4)(a^2) = a^6 = \phi(r^6)$.

What is $\text{ker}(\phi)$?

If $\phi(s^kr^m) = b^ka^m = e$, we must have $k = 0$, that is:

$s^kr^m \in \langle r \rangle$.

Direct computation shows that the only $m$ for which this holds is:

$m = 0,4$, so $\text{ker}(\phi) = \{1,r^4\}$.
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  • #13
Deveno said:
Let's write:

$D_8 = \{1,r,r^2,r^3,r^4,r^5,r^6,r^7,s,sr,sr^2,sr^3,sr^4,sr^5,sr^6,sr^7\}$

Where $r^8 = s^2 = 1$.

The multiplication table is completely determined by the rule:

$rs = sr^{-1}$.

For example:

$(sr^2)(sr^3) = (sr)(rs)r^3 = (sr)(sr^{-1})r^3 = (srs)r^2$

$ = s(rs)r^2 = s(sr^{-1})r^2 = s^2r = r$

(It is faster when verifying the entire multiplication table of 256 entries (!) to first prove the rule:

$r^ms = sr^{-m}$)

Let us write:

$D_4 = \{e,a,a^2,a^3,b,ba,ba^2,ba^3\}$ where $a^4 = b^2 = e$,

subject to the rule:

$ab = ba^{-1}$.

Then, all we must do is verify that the following map gives a homomorphism:

$\phi(s^kr^m) = b^ka^m$

(There are four cases to check, I leave them to you).

Note that this mapping is NOT one-to-one, for example:

$\phi(r^2) = a^2 = ea^2 = (a^4)(a^2) = a^6 = \phi(r^6)$.

What is $\text{ker}(\phi)$?

If $\phi(s^kr^m) = b^ka^m = e$, we must have $k = 0$, that is:

$s^kr^m \in \langle r \rangle$.

Direct computation shows that the only $m$ for which this hold is:

$m = 0,4$, so $\text{ker}(\phi) = \{1,r^4\}$.

Most helpful indeed!

Working through the post carefully now!


FAQ: Quotient Groups - Dummit and Foote, Section 3.1, Exercise 17

1. What is a quotient group?

A quotient group is a group that is formed by taking a subgroup of a larger group and then factoring out the elements in that subgroup to create a new group. This new group is called the quotient group.

2. How is a quotient group defined mathematically?

A quotient group is defined as G/N, where G is the original group and N is the normal subgroup being factored out. This means that the elements of N are considered to be equivalent and are all replaced with a single element in the quotient group.

3. What is the significance of normal subgroups in the formation of quotient groups?

Normal subgroups are important in the formation of quotient groups because they ensure that the operation of the quotient group is well-defined. This means that the result of the operation on two elements in the quotient group will not depend on the choice of representative elements from the subgroup being factored out.

4. How is the order of a quotient group related to the orders of the original group and the normal subgroup?

The order of a quotient group is equal to the order of the original group divided by the order of the normal subgroup. This is because the quotient group is formed by factoring out the elements of the normal subgroup, resulting in a smaller group.

5. Can all subgroups be factored out to form a quotient group?

No, not all subgroups can be factored out to form a quotient group. Only normal subgroups can be used to form quotient groups, as they ensure that the quotient group is well-defined. If a subgroup is not normal, then the resulting quotient group will not be a valid group.

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