Quotient Groups & how to interpret notation?

In summary: Z/6z is the group of integers such that every integer is divisible by 6, and Rx is the group of real numbers under multiplication. Z/2z is the group of only even integers.
  • #1

I am having some trouble truly interpreting what certain notation means when defining quotient groups, etc. (My deepest apologies in advance, with my college workload I simply have not had the time to really sit down and master latex.) Here are a few random examples I've seen in textbooks, online, etc.

example 1) What does Z/6z (z mod 6z) really mean? Is this like the group of integers such that every integer is divisible by 6?

example 2) What is Rx ? Is this the group of real numbers under multiplication? Do we include 0 and 1?

example 3) If we simply just write R, it that the group of real numbers under both multiplication and addition?

example 4) Given D4 is a dihedral group, why is the group D4/H = [H, rH} isomorphic to Z/2z ? Is this because Z/2z is the group of only even integers and the number of elements in D4/H equals 2 which is even, thus they are isomorphic?

These are just a few of several examples. Obviously I cannot go on forever, but I guess I am just hoping to get a better understanding of what all this notation means.

Thank you in advance!
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  • #2
mathjam0990 said:

I am having some trouble truly interpreting what certain notation means when defining quotient groups, etc. (My deepest apologies in advance, with my college workload I simply have not had the time to really sit down and master latex.) Here are a few random examples I've seen in textbooks, online, etc.

example 1) What does Z/6z (z mod 6z) really mean? Is this like the group of integers such that every integer is divisible by 6?

This is more properly written $\Bbb Z/6\Bbb Z$ and represents the quotient of the additive group $(\Bbb Z,+)$ by its (normal) subgroup $6\Bbb Z$, the subgroup of all multiples of $6$. Basically, we "identify" all multiples of $6$ calling them "equivalent to $0$", so that we wind up with $6$ cosets:

$0 + 6\Bbb Z = 6\Bbb Z = \{\dots,-12,-6,0,6,12,18,\dots\}$
$1 + 6\Bbb Z = \{\dots,-11,-5,1,7,13,19,\dots\}$
$2 + 6\Bbb Z = \{\dots,-10,-4,2,8,14,20,\dots\}$
$3 + 6\Bbb Z = \{\dots,-9,-3,3,9,15,21,\dots\}$
$4 + 6\Bbb Z = \{\dots,-8,-2,4,10,16,22,\dots\}$
$5 + 6\Bbb Z = \{\dots,-7,-1,5,11,17,23,\dots\}$

We add two cosets $(k + 6\Bbb Z) + (m + 6\Bbb Z)$ by finding the coset $k+m$ is in, so for example:

$(3 + 6\Bbb Z) + (5 + 6\Bbb Z) = 2 + 6\Bbb Z$, since $8 \in 2 + 6\Bbb Z$.

It's hard to be "clearer" without going into great detail of what a quotient group actually is. But I'll try to answer more questions about them, if you ask.

example 2) What is Rx ? Is this the group of real numbers under multiplication? Do we include 0 and 1?

Given a ring $R$, the notation $R^{\times}$ is typically used for the multiplicative group of units of $R$. For example, in the ring of integers, the group of multiplicative units is $\{-1,1\}$. If $R = \Bbb R$, the real numbers, then the multiplicative group of units is the non-zero real numbers, since given $r \neq 0 \in \Bbb R$, we have an $s \in \Bbb R$ such that:

$rs = sr = 1$, namely $s = \dfrac{1}{r}$.

example 3) If we simply just write R, it that the group of real numbers under both multiplication and addition?

$\Bbb R$ is not a group under multiplication, since $0$ has no (multiplicative) inverse. So if someone refers to "the group $\Bbb R$", they usually mean under the operation of addition.

example 4) Given D4 is a dihedral group, why is the group D4/H = [H, rH} isomorphic to Z/2z ? Is this because Z/2z is the group of only even integers and the number of elements in D4/H equals 2 which is even, thus they are isomorphic?

$D_4$ could mean one of two groups (both dihedral) one has $4$ elements, and one has $8$ elements. To be sure which one you have here, I'd need to know what "$H$" is. In any case, it turns out that ANY two groups with two elements are isomorphic. $\Bbb Z/2\Bbb Z$ is *not* the group of only even integers, that is $2\Bbb Z$. $\Bbb Z/2\Bbb Z$ has two cosets (two elements):

$0 + 2\Bbb Z = 2\Bbb Z$ -"even integers"
$1 + 2\Bbb Z$ -"odd integers".

We add these cosets using the usual "rules":

odd + odd = even
odd + even = even + odd = odd
even + even = even

You may want to convince yourself that this is same rule as I exhibited with $\Bbb Z/6\Bbb Z$ above with $2$ in place of $6$.

These are just a few of several examples. Obviously I cannot go on forever, but I guess I am just hoping to get a better understanding of what all this notation means.

Thank you in advance!

It sounds like you don't have a good grasp of how a quotient group is fundamentally different than a subgroup. You may have to back up a few steps, and see where you lost the thread.
  • #3
Thank you a million times for your answer. It makes much more sense than before. I only know by definition a quotient group is left cosets so G/H = {gH for all g in G} I think. And a subgroup must have closure, identity and inverse. But, when it comes to applying these definitions that is where I kind of get lost. I have some more reading up on this to do, but this answer gave me a great start. Thank you.

FAQ: Quotient Groups & how to interpret notation?

1. What is a quotient group?

A quotient group is a mathematical concept that arises in group theory. It is a group that is formed by dividing a larger group into smaller subgroups, and then considering the values of the larger group as equivalent to each other according to the subgroup structure.

2. How is a quotient group denoted?

A quotient group is typically denoted as G/N, where G is the original group and N is the subgroup that is being used to form the quotient. This notation is read as "G modulo N."

3. What does the notation "G/N" mean?

The notation "G/N" means that we are forming a quotient group by dividing the group G into smaller subgroups based on the elements of N. The resulting quotient group contains all the elements of G, but they are now considered equal to each other according to the subgroup structure of N.

4. How do you interpret the notation "gN" in a quotient group?

The notation "gN" in a quotient group represents a coset, which is a subset of the quotient group containing all the elements of G that are equivalent to g according to the subgroup N. It is read as "the coset of g modulo N."

5. What is the significance of quotient groups in mathematics?

Quotient groups are important in mathematics because they allow us to study the structure of a larger group by breaking it down into smaller, more manageable subgroups. They also have various applications in algebra, number theory, and geometry, making them a fundamental concept in many areas of mathematics.

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