Quotient groups of permutations

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of quotient groups and how to find them. The group S4/L is used as an example, and it is shown that the quotient group has an order of 6. The conversation also explores different ways to find the elements of the quotient group without having to multiply L by all the permutations in S4. It is concluded that the quotient group is isomorphic to D6, also known as S3 or D3.
  • #1
hey guys,

I just want grasp the whole concept of quotient groups,

I understand say, D8/K where K={1,a2}

I can see the quotient group pretty clearly without much trouble however I start to get stuck when working with larger groups, say S4

For instance S4/L where L is the set of (xx)(xx) elements of S4 including e,

Without going through and doing all the calculations I know that the order of the quotient group will be 6, however I can't see what the group will be,

L is a normal subgroup of S4 since each element in L contains its conjugate so left and right cosets equal.

I first thought the quotient group would be something like

{1,(xx)L,(xx)(xx)L,(xxx)L,(xxxx)L,?} (different length cycles x L) but there are only 5 different length cycles.

Is there a way to find these quotient groups without having to multiply L but every element of S4?
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  • #2
Jesssa said:
hey guys,

I just want grasp the whole concept of quotient groups,

I understand say, D8/K where K={1,a2}

I can see the quotient group pretty clearly without much trouble however I start to get stuck when working with larger groups, say S4

For instance S4/L where L is the set of (xx)(xx) elements of S4 including e,

Without going through and doing all the calculations I know that the order of the quotient group will be 6, however I can't see what the group will be,

L is a normal subgroup of S4 since each element in L contains its conjugate so left and right cosets equal.

I first thought the quotient group would be something like

{1,(xx)L,(xx)(xx)L,(xxx)L,(xxxx)L,?} (different length cycles x L) but there are only 5 different length cycles.

Is there a way to find these quotient groups without having to multiply L but every element of S4?

We can try the following approach: in the quotient group [itex]\,\,S_4/L\,\,[/itex] , with [itex]L:=\{(1),\, (12)(34),\, (13)(24),\, (14)(23)\}\,\,[/itex] , we have

that [itex]\,\,(12)L\neq (123)L\,\,[/itex] , since [itex]\,\,(12)(123)^{-1}=(12)(132)=(13)\notin L[/itex] .

Thus, by Lagrange's theorem the group [itex]\,\,S_4/L\,\,[/itex] has order 6 and by the above it isn't abelian, thus it is isomorphic with...

  • #3
Sorry I don't follow,

Doesn't having (12)L ≠ (123)L just mean there two elements of S4/L and the rest shows (13)L≠L, but (13)L could equal (some other permuation in S4)L,

Is there no way to find all the elements of S4/L without doing gL for all gεS4 and finding which ones are equal, that would give 24 cosets and 18 of the cosets would have to be duplicates of the remaining 6 to give an order 6 group right?

I could give a guess, is it isomorphic to D6?

I was just kind of hoping there was a fast way to find quotient groups, without, in this case, having to multiply L by 24 permutations and find which of these cosets are equal


oh i think i worked it out,

start with (12)L

then you get {(12),(34),( 1 4 2 3 ),( 1 3 2 4 )}(12)(13)(24) = (1423), so (13)(24)=(12)(1423) then (13)(24)(1423)=(12)

so (13)(24)(1324) = (12)

and its a normal subgroup so left and right cosets are equal so (12)L = (1324)L

similar argument you can get (12)L=(1423)L=(34)L

so you find 4 cosets in one, so you'll only have to do 6 calculations to find the quotient group
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  • #4
Jesssa said:
Sorry I don't follow,

Doesn't having (12)L ≠ (123)L just mean there two elements of S4/L and the rest shows (13)L≠L, but (13)L could equal (some other permuation in S4)L,

Is there no way to find all the elements of S4/L without doing gL for all gεS4 and finding which ones are equal, that would give 24 cosets and 18 of the cosets would have to be duplicates of the remaining 6 to give an order 6 group right?

I could give a guess, is it isomorphic to D6?

I was just kind of hoping there was a fast way to find quotient groups, without, in this case, having to multiply L by 24 permutations and find which of these cosets are equal


oh i think i worked it out,

start with (12)L

then you get {(12),(34),( 1 4 2 3 ),( 1 3 2 4 )}

(12)(13)(24) = (1423), so (13)(24)=(12)(1423) then (13)(24)(1423)=(12)

so (13)(24)(1324) = (12)

and its a normal subgroup so left and right cosets are equal so (12)L = (1324)L

similar argument you can get (12)L=(1423)L=(34)L

so you find 4 cosets in one, so you'll only have to do 6 calculations to find the quotient group

Ok, perhaps I wasn't clear enough. What I thought is that you'd check the elements [itex]\,\,(12)(123)L\,\,,\,\,(123)(12)L\,\,[/itex] and reached the

(correct, even) conclusion that they're different, thus making the quotient a non-abelian group without checking all the different 24 products, or even close.

And yes, the quotient is isomorphic with [itex]\,\,D_6\cong S_3\,\,[/itex] , though (the most common notation is the second one), and the

more usual name for the dihedral group of order 2n is [itex]\,\,D_n\,\,,\,\,not\,\,D_{2n}[/itex]

  • #5

Thank you for your question. Quotient groups of permutations can be a bit tricky to grasp, but once you understand the concept, it can be a powerful tool in understanding the structure of groups.

To start, let's review what a quotient group is. A quotient group is formed by taking a group G and a normal subgroup N, and then defining a new group using the cosets of N in G. The elements of the quotient group are the cosets, and the operation is defined as the coset multiplication. This means that the elements of the quotient group are not individual elements of G, but rather sets of elements of G.

Now, let's apply this to your example of S4/L. The first step is to determine the cosets of L in S4. Since L is a normal subgroup, the left and right cosets will be the same. We can use the formula for coset multiplication to find the cosets:

L = {(1), (12)(34), (13)(24), (14)(23)} (since L contains all elements of S4 that are of the form (xx)(xx))

The cosets of L in S4 are then:

(1)L = {(1), (12)(34), (13)(24), (14)(23)}

(12)L = {(12), (1234), (1342), (1423)}

(13)L = {(13), (1324), (1243), (1432)}

(14)L = {(14), (1423), (1234), (1342)}

Now, we can define the elements of the quotient group S4/L as the set of these cosets:

S4/L = {(1)L, (12)L, (13)L, (14)L}

The operation in this quotient group is coset multiplication, which means that (12)L * (13)L = (1234)L. This is because (12)(13) = (1234) and (L)(L) = L.

To find the order of the quotient group, we simply count the number of distinct cosets. In this case, there are 4, so the order of the quotient group S4/L is 4.

In general, it is not necessary to multiply every element of S4 in order to find the quotient group. As you mentioned, L is a normal subgroup and therefore, we can use the formula for coset multiplication to

Related to Quotient groups of permutations

1. What is a quotient group of permutations?

A quotient group of permutations is a mathematical concept that involves dividing a set of permutations into smaller groups based on certain criteria, such as their cycle structure or symmetries. These smaller groups, called quotient groups, retain some of the properties of the original set of permutations, but are easier to analyze and manipulate.

2. How are quotient groups of permutations used in mathematics?

Quotient groups of permutations have many applications in mathematics, including group theory, combinatorics, and geometry. They are commonly used to classify mathematical objects, describe symmetries of geometric shapes, and solve counting problems.

3. What is the significance of the symmetric group in quotient groups of permutations?

The symmetric group, denoted by Sn, is the group of all permutations of n objects. It is an important tool in the study of quotient groups of permutations, as every quotient group can be expressed as a subgroup of Sn. This allows for a deeper understanding and analysis of quotient groups.

4. Can quotient groups of permutations be used in real-world applications?

Yes, quotient groups of permutations have practical applications in various fields, such as cryptography, coding theory, and data compression. They can also be used to model and solve real-world problems, such as scheduling and optimization tasks.

5. Are there any limitations or challenges in working with quotient groups of permutations?

One limitation of quotient groups of permutations is that they can become very large and complex, making it difficult to analyze and manipulate them. Additionally, determining the structure and properties of a quotient group can be a challenging problem in some cases, requiring advanced mathematical techniques.

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