Quotient Modules and Homomorphisms

In summary: M'= xr + (y + M')$instead of $xr + M' = xr + M'$.This is what Cohn is doing in the proof of the converse of Theorem 1.15.
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
I am reading "Introduction to Ring Theory" by P. M. Cohn (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series)

In Chapter 1: Basics we find Theorem 1.15 on module homomorphisms and quotient modules. I need help with some aspects of the proof.

Theorem 1.15 reads as follows:

View attachment 3247

In the proof of the converse (see above text) Cohn states the following:

"If \(\displaystyle x\) is replaced by \(\displaystyle x + m\) where \(\displaystyle m \in M'\),

then \(\displaystyle x + m + M' = x + M'\) and \(\displaystyle mr \in M'\),

hence \(\displaystyle (x + m)r + M' = xr + mr + M' = xr +M'\),

therefore the action of \(\displaystyle R\) on the cosets is well defined … … "

I am uncertain about what is going on here … … can someone please explain to me why/how the above text does indeed show that the action of \(\displaystyle R\) on the cosets is well defined?

Help will be appreciated.


***EDIT*** (SOLVED?)

I think I should have reflected longer on this matter!

Now we take an element \(\displaystyle x \in M\) and \(\displaystyle r \in R\) and define the right action \(\displaystyle (x + M')r = xr + m\).

I now think that we have to show that if we take another element from the coset \(\displaystyle x + M'\) - say \(\displaystyle x + m\) where \(\displaystyle m \in M'\), that the effect of the action is the same - and this is what Cohn is doing ...

Can someone please confirm that this is correct?
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  • #2
Peter said:
I am reading "Introduction to Ring Theory" by P. M. Cohn (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series)

In Chapter 1: Basics we find Theorem 1.15 on module homomorphisms and quotient modules. I need help with some aspects of the proof.

Theorem 1.15 reads as follows:

View attachment 3247

In the proof of the converse (see above text) Cohn states the following:

"If \(\displaystyle x\) is replaced by \(\displaystyle x + m\) where \(\displaystyle m \in M'\),

then \(\displaystyle x + m + M' = x + M'\) and \(\displaystyle mr \in M'\),

hence \(\displaystyle (x + m)r + M' = xr + mr + M' = xr +M'\),

therefore the action of \(\displaystyle R\) on the cosets is well defined … … "

I am uncertain about what is going on here … … can someone please explain to me why/how the above text does indeed show that the action of \(\displaystyle R\) on the cosets is well defined?

Help will be appreciated.


***EDIT*** (SOLVED?)

I think I should have reflected longer on this matter!

Now we take an element \(\displaystyle x \in M\) and \(\displaystyle r \in R\) and define the right action \(\displaystyle (x + M')r = xr + m\).

I now think that we have to show that if we take another element from the coset \(\displaystyle x + M'\) - say \(\displaystyle x + m\) where \(\displaystyle m \in M'\), that the effect of the action is the same - and this is what Cohn is doing ...

Can someone please confirm that this is correct?

To show that the action is well defined, we have to show that $x + M' = y + M'$ implies $(x + M')r = (y + M')r$. What Cohn did is equivalent to this, but follow what I'm doing here. If $x + M' = y + M'$, then $x - y \in M'$ and thus $x = y + m$ for some $m\in M'$. By right-distributivity of scalar multiplication in $M'$ over addition, $xr = (y + m)r = yr + mr$. Since $mr \in M'$, we have $xr + M' = yr + M'$, i.e., $(x + M')r = (y + M')r$.
  • #3
Euge said:
To show that the action is well defined, we have to show that $x + M' = y + M'$ implies $(x + M')r = (y + M')r$. What Cohn did is equivalent to this, but follow what I'm doing here. If $x + M' = y + M'$, then $x - y \in M'$ and thus $x = y + m$ for some $m\in M'$. By right-distributivity of scalar multiplication in $M'$ over addition, $xr = (y + m)r = yr + mr$. Since $mr \in M'$, we have $xr + M' = yr + M'$, i.e., $(x + M')r = (y + M')r$.
Thanks for clarifying that Euge … still reflecting on what you have said ...

  • #4
Here's the thing:

we can "define":

$(x + M')r = xr + M'$

but this definition uses $x$ (an element of $M'$), and $x$ does not uniquely determine $x + M'$; for example, if $y = x + m'$, with $m' \in M'$, then $y + M' = (x + m') + M' = (x + M') + (m' + M') = (x + M') + (0 + M') = x + M'$.

So we need to be sure that the assignment:

$x + M' \mapsto xr + M'$ is a function that only depends on $x + M'$, and not on $x$.

And what THAT means is, that if we have $y \neq x$ with $y + M' = x + M'$, we must get the same value $xr + M'$ no matter which $y$ we pick.

In other words, we must show: $x + M' = y + M' \implies xr + M' = yr + M'$.

Now $x + M' = y + M'$ if and only if $x - y \in M'$. From this, we must deduce that $xr - yr \in M'$.

BECAUSE $M$' IS A SUBMODULE, it is closed under the right $R$-action.

This means that $(x - y)r$ is in $M'$ since $x - y$ is.

Since $M$ is a module, we have $(x - y)r = xr - yr$, and thus we have shown what we set out to.


This is an example of a quite general phenomenon:

For any SET $A$, and any FUNCTION $f:A \to B$, and any PARTITION of $A$, say $E$, we can form the set of partition subsets $A/E$.

We say $f$ RESPECTS $E$ if and only if we have a function $[f]: A/E \to B$ such that $[f][a]_E = f(a)$ for all $a \in A$.

(Here, $[a]_E$ is the element of the partition $E$ that contains $a$. Since $E$ is a partition, each $a \in A$ occurs in precisely one such partition element).

In other words: $f$ is constant on each element of the partition.

One way to partition $A$ that always works is to set $[a] = f^{-1}(a)$. This is called the partition induced by $f$, which automatically respects this partition.

So, what Cohn is saying is that scalar multiplication (by any $r \in R$) respects the partition of $M$ induced by the mapping:

$x \mapsto x + M'$

As a bonus, we get that this mapping is an $R$-module homomorphism, which is kind of the whole point.


Recall that as $\Bbb Z$-modules we have $\Bbb Z_6 \cong \Bbb Z_2 \oplus \Bbb Z_3$.

Now we have (fairly obviously):

$\Bbb Z_3 \cong (\Bbb Z_2 \oplus \Bbb Z_3)/(\Bbb Z_2 \oplus \{[0]_3\})$

Since this is finite, rather than invoking the Chinese Remainder theorem to find the "inverse isomorphism", let's just compute the "forward" one using:

$[k]_6 \mapsto ([k]_2,[k]_3)$


$0 \mapsto (0,0)$ (I will omit the brackets and subscripts from here on).
$1\mapsto (1,1)$
$2 \mapsto (0,2)$
$3 \mapsto (1,0)$
$4 \mapsto (0,1)$
$5 \mapsto (1,2)$

If we call this mapping $\phi: \Bbb Z_6 \to \Bbb Z_2 \oplus \Bbb Z_3$, let's examine:

$\phi^{-1}(\Bbb Z_2 \oplus \{0\}) = \langle 3\rangle$.

So $\Bbb Z_6$ will be our "$M$", and $\langle 3\rangle$ will be our "$M'$".

In $M$ we define the $\Bbb Z$-action by:

$[k]_6 \cdot a = [ka]_6$.

In $M/M'$, we define: $([k]_6 + M')\cdot a = [ka]_6 + M'$. Let's look at this explicitly.

We have three cosets:

$0 + M' = \{0,3\}$
$1 + M' = \{1,4\}$
$2 + M' = \{2,5\}$

What we want to do is verify that for a coset $N$, that $Na$ (multiplying every element in $\Bbb Z_6$ that lies in $N$ by $a$) gives the same set as just multiplying a representative (say $k$) by $a$ and then adding $M'$. Let's do this for $k = 2$, and $a = 9$.

Now $2 + M' = \{2,5\}$ so $(2 + M')\cdot 9 = \{18,45\} = \{0,3\} = M'$ (since we are working mod 6).

On the other hand: $2 \cdot 9 = 18 = 0$, so we would expect that $(2 + M')\cdot 9 = 0 + M' = M'$.

Of course, we get the same multiples for $a+6$ as we do for $a$, so we can just compute explictly the action of $M/M'$ by looking at the action of $\Bbb Z_6$ on $M$:

$(k + M')0 = M'$
$(k + M')1 = k + M'$
$(k + M')2 = 2k + M'$ etc.

It is not hard to see that if $a$ is a multiple of $3$, we get $M'$, so we really only need to look at $a = 0,1,2$.

This, of course should NOT be surprising, after all, our quotient module is congruent to $\Bbb Z/3\Bbb Z$.
  • #5

Yes, your understanding is correct. In the proof of the theorem, we are trying to show that the action of R on the cosets is well defined. This means that for any two elements x and y in the same coset, their images under the action of R should be the same. In other words, if x and y are in the same coset, then xr and yr should also be in the same coset.

To prove this, we first take an arbitrary element x in the coset x + M'. Then, we replace x with x + m, where m is an element of M'. This does not change the coset x + M', but it allows us to use properties of modules and homomorphisms to simplify the expression.

Next, we note that x + m + M' = x + M', since m is in M'. This means that the coset x + m + M' is the same as the coset x + M'. Then, we use the fact that mr is in M' (since m is in M' and r is in R) to simplify the expression (x + m)r + M' to xr + M'. This shows that the image of x + m under the action of R is the same as the image of x, which is xr.

Therefore, the action of R on the cosets is well defined, since for any two elements x and y in the same coset, their images under the action of R (which are xr and yr) are the same. This completes the proof of the theorem.

FAQ: Quotient Modules and Homomorphisms

1. What are quotient modules and homomorphisms?

Quotient modules are a type of module that is obtained by taking a module and dividing it by a submodule. Homomorphisms are functions that preserve the structure of a mathematical object, such as a module. In the context of quotient modules, homomorphisms are used to map elements of the original module to elements of the quotient module.

2. How are quotient modules and homomorphisms used in mathematics?

Quotient modules and homomorphisms are important tools in abstract algebra, specifically in the study of modules over rings. They allow for the analysis of modules in terms of their submodules and provide a way to classify and compare different modules.

3. What is the difference between a quotient module and a factor module?

While the terms quotient module and factor module are often used interchangeably, they refer to slightly different concepts. A quotient module is obtained by dividing a module by a submodule, while a factor module is obtained by dividing a module by an ideal. In general, quotient modules are a special case of factor modules.

4. Can you give an example of a homomorphism between quotient modules?

Yes, let M be a module and N be a submodule of M. The projection map, which maps each element of M to its equivalence class in the quotient module M/N, is an example of a homomorphism between these two modules. It is defined as f(m) = m + N for all m in M.

5. How do quotient modules and homomorphisms relate to linear algebra?

In linear algebra, quotient modules and homomorphisms are closely related to the idea of vector spaces and linear transformations. A submodule of a module is analogous to a subspace of a vector space, and homomorphisms between modules are analogous to linear transformations between vector spaces. Quotient modules and homomorphisms provide a way to extend these concepts to more general algebraic structures.

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