|R| ≠ |R²| in probability theory

In summary, the conversation discusses the difference between cardinality and measure in set theory, with one theory stating that there is an equal number of elements in two sets while another theory considers the measure of the sets. The need for measure is emphasized in probability theory, particularly for infinite sets, and the role of sigma-algebra is mentioned. The idea that the probability of a number being in a set depends on the cardinality of the set only applies to discrete probability for finite sets. The importance of defining a probability measure in terms of geometric methods is also discussed. There is a disagreement among mathematicians regarding the use of element counting in measure, but it is acknowledged that there is something deep in Cantor's concept.
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  • #2
I don't understand why you think those two completely different things should be the same. The measure of a (non-countable) set has little to do with its cardinality.

(I added "non-countable" because any countable set has cardinality 0- but still, there is no relation between cardinality and measure for non-countable sets.)
  • #3
"I added "non-countable" because any countable set has cardinality 0- "

I believe you meant to say a countable set has measure 0
  • #4
Yes, of course. Thank you.
  • #5
Excuse me my ignorance, but I do not distinguish between the measure and cardinality. I consider the number of elements in two sets (R^2 and its R subset), which is cardinality. One theory tells that there is equal number of elements. Another gives more intuitive answer.
  • #6
valjok said:
Excuse me my ignorance, but I do not distinguish between the measure and cardinality.
Then you should! The sets [0, 1] and [0, 2] have exactly the same cardinality but different measures.

I consider the number of elements in two sets (R^2 and its R subset), which is cardinality. One theory tells that there is equal number of elements. Another gives more intuitive answer.
  • #7
Thank you. I have a clue but still do not understand the need for measure if all I need to compute the probability is the number of elements in a set (we were taught in the university that the number of elements in a set is called cardinality)? Now, I read a book on probability theory that puts it like on this site http://www.cut-the-knot.org/Probability/Dictionary.shtml . Just number of elements in a set is important and it tells nothing about the measures. Is the sigma-algebra the key?
  • #8
Defining a probability measure in terms of counting elements cannot give a reasonable answer if we want to talk about ideas like a uniform probability distribution on [0,1], and that a sample has a 50% chance of lying in the subinterval [0,1/2].

The idea that the interval [0,1/2] is "half" of the interval [0,1] is a geometric idea and has absolutely nothing to do with cardinality. If we want to define probabilities that relate to geometric ideas, we're probably going to have to use geometric methods in our probability theory.

Kolmogorov detailed a way to do so, and it worked.

And the neat trick is that we already know that the domain where "counting elements" works turns out to be a special case of these geometric methods. (A measure on a finite set turns out to be equivalent to simply assigning a nonnegative 'weight' to each element of that set)
  • #9
valjok said:
Thank you. I have a clue but still do not understand the need for measure if all I need to compute the probability is the number of elements in a set (we were taught in the university that the number of elements in a set is called cardinality)? Now, I read a book on probability theory that puts it like on this site http://www.cut-the-knot.org/Probability/Dictionary.shtml . Just number of elements in a set is important and it tells nothing about the measures. Is the sigma-algebra the key?
The probability depends on the number of elements in a set only for finite sets!

Suppose you have a uniform probability distribution on [0, 4]. That is, you choose a real number from 0 to 4 and every such number is equally likely to be chosen.

The probability that the number chosen is in [0, 1] is (1- 0)/(4- 0)= 1/4. The probability that the number chosen is in [0, 2] is (2- 0)/(4- 0)= 1/2. But those two sets have exactly the same cardinality.

Again, the idea that the probability a number is in a given set depends on the cardinality of the set applies only to "discrete" probability where the sets are finite.

For infinite sets, you have to define the measure of the set- essentially by giving a probability distribution on the sets.
  • #10
Thank you, guys. With this topic I wanted to clarify the notion of cardinality. Studying in university, I remember the amazement when lecturer told us the basic fact about set theory: there is 2N more elements in [0,1] than in N. This is counterintuitive and now I see that matematitians also disagree with Cantor's element countng when entail the more adequate/accurate measure device.
  • #11
valjok said:
I see that matematitians also disagree with Cantor's element countng when entail the more adequate/accurate measure device.
You're not being perfectly clear here, but I think you have the wrong idea. There is nothing wrong with Cantor's element counting -- it's just that lots of problems aren't counting problems.
  • #12
Hurkyl, measuring the probability spaces is one of examples where more adequate element counting is needed. The presence of many other problems must not obstruct this need.

Disclaimer! I understand that there is something very deep in the Cantor's concept. The fact that the natural numbers have zero measure just proves this.

Related to |R| ≠ |R²| in probability theory

1. What does |R| ≠ |R²| mean in probability theory?

In probability theory, |R| represents the cardinality (number of elements) of the set of real numbers, while |R²| represents the cardinality of the set of ordered pairs of real numbers. Therefore, |R| ≠ |R²| means that the number of elements in the set of real numbers is not equal to the number of elements in the set of ordered pairs of real numbers.

2. Why is |R| ≠ |R²| important in probability theory?

This inequality is important because it highlights the difference between the cardinality of a set and the cardinality of its power set. In probability theory, the power set of a set represents all possible outcomes of a random event, and the cardinality of the power set is often used to determine the probability of certain outcomes.

3. Can the inequality |R| ≠ |R²| be proven mathematically?

Yes, the inequality |R| ≠ |R²| can be proven mathematically using the Cantor's theorem, which states that the cardinality of a set is always less than the cardinality of its power set. Since the set of ordered pairs of real numbers is a power set of the set of real numbers, their cardinalities cannot be equal.

4. What implications does |R| ≠ |R²| have on probability distributions?

The inequality |R| ≠ |R²| has important implications on the types of probability distributions that can be used to model real-world phenomena. For example, continuous probability distributions, such as the normal distribution, are based on the set of real numbers and cannot be used to model discrete events that involve ordered pairs of real numbers.

5. Are there any exceptions to the inequality |R| ≠ |R²| in probability theory?

No, there are no exceptions to this inequality in probability theory. The cardinality of a set and its power set are fundamentally different, and this holds true for any sets, including the sets of real numbers and ordered pairs of real numbers.

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