R-Simplex's the number 5 and prime numbers.

In summary, the conversation discusses a function called R-Simplex which calculates the Pochhammer formula for a given input. The function has a relationship with primes, and the conversation also mentions other tests for prime numbers. The conversation also mentions different techniques and optimizations for testing prime numbers.
  • #1
So if you do a search for R-Simplexs you should find that.


Well so to does
RSimplex(n,d)=If(n<d, Pochhammer(d+1,n-1)/n!, Pochhammer(n,d)/d!)

Or something like that my maths package is down so I'm not sure quite how it works.

Anyway the relationship between RSimplex's and primes seems to be this.

For any tested prime over 11
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
qpwimblik said:
So if you do a search for R-Simplexs you should find that.

Please provide more information. I did a search and did not find that. What language/library/etc. are you talking about? What is your source?
  • #3
Pochhammer is the same as the rising factorial.
I use mathematica but I wrote this article in pseudo code.
Sorry about the search issue. Search instead for Figurate number, Tetrahedral number and Pochhammer.
It all used to be on one page on the wikipedia now the validating info is scattered. I don't know why.
  • #4
You should test non-primes also. For example, 195 is not prime, but the expression on the right evaluates to True as far as I can tell.
  • #5
Thats interesting my computer is down so I can't yet validate if your findings are the same as mine. I will get back to you as soon as and tell you if I get the same as yours. Just out of curiosity has your anaysis flagged any numbers that are not a multiple of 5 claiming true especially ones made up larger factors than 11.
  • #6
DaleSpam said:
You should test non-primes also. For example, 195 is not prime, but the expression on the right evaluates to True as far as I can tell.

Yes I have now been able to do a bit of testing on my function and other than numbers below 11 or
divisible by five I can't find any more which don't work.

I Also found this test which Quite possibly can be sped up at least it's one step better than the last test in terms of speed up.

PrimeQu[a34_] :=
If[Mod[FromDigits[Append[Table[1, {xr, a34 - 1}], 0], 2], a34] == 0,
If[Mod[FromDigits[Append[Table[1, {xd, a34 - 1}], 0], 5], a34] ==
0 || a34 == 2, True, False], False];

Essentially for every number I have n-1 1's in a list with a 0 at the end and you convert from binary and base 5 and then mod the output by n if both the numbers are 0 then it seems as if the number is a prime.
Note this might only be a probable prime test who knows but it is displaying some very promising results.

If you have any thoughts on how this can be speed up please let me know. I noticed how other primeality tests rely on modulation of big powers I see this technique as being similar so I'm thinking there's probably a bitwise trick out there but am I right. I'm just left killing the ram otherwise If I go beyond a billion as I have to then compute a billion 1's or so. I would love to know the score with regards to this issue.
  • #7
I've a made some Improvements already and yet again 5 and this time 2 and 3 also play a major role.I'm currently running 3000000 random number test's on the function so far it has thrown up no false or true lies compared to the standard wolfram test.

PrimeQu[cex_] := Catch[ Module[ {zcv = PowerMod[2, cex, cex] - 2, zcv2 = JacobiSymbol[ FromDigits[Append[Table[1, {xvc, Floor[Log[2, cex]] + 1}], 0], 3] FromDigits[ Append[Table[1, {xvc, Floor[Log[3, cex]] + 1}], 0], 2], cex], zcv3 = JacobiSymbol[ FromDigits[Append[Table[1, {xvc, Floor[Log[2, cex]] + 1}], 0], 5] FromDigits[ Append[Table[1, {xvc, Floor[Log[5, cex]] + 1}], 0], 2], cex], Var25, Var26, ced = cex }, Var25 = If[GCD[ced, 2] == 2 || GCD[ced, 3] == 3 || GCD[ced, 5] == 5, If[ced == 2 || ced == 3 || ced == 5, 1, 2], 1]; Var26 = If[zcv == 0 && Abs[zcv2] == 1 && Abs[zcv3] == 1, 1, 2]; If[Var25 == 1 && Var26 == 1, Throw["True"], Throw["False"]]; ]];
Last edited:
  • #8
Check this code out this should get a few more views I've been beavering away at this one and am currently working on Optimised version. Any faulty numbers please do tell especially ones with similar stats to 521.

Ok here goes it.

Test1[vbe_] :=
Catch[Module[{ce1 = vbe, zcv2, zcv3, zcv4, zcv5, zcv6, zcv7, zcv8,
zcv9, zcv10, zcv11},
zcv2 =
Append[Table[1, {xvc1 , Round[N[Log[2, ce1], 3]]}], 0],
3] FromDigits[
Append[Table[1, {xvc2, Round[N[Log[3, ce1], 3]]}], 0], 2]];
zcv3 =
Append[Table[1, {xvc3, Round[N[Log[2, ce1], 3]]}], 0],
5] FromDigits[
Append[Table[1, {xvc4, Round[N[Log[5, ce1], 3]]}], 0], 2]];
zcv4 =
Append[Table[1, {xvc3, Round[N[Log[3, ce1], 3]]}], 0],
5] FromDigits[
Append[Table[1, {xvc4, Round[N[Log[5, ce1], 3]]}], 0], 3]];
Throw[{zcv2, zcv3, zcv4}]

Test2[vbt_] := Catch[Module[{ce2 = vbt, zcv5, zcv6, zcv7},
zcv5 =
JacobiSymbol[ce2 2,
Append[Table[1, {xvc1, Round[N[Log[2, ce2], 3]]}], 0],
3] FromDigits[
Append[Table[1, {xvc2, Round[N[Log[3, ce2], 3]]}], 0], 2]];
zcv6 =
JacobiSymbol[ce2 2,
Append[Table[1, {xvc3, Round[N[Log[2, ce2], 3]]}], 0],
5] FromDigits[
Append[Table[1, {xvc4, Round[N[Log[5, ce2], 3]]}], 0], 2]];
zcv7 =
JacobiSymbol[ce2 2,
Append[Table[1, {xvc3, Round[N[Log[3, ce2], 3]]}], 0],
5] FromDigits[
Append[Table[1, {xvc4, Round[N[Log[5, ce2], 3]]}], 0], 3]];

Throw[{zcv5, zcv6, zcv7}]

Test3[vbs_] := Catch[Module[{ce3 = vbs, zcv8, zcv9, zcv10},
zcv8 =
FromDigits[Append[Table[1, {xvc1, Floor[Log[2, ce3]] + 1}], 0],
3] FromDigits[Append[Table[1, {xvc2, Floor[Log[3, ce3]]}], 0],
zcv9 =
FromDigits[Append[Table[1, {xvc3, Floor[Log[2, ce3]] + 1}], 0],
5] FromDigits[Append[Table[1, {xvc4, Floor[Log[5, ce3]]}], 0],
zcv10 =
FromDigits[Append[Table[1, {xvc3, Floor[Log[3, ce3]] + 1}], 0],
5] FromDigits[Append[Table[1, {xvc4, Floor[Log[5, ce3]]}], 0],

Throw[{zcv8, zcv9, zcv10}]
Test6[vbe_] :=
Catch[Module[{ce1 = vbe, zcv2, zcv3, zcv4, zcv5, zcv6, zcv7, zcv8,
zcv9, zcv10, zcv11},
zcv2 =
Append[Table[1, {xvc1 , Round[N[Log[2, ce1], 3]]}], 0],
3] FromDigits[
Append[Table[1, {xvc2, Round[N[Log[3, ce1], 3]]}], 0], 2],
zcv3 =
Append[Table[1, {xvc3, Round[N[Log[2, ce1], 3]]}], 0],
5] FromDigits[
Append[Table[1, {xvc4, Round[N[Log[5, ce1], 3]]}], 0], 2],
zcv4 =
Append[Table[1, {xvc3, Round[N[Log[3, ce1], 3]]}], 0],
5] FromDigits[
Append[Table[1, {xvc4, Round[N[Log[5, ce1], 3]]}], 0], 3],
Throw[{zcv2, zcv3, zcv4}]

Test7[vbt_] := Catch[Module[{ce2 = vbt, zcv5, zcv6, zcv7},
zcv5 =
Append[Table[1, {xvc1, Round[N[Log[2, ce2], 3]]}], 0],
3] FromDigits[
Append[Table[1, {xvc2, Round[N[Log[3, ce2], 3]]}], 0], 2],
ce2 5];
zcv6 =
Append[Table[1, {xvc3, Round[N[Log[2, ce2], 3]]}], 0],
5] FromDigits[
Append[Table[1, {xvc4, Round[N[Log[5, ce2], 3]]}], 0], 2],
ce2 5];
zcv7 =
Append[Table[1, {xvc3, Round[N[Log[3, ce2], 3]]}], 0],
5] FromDigits[
Append[Table[1, {xvc4, Round[N[Log[5, ce2], 3]]}], 0], 3],
ce2 5];

Throw[{zcv5, zcv6, zcv7}]

Test8[vbs_] := Catch[Module[{ce3 = vbs, zcv8, zcv9, zcv10},
zcv8 =
FromDigits[Append[Table[1, {xvc1, Floor[Log[2, ce3]] + 1}], 0],
3] FromDigits[Append[Table[1, {xvc2, Floor[Log[3, ce3]]}], 0],
2], ce3^3];
zcv9 =
FromDigits[Append[Table[1, {xvc3, Floor[Log[2, ce3]] + 1}], 0],
5] FromDigits[Append[Table[1, {xvc4, Floor[Log[5, ce3]]}], 0],
2], ce3^3];
zcv10 =
FromDigits[Append[Table[1, {xvc3, Floor[Log[3, ce3]] + 1}], 0],
5] FromDigits[Append[Table[1, {xvc4, Floor[Log[5, ce3]]}], 0],
3], ce3^3];

Throw[{zcv8, zcv9, zcv10}]

Test4[vbr_] := Catch[Module[{zcv, zcv11, fbe = vbr},
zcv = PowerMod[2, fbe, fbe] - 2;
zcv11 = PowerMod[3, fbe, fbe] - 3;
Throw[{zcv, zcv11}]

Test5[vbr2_] :=
Catch[Module[{Vbry = vbr2,
asnd = Append[Table[1, {ghd, vbr2 - 1}], 0], tes1, tes2},
tes1 = Mod[FromDigits[asnd, 2], Vbry];
tes2 = Mod[FromDigits[asnd, 5], Vbry];
Throw[{tes1, tes2}]
]];PrimeQPW[cex_] :=
Catch[Module[{Var27, Var28, Var29, Var30, Var26 = Test1[cex],
Var25 = Abs[Test2[cex]], Var24 = Test3[cex], Var23 = Test4[cex],
ced = cex},
If[ced == 2 || ced == 3 || ced == 5 || ced == 7 || ced == 11 ||
ced == 13, Throw[True]; Break[];];
If[IntegerQ[ced/2] == True || IntegerQ[ced/3] == True ||
IntegerQ[ced/5] == True || IntegerQ[ced/7] == True ||
IntegerQ[ced/11] == True || IntegerQ[ced/13] == True,
Throw[False]; Break[];];
If[Total[Abs[Var26]] < 2, Throw[False]; Break[], Var27 = 1];
If[Total[Var25] > 1, Throw[False]; Break[], Var28 = 1];
If[Var26[[2]] == -1 && Total[Var24] < 3 || Total[Var24] == 3,
Var29 = 1;, Throw[False]; Break[];];
Var30 = If[Var23 == {0, 0}, 1, 2];
If[Var27 == 1 && Var28 == 1 && Var29 == 1 && Var30 == 1,
Throw[True];, Throw[False];];
]];Stats[sta_] :=
Column[{{Test1[sta], Test2[sta], Test3[sta], Test6[sta], Test7[sta],
FromDigits[{Mod[sta, 13], Mod[sta, 11], Mod[sta, 7], Mod[sta, 5]},

It seems to work fastest with Big Primes Over 500 digits long. enjoy. And Again any faulty results do post by all means especially ones with interesting stats or ones faster or slower than the norm with regards to big Primes.
  • #9
488881 gives a false reading.
  • #10
Watch the Zero count on this test in relation to groups of 1's and -1's for primes and non primes. I'm about to write these findings into a test.

FiveItt[x98_, cc5_] :=
If[x98 == 1, 1, FromDigits[Append[Table[1, {ft, x98 - 1}], 0], cc5]];

BCC[x55_, g77_] :=
Reap[Module[{x45 = x55, z7 = 0, z8 = 0, z9, g7 = g77, bell},
z7 = If[x45/FiveItt[Length[IntegerDigits[x45, g7]], g7] <= 1,
If[x45 == 1, 1, Length[IntegerDigits[x45, g7]] - 1],
Length[IntegerDigits[x45, g7]]];
bell = FiveItt[z7 - 1, g7];
z9 = g7^(z7 - 1);
z8 =
If[IntegerQ[x45/g7] && x45 > g7,
Quotient[x45 - bell - (1/(2*g7)), z9],
If[x45 <= g7, x45, Quotient[x45 - bell, z9]]];
x45 = x45 - (z8*(z9));
z7 = z7 - 1;
z9 = z9/g7;
bell = bell - z9;
If[z7 < 1, Goto[EnD], Goto[SPo]];
Label[EnD];]]], 1];

T2xy[x_, y_] := ((x + y) (x + y - 1))/2 - y + 1;
Zequeba[fre_, fre2_] := Total[BCC[fre, fre2]];

zz8_] := {JacobiSymbol[Zequeba[zz7, zz8], T2xy[zz7, zz8]],
JacobiSymbol[T2xy[zz7, zz8], Zequeba[zz7, zz8]],
JacobiSymbol[Zequeba[zz7, zz8], T2xy[zz8, zz7]],
JacobiSymbol[T2xy[zz8, zz7], Zequeba[zz7, zz8]]};

Lightening[asif_] := Table[Test10[asif, Prime[hha]], {hha, 1, 6}];
  • #11
This testing Mechanism has a very low big O Optimisability and Could Radically speed up Prime Search's. It also Correlates well with SHA Hashs 256 368 and 512.

Test4[vbr_] := Catch[Module[{zcv, zcv11, fbe = vbr},
zcv = PowerMod[2, fbe, fbe] - 2;
zcv11 = PowerMod[3, fbe, fbe] - 3;
Throw[{zcv, zcv11}]

FiveItt[x98_, cc5_] :=
If[x98 == 1, 1,
FromDigits[Append[Table[1, {ft, x98 - 1}], 0], cc5]];

BCCLog[x22_, y22_] :=
Catch[Module[{s21 = x22, t22 = Length[IntegerDigits[x22, y22]]},
If[FiveItt[t22, y22] > s21, t22 = t22 - 1];
T2xy[x_, y_] := ((x + y) (x + y - 1))/2 - y + 1;

Fifty[tas_, ras_] :=
Catch[Module[{tar = tas, rar = ras, leng1, fvar1, fvar2, fvar3},
fvar1 = Prime[rar];
fvar2 = Length[IntegerDigits[tar, fvar1]];
fvar3 = FiveItt[fvar2, fvar1];
If[fvar3 > tar, fvar2 = fvar2 - 1];
fvar3 = IntegerQ[Mod[(FiveItt[fvar2, fvar1] + tar), tar]/fvar2];

Test10[aa7_, aa8_] :=
Catch[Module[{zz7 = aa7, zz8 = aa8, zz9 = T2xy[aa8, aa7],
zz10 = T2xy[aa7, aa8]},
Throw[{JacobiSymbol[zz7, zz10], JacobiSymbol[zz7, zz9],
JacobiSymbol[zz10, zz7], JacobiSymbol[zz9, zz7]}]]];

Test11[r56_, r58_] :=
Catch[Module[{x57 = r56, x58 = r58, x51, x52, d43, d44},
d44 = Prime[x58];
x51 = Length[IntegerDigits[x57, d44]];
x52 = FiveItt[x51, d44];
If[x52 > x57, x51 = x51 - 1];
d43 =
Flatten[Table[Test10[x57, r57*x51], {r57, x57, x57 + d44}]];


MiniTest[y44_] :=
Catch[Module[{y45 = y44, y67 = T2xy[y44 + 5, y44],
y68 = T2xy[y44, y44 + 5]},
Throw[{JacobiSymbol[y67, y45], JacobiSymbol[y68, y45],
JacobiSymbol[y45, y67], JacobiSymbol[y45, y68]}]]];

Test14[t13_, t16_] := Catch[Module[{t14 = t13, Data12, t15 = t16},
Data12 = Test11[t14, t15];
Total[{Count[Data12, 1], Count[Data12, -1]}]


PrimeQPW[hh3_] := Catch[Module[
{aa3, aa4 = hh3, aa5, aa6, aa7, aa8, aa9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14,
a15, a16, aam},
aa5 = 1;

If[aa4 == Prime[aa5] || aa4 == Prime[aa5 + 1] ||
aa4 == Prime[aa5 + 2], Throw[True]; Break[];];
If[aa5 >= 25, aa5 = 1; Goto["Whittle2"] ;, aa5 = aa5 + 3;

If[IntegerQ[aa4/Prime[aa5]] == True ||
IntegerQ[aa4/Prime[aa5 + 1]] == True ||
IntegerQ[aa4/Prime[aa5 + 2]] == True, Throw[False]; Break[];];
If[aa5 >= 25, aa5 = 1; Goto["NextStep"] ;, aa5 = aa5 + 3;

If[aa4 < Prime[25]^2, Throw[True]; Break[];];
aa8 = Test14[aa4^2, 5];
If[aa8 == 48, aa6 = 1; aa3 = {1};];
If[aa8 == 46, aa3 = {1}; aa6 = 2;];
If[aa6 == 1 || aa6 == 2, Goto["NextStep2"];];

aa3 = Append[aa3, Test14[aa4*Prime[aa5], 5]];
If[aa5 > 5, aa5 = 1;
If[aa6 == 1, Goto["CheckRecords"];, Goto["CheckRecords2"];];,

aa3 = Drop[aa3, 1];
If[aa3 == {0, 32, 40, 36, 40} , aa6 = 0; Goto["CheckPoint"];];
If[aa3 == {24, 48, 38, 40, 40}, aa6 = 1; Goto["CheckPoint"]; ];
If[aa3 == {24, 32, 40, 36, 40}, aa6 = 2; Goto["CheckPoint"];];
If[aa3 == {24, 48, 40, 36, 40}, aa6 = 3; Goto["CheckPoint"];];
If[aa3 == {24, 48, 40, 40, 40}, aa6 = 4; Goto["CheckPoint"];];
If[aa3 == {24, 46, 38, 38, 38}, aa6 = 5; Goto["CheckPoint"];];
If[aa3 == {22, 46, 38, 36, 40}, aa6 = 6; Goto["CheckPoint"];];
If[aa3 == {22, 46, 38, 34, 38}, aa6 = 7; Goto["CheckPoint"];];
If[aa3 == {24, 48, 38, 34, 38}, aa6 = 8; Goto["CheckPoint"];];
If[aa3 == {0, 30, 38, 34, 38}, aa6 = 9; Goto["CheckPoint"];];
If[aa3 == {0, 32, 40, 40, 40}, aa6 = 10; Goto["CheckPoint"];];
If[aa3 == {0, 32, 48, 40, 40}, aa6 = 11; Goto["CheckPoint"];];
If[aa3 == {24, 32, 48, 40, 40}, aa6 = 12; Goto["CheckPoint"];];
If[aa3 == {24, 32, 40, 40, 40}, aa6 = 13; Goto["CheckPoint"];];
If[aa3 == {24, 48, 38, 36, 48}, aa6 = 20; Goto["CheckPoint"];];
If[aa3 == {0, 48, 38, 36, 40}, aa6 = 21; Goto["CheckPoint"];];
If[aa3 == {24, 32, 38, 40, 40}, aa6 = 22; Goto["CheckPoint"];];
If[aa3 == {0, 32, 38, 40, 40}, aa6 = 23; Goto["CheckPoint"];];
If[aa3 == {24, 32, 38, 36, 40}, aa6 = 24; Goto["CheckPoint"];];
If[aa3 == {24, 48, 48, 36, 40}, aa6 = 25; Goto["CheckPoint"];];
If[aa3 == {24, 32, 48, 48, 40}, aa6 = 26; Goto["CheckPoint"];];
If[aa3 == {24, 32, 40, 48, 40}, aa6 = 27; Goto["CheckPoint"];];
If[aa3 == {0, 32, 40, 48, 40}, aa6 = 28; Goto["CheckPoint"];];
If[aa3 == {0, 48, 38, 40, 40}, aa6 = 29; Goto["CheckPoint"];];
If[aa3 == {24, 32, 38, 48, 40}, aa6 = 30; Goto["CheckPoint"];];


aa3 = Drop[aa3, 1];
If[aa3 == {24, 48, 40, 40, 38}, aa6 = 14; Goto["CheckPoint"];];
If[aa3 == {24, 48, 40, 36, 40}, aa6 = 15; Goto["CheckPoint"];];
If[aa3 == {24, 48, 40, 40, 40}, aa6 = 16; Goto["CheckPoint"];];
If[aa3 == {24, 30, 38, 34, 38}, aa6 = 17; Goto["CheckPoint"];];
If[aa3 == {0, 32, 40, 36, 40}, aa6 = 18; Goto["CheckPoint"];];
If[aa3 == {0, 32, 40, 40, 40}, aa6 = 19; Goto["CheckPoint"];];

aa5 = {{Mod[aa4, 3], Mod[aa4, 5]}, {Mod[aa4, 7], Mod[aa4, 11]}};
aa7 = MiniTest[aa4];
aa9 = {Fifty[aa4, 1], Fifty[aa4, 2], Fifty[aa4, 3], Fifty[aa4, 4],
Fifty[aa4, 5]};
a10 = Floor[Total[aa3]/5];
a11 = GatherBy[Flatten[aa5], OddQ];
If[Length[a11] == 1,
If[AnyTrue[a11[[1]], OddQ] == True, a12 = {4, 0};,
a12 = {0, 4};],
If[AnyTrue[a11[[1]], OddQ] == True,
a12 = {Length[a11[[1]]], Length[a11[[2]]]};,
a12 = {Length[a11[[2]]], Length[a11[[1]]]};];];
a11 = {GatherBy[aa5[[1]], OddQ], GatherBy[aa5[[2]], OddQ]};
If[Length[a11[[1]]] == 1,
If[EvenQ[Flatten[a11[[1]]][[1]]] == True, a13 = {0, 2};,
a13 = {2, 0};];, a13 = {1, 1};];
If[Length[a11[[2]]] == 1,
If[EvenQ[Flatten[a11[[2]]][[1]]] == True, a14 = {0, 2};,
a14 = {2, 0};];, a14 = {1, 1};];
a11 = {a13, a14};
a12 = Append[{a12}, {a13, a14}];
a11 = GatherBy[Flatten[aa5], PrimeQ];
If[Length[a11] == 1,
If[AnyTrue[a11[[1]], PrimeQ] == True, a13 = 4, a13 = 0];,
If[AnyTrue[a11[[1]], PrimeQ] == True, a13 = Length[a11[[1]]];,
a13 = Length[a11[[2]]]];];
a14 = Count[Flatten[aa5], 1];
a15 = Count[Flatten[aa5], 2];
a12 = Append[a12, {a13, a14, a15}];
aam = {0};
If[aa7 == {1, 1, 1, 1}, Goto["Check1111"];];

Throw["2"]; Break[];

If[IntegerQ[Sqrt[aa4]] == True, Throw[False]; Break[];];
If[aa9 == {True, False, False, False, False},
If[aa9 == {False, False, False, True, True}, Goto["1111bbbaa"];];
If[aa9 == {False, False, True, False, True}, Goto["1111bbaba"];];
If[aa9 == {False, True, True, False, True}, Goto["1111baaba"];];
If[aa9 == {False, False, True, False, False},
If[aa9 == {False, True, False, False, True}, Goto["1111babba"];];
If[aa9 == {False, True, False, True, True}, Goto["1111babaa"];];
If[aa9 == {False, False, False, True, False},
If[aa9 == {True, False, False, True, False}, Goto["1111abbab"];];
If[aa9 == {False, False, False, False, False}, Goto["1111bbbbb"];];
If[aa9 == {False, True, False, False, False},
If[aa9 == {True, False, False, False, True}, Goto["1111abbba"];];

If[a12 == {{3, 1}, {{1, 1}, {2, 0}}, {4, 0, 1}},
aam = Append[aam, 2]];
If[a12 == {{1, 3}, {{1, 1}, {0, 2}}, {1, 1, 1}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
Throw[{a12, aam}]; Break[];

If[a12 == {{3, 1}, {{2, 0}, {1, 1}}, {2, 1, 0}},
aam = Append[aam, 2]];
If[a12 == {{2, 2}, {{1, 1}, {1, 1}}, {4, 0, 2}},
aam = Append[aam, 2]];
If[a12 == {{1, 3}, {{1, 1}, {0, 2}}, {1, 1, 1}},
aam = Append[aam, 2]];
If[a12 == {{3, 1}, {{1, 1}, {2, 0}}, {2, 1, 1}},
aam = Append[aam, 2]];
If[a12 == {{0, 4}, {{0, 2}, {0, 2}}, {1, 0, 1}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
If[a12 == {{3, 1}, {{2, 0}, {1, 1}}, {3, 1, 1}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
If[a12 == {{3, 1}, {{1, 1}, {2, 0}}, {4, 0, 1}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
If[a12 == {{1, 3}, {{0, 2}, {1, 1}}, {3, 1, 3}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
If[a12 == {{4, 0}, {{2, 0}, {2, 0}}, {1, 2, 0}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
If[a12 == {{3, 1}, {{2, 0}, {1, 1}}, {1, 2, 0}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
Throw[{a12, aam}]; Break[];

If[a12 == {{2, 2}, {{0, 2}, {2, 0}}, {4, 0, 2}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
If[a12 == {{2, 2}, {{1, 1}, {1, 1}}, {2, 1, 1}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
If[a12 == {{2, 2}, {{0, 2}, {2, 0}}, {2, 1, 1}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
If[a12 == {{3, 1}, {{2, 0}, {1, 1}}, {2, 1, 0}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
If[a12 == {{1, 3}, {{0, 2}, {1, 1}}, {2, 0, 1}},
aam = Append[aam, 2]];
If[a12 == {{3, 1}, {{2, 0}, {1, 1}}, {2, 1, 1}},
aam = Append[aam, 2]];
Throw[{a12, aam}]; Break[];

If[a12 == {{1, 3}, {{0, 2}, {1, 1}}, {2, 0, 2}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
Throw[{a12, aam}]; Break[];

If[a12 == {{3, 1}, {{1, 1}, {2, 0}}, {2, 2, 1}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
If[a12 == {{1, 3}, {{0, 2}, {1, 1}}, {1, 1, 1}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
If[a12 == {{2, 2}, {{1, 1}, {1, 1}}, {3, 1, 2}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
If[a12 == {{3, 1}, {{1, 1}, {2, 0}}, {2, 2, 1}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
If[a12 == {{2, 2}, {{1, 1}, {1, 1}}, {1, 2, 1}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
If[a12 == {{3, 1}, {{1, 1}, {2, 0}}, {3, 1, 1}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
If[a12 == {{3, 1}, {{2, 0}, {1, 1}}, {1, 2, 0}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
If[a12 == {{2, 2}, {{0, 2}, {2, 0}}, {3, 0, 1}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
If[a12 == {{1, 3}, {{0, 2}, {1, 1}}, {3, 0, 2}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
If[a12 == {{1, 3}, {{1, 1}, {0, 2}}, {1, 1, 1}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
If[a12 == {{2, 2}, {{1, 1}, {1, 1}}, {1, 1, 0}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
If[a12 == {{3, 1}, {{1, 1}, {2, 0}}, {4, 0, 1}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
If[a12 == {{3, 1}, {{1, 1}, {2, 0}}, {1, 2, 0}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
If[a12 == {{2, 2}, {{1, 1}, {1, 1}}, {2, 1, 1}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
Throw[{a12, aam}]; Break[];

If[a12 == {{4, 0}, {{2, 0}, {2, 0}}, {1, 3, 0}},
aam = Append[aam, 2]];
If[a12 == {{2, 2}, {{2, 0}, {0, 2}}, {0, 2, 0}},
aam = Append[aam, 2]];
If[a12 == {{2, 2}, {{1, 1}, {1, 1}}, {3, 0, 1}},
aam = Append[aam, 2]];
If[a12 == {{3, 1}, {{1, 1}, {2, 0}}, {3, 1, 1}},
aam = Append[aam, 2]];
If[a12 == {{1, 3}, {{0, 2}, {1, 1}}, {2, 0, 1}},
aam = Append[aam, 2]];
If[a12 == {{0, 4}, {{0, 2}, {0, 2}}, {2, 0, 2}},
aam = Append[aam, 2]];
If[a12 == {{1, 3}, {{0, 2}, {1, 1}}, {4, 0, 3}},
aam = Append[aam, 2]];
If[a12 == {{3, 1}, {{2, 0}, {1, 1}}, {1, 2, 0}},
aam = Append[aam, 2]];
If[a12 == {{4, 0}, {{2, 0}, {2, 0}}, {1, 2, 0}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
If[a12 == {{2, 2}, {{1, 1}, {1, 1}}, {2, 1, 1}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
If[a12 == {{3, 1}, {{1, 1}, {2, 0}}, {2, 2, 1}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
If[a12 == {{4, 0}, {{2, 0}, {2, 0}}, {2, 1, 0}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
Throw[{a12, aam}]; Break[];

If[a12 == {{2, 2}, {{1, 1}, {1, 1}}, {1, 1, 0}},
aam = Append[aam, 2]];
If[a12 == {{3, 1}, {{1, 1}, {2, 0}}, {3, 0, 1}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
If[a12 == {{3, 1}, {{1, 1}, {2, 0}}, {2, 2, 1}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
If[a12 == {{2, 2}, {{0, 2}, {2, 0}}, {4, 0, 2}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
If[a12 == {{1, 3}, {{0, 2}, {1, 1}}, {1, 1, 1}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
Throw[{a12, aam}]; Break[];

If[a12 == {{0, 4}, {{0, 2}, {0, 2}}, {2, 0, 2}},
aam = Append[aam, 2]];
If[a12 == {{3, 1}, {{2, 0}, {1, 1}}, {1, 2, 0}},
aam = Append[aam, 2]];
Throw[{a12, aam}]; Break[];

If[a12 == {{4, 0}, {{2, 0}, {2, 0}}, {1, 2, 0}},
aam = Append[aam, 2]];
Throw[{a12, aam}]; Break[];

If[a12 == {{1, 3}, {{0, 2}, {1, 1}}, {2, 0, 1}},
aam = Append[aam, 2]];
If[a12 == {{2, 2}, {{0, 2}, {2, 0}}, {4, 0, 2}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
If[a12 == {{1, 3}, {{0, 2}, {1, 1}}, {1, 1, 1}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
If[a12 == {{2, 2}, {{1, 1}, {1, 1}}, {2, 1, 1}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
If[a12 == {{0, 4}, {{0, 2}, {0, 2}}, {2, 0, 2}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
If[a12 == {{3, 1}, {{2, 0}, {1, 1}}, {1, 2, 0}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
If[a12 == {{3, 1}, {{1, 1}, {2, 0}}, {2, 2, 1}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
If[a12 == {{3, 1}, {{1, 1}, {2, 0}}, {3, 1, 1}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
Throw[{a12, aam}]; Break[];

If[a12 == {{3, 1}, {{2, 0}, {1, 1}}, {2, 1, 0}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
If[a12 == {{3, 1}, {{2, 0}, {1, 1}}, {1, 2, 0}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
If[a12 == {{3, 1}, {{1, 1}, {2, 0}}, {3, 1, 1}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
Throw[{a12, aam}]; Break[];

If[a12 == {{3, 1}, {{2, 0}, {1, 1}}, {2, 1, 0}},
aam = Append[aam, 1]];
Throw[{a12, aam}]; Break[];



Details[ww5_, ww6_] :=
Column[{{Mod[ww5, 3], Mod[ww5, 5], Mod[ww5, 7],
Mod[ww5, 11]}, {Test14[ww5^2, ww6], Test14[ww5 2, ww6],
Test14[ww5 3, ww6], Test14[ww5 5, ww6], Test14[ww5 7, ww6],
Test14[ww5 11, ww6]},
MiniTest[ww5], {Fifty[ww5, 1], Fifty[ww5, 2], Fifty[ww5, 3],
Fifty[ww5, 4], Fifty[ww5, 5]}}];

Details[2^57885161 - 1, 5]
  • #12
I thought I would/should move to number maps for factorisation. Watch how much it dip's each Number compared to the previous number on the map.Px[x_] :=
x - 1/2 Floor[
1/2 (-1 + Sqrt[-7 + 8 x])] (1 + Floor[1/2 (-1 + Sqrt[-7 + 8 x])]);

Py[x_] :=
1/2 (2 - 2 x + Ceiling[1/2 (-1 + Sqrt[1 + 8 x])] +
Ceiling[1/2 (-1 + Sqrt[1 + 8 x])]^2);

Pxy[x_, y_] := ((x + y) (x + y - 1))/2 - y + 1;

EItt[x2a_, y2a_, z2a_] :=
Flatten[Append[Table[1, {t, y2a - z2a}], Table[0, {t2, z2a}]]],

{BCCLog Instead of ELog}

mod311[cu_] := Catch[Module[{cz = cu, z1, zz, zz1},
zz = Px[cz];
zz1 = Py[cz];
If[OddQ[zz] == True && EvenQ[zz1] == True ||
OddQ[zz] == True && EvenQ[zz1] == True, z1 = zz + zz1;];
If[OddQ[zz] == True && OddQ[zz1] == True, z1 = zz*zz1;,
z1 = zz*zz1 - 1;];
Quota[k2_] :=
Catch[Module[{k22 = k2, esta, esta2, esta3, esta4, esta5, esta5b,
trip, tt, eset = 0},
esta2 = Floor[Sqrt[k22]];
trip = 0;
esta3 = 1;
tt = 2;

esta =
Px[k22] + Py[k22]], (3 + Mod[k22, 2] + Mod[k22, 3]) BCCLog[k22,
If[OddQ[esta] == True, esta = esta + 1];

If[IntegerQ[esta/3], eset = 1;, eset = 2;];
esta =
esta/2^IntegerExponent[esta, 2]/3^IntegerExponent[esta, 3]/
5^IntegerExponent[esta, 5];
If[esta <= esta2, Goto["Stage2"];,
If[eset == 1, esta = esta - (mod311[esta] - 16);,
esta = esta - (mod311[esta] - 2);]; Goto["Start"];];

If[PrimeQ[esta] == True, trip = (E (trip + E^2))];
If[esta <= 11, Goto["Stage3"];];
If[Length[esta3] != 0,
esta3 = Append[esta3, {esta, Floor[trip/ 5]}];
If[eset == 1, esta = esta - (mod311[esta] - 16);,
esta = esta - (mod311[esta] - 2);]; Goto["Start"];,
esta3 = {esta , Floor[trip/5]};];
If[eset == 1, esta = esta - (mod311[esta] - 16);,
esta = esta - (mod311[esta] - 2);]; Goto["Start"];

If[tt >= 5, esta4 = Append[esta4, esta3]; Goto["End1"];, trip = 0;
If[tt == 2, tt = 3;, tt = NextPrime[tt + 1];];
If[tt == 3, esta4 = {esta3};, esta4 = Append[esta4, esta3];];
esta3 = 1; Goto["andbang"];];

esta4 = Floor[esta4];

Throw[{"Don't Know Why", esta3, esta}];
Stats[zxc_] := {Quota[zxc], Quota[zxc 2], Quota[zxc 3]};

SeeMap[tt15_] :=
Catch[Module[{tm4 = tt15, ratta, ratta2 = 1, ratta3 = 1, god = 1,
raster = 1, devil = 1, ttin = 0, ttin2 = 0, ttin3, ttin4},
ratta = Sort[DeleteDuplicates[Flatten[Stats[tm4]]]];
ttin3 = E*1.06;
ttin4 = Length[ratta];
ratta3 = GatherBy[ratta, OddQ];
If[PrimeQ[ratta3[[1]][[1]]], ratta3 = ratta3[[1]],
If[Length[ratta3] >= 2, ratta3 = ratta3[[2]], ratta3 = {0}];];
raster = Floor[Sqrt[tm4]];
god = Quantile[ratta, 3/4];
devil = Quantile[ratta, 1/2];
ratta2 = Quantile[ratta, 1/4];
If[ttin >= ttin4, Goto["fst"];, Goto["Bottom"]];
Throw[{{god, devil, ratta2, ttin4, raster}, {god - raster,
Floor[(god)/(ratta2 + 1)], devil ttin4}, ratta3}]]


seeMap[NextPrime[30^100] NextPrime[30^101]]
Last edited:

Related to R-Simplex's the number 5 and prime numbers.

1. What is the significance of the number 5 in the R-Simplex?

The number 5 is significant in the R-Simplex because it is the fifth dimension in the set of real numbers. This dimension allows for a more complex understanding of mathematical concepts and can represent a higher level of abstraction.

2. Why are prime numbers important in the R-Simplex?

Prime numbers are important in the R-Simplex because they are the building blocks of all other numbers. They cannot be divided by any number other than 1 and themselves, making them fundamental in understanding the structure of numbers in the R-Simplex.

3. How do prime numbers relate to the R-Simplex?

Prime numbers are closely related to the R-Simplex as they are used to represent the dimensions in this mathematical concept. Each prime number represents a unique dimension, and together they form the R-Simplex.

4. Can the number 5 be represented in other dimensions in the R-Simplex?

Yes, the number 5 can be represented in other dimensions in the R-Simplex. In fact, every whole number can be represented in multiple dimensions in the R-Simplex, as it is a multi-dimensional concept.

5. How does the R-Simplex help us understand prime numbers?

The R-Simplex allows us to visualize and conceptualize prime numbers in a more abstract way. It helps us understand the relationship between prime numbers and other numbers in the R-Simplex, and how they form the basis of all numbers in this mathematical concept.

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