How Long Does It Take to Fall into a 5-D Black Hole?

In summary, the 5-D generalization of the Schwarszschild solution with line element:ds^2=-\Bigg(1-\frac{r^2_+}{r^2}\Bigg)dt^2+\Bigg(1-\frac{r^2_+}{r^2}\Bigg)^{-1}dr^2+r^2[d\chi^2+\sin^2(\chi)(d\theta^2+\sin^2(\theta)d\phi^2)]where ##r_+## is a positive constant, results in the following line element:ds^2=d\
  • #1
Confused Physicist
Hi, I have the following problem:

Given the 5-D generalization of the Schwarszschild solution with line element:


where ##r_+## is a positive constant. An observer falls radially starting from rest at ##r=10r_+##. How much time elapses on their clock before they hit the singularity at ##r=0##?


Using the Lemaitre coordinates ##\tau##, ##\rho## to eliminate the singularity of ##ds^2## at ##r_+##:


[tex]d\rho=dt+\frac{r}{r_+}\frac{dr}{1-\frac{r_+^2}{r^2}}\quad\quad\quad (1)[/tex]

we have the following line element where the singularity at ##r_+## is removed:


where ##r=\sqrt{2(\rho-\tau)r_+}##, which is obtained by integrating [tex]d\rho-d\tau=\frac{r}{r_+}dr[/tex].

For a free falling body, ##d\rho=0##, and equation (1) gives:


Integrating this equation from ##r=10r_+## to ##r=0## should give me the time the problem asks for:

[tex]\Delta\tau=-\int_{10r_+}^0 \frac{r}{r_+}\frac{1}{1-\frac{r_+}{r}}dr[/tex]

Is this correct?

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Physics news on
  • #2
I have the feeling the last step, where I integrate ##dt## and get the time the observer takes to fall into the black hole, is not quite correct. But I'm not really sure. Could someone help me out? Thanks, I really appreciate it.
  • #3
Confused Physicist said:
Using the Lemaitre coordinates ##\tau##, ##\rho## to eliminate the singularity of ##ds^2## at ##r_+##:


[tex]d\rho=dt+\frac{r}{r_+}\frac{dr}{1-\frac{r_+^2}{r^2}}\quad\quad\quad (1)[/tex]
Your expressions here don't appear to correspond to the usual definition of Lemaitre coordinates. You are missing some square roots. Also, should the ##r##'s be squared in the denominators? Seeître_coordinates

[EDIT: Sorry. I overlooked the fact that the ##r##'s are squared in the 5-D version of the metric. I'm not familiar with this. So, your expressions for the Lemaitre coordinates are probably OK.
However, I think there is a typo in your equation

Shouldn't the coefficient of ##d\rho^2## on the right be ##\left(\frac{r_+}{r}\right)^2## instead of ##\frac{r_+}{r}##? You have changed the overall sign of ##ds^2## when going from the Schwarzschild coordinates to the Lemaitre coordinates. Also, here your angular part is for 4D rather than 5D.
For a free falling body, ##d\rho=0##,
##d\rho=0## only holds for radial free-fall if the initial condition corresponds to starting at rest at infinity. For a particle that starts at rest at a finite value of ##r##, ##d\rho \neq 0##.

You can solve the problem sticking with the Schwarzschild coordinates. In standard texts, it is shown how to derive an expression for ##\frac{dt}{d \tau}## in terms of ##r## for any free-fall trajectory. Here, ##\tau## is proper time for the freely falling particle. See the first equation here:
I think this equation should still be valid in the 5-D spacetime of your problem.

[EDIT: The equation for ##\frac{dt}{d \tau}## will probably change for 5-D. I will try to find the time to work it out. The derivation should be similar to the 4-D derivation.]

You can use this equation along with the form of the metric to deduce an expression for ##\frac{dr}{d \tau}## as a function of ##r## for radial motion.
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  • #4
The 5-D case does appear to work out just as easily as the 4-D case. You should find that the expression for ##\frac{dt}{d\tau}## in the 5D case differs from the 4D case by just replacing ##\frac{r_+}{r}## in the 4D case by ##\left(\frac{r_+}{r}\right)^2##. Then, working out an expression for ##\frac{dr}{d\tau}## from the 5D metric is very similar to working it out in the 4D case. The final integration to obtain the total infall time ##\tau## is actually easier in the 5D case (if I didn't make any mistakes).

Related to How Long Does It Take to Fall into a 5-D Black Hole?

1. What is the concept of "radially falling into a black hole"?

The concept of radially falling into a black hole refers to the path that an object takes as it approaches and enters a black hole. Radial means moving along a straight line towards the center, so an object falling into a black hole will follow a straight path towards the singularity at the center of the black hole.

2. What happens to an object as it falls into a black hole?

As an object falls into a black hole, it will experience a phenomenon called spaghettification. This occurs because the gravitational pull of the black hole is stronger at the object's feet than at its head, causing it to stretch and elongate. Eventually, the object will reach the singularity, where it will be crushed into a point of infinite density.

3. Can anything escape from a black hole once it has been pulled in?

If an object passes through the event horizon of a black hole, it is considered to be inescapable. This is because the escape velocity from within the event horizon is greater than the speed of light, making it impossible for anything, even light, to escape. However, there are theories that suggest information may be able to escape from a black hole through quantum processes.

4. How does time dilation affect an object falling into a black hole?

Time dilation is a phenomenon in which time moves slower in the presence of strong gravity. As an object falls into a black hole, it will experience extreme time dilation, meaning that time will appear to pass more slowly for the object than for an outside observer. This effect increases as the object gets closer to the singularity.

5. Is it possible to survive falling into a black hole?

Based on our current understanding of black holes, it is highly unlikely that anyone or anything could survive falling into a black hole. The intense gravitational forces and extreme conditions within a black hole would destroy any known form of matter. However, there are some theories that suggest the possibility of entering a parallel universe or white hole through a black hole, but these are highly speculative and unproven.
