Radio Wave Speed: Reduce Source Transmission?

In summary: This is why analog TV looks a little fuzzy around the edges- the signal is arriving a little bit later than it would if there were no obstructions.
  • #1
first HI to everyone!

I have a question:

is there a (simple) way to reduce radio wave speed at it's source - transmitor (e.g. to 100 or 1000x less then the speed of light)?

thx in advance
Science news on
  • #2
Unless you are transmitting it in an ordinary dispersive medium, or a waveguide, no.

  • #3
ZapperZ said:
Unless you are transmitting it in an ordinary dispersive medium, or a waveguide, no.

sorry but I have only basic phsycs knowledge. So ... what is an ordinary dispersive medium?

  • #4
Example: water, glass, etc.

  • #5
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  • #6
But again, those require a medium. The NEC experiment from a few years ago requires an "anomalous" dispersive medium. Things will still go back to normal if the signal goes back into air/vacuum.

So unless one is willing to live in water or in those medium, there's nothing one can do to change the speed of light.

  • #7
Hi, Mixy.
I don't suppose that simply introducing a delay circuit into the transmitter would simulate the effect enough for your purposes? What I mean is, do you actually want the signal to go slower, or just get there later?
  • #8
Thx for the help.

Danger: no, just interested in actually slowing it down (travelling thru air)
  • #9
You can design a signalling standard based on phase velocity instead of group velocity. Then you can accomplish arbitrarily slow transmission of information, even though the actual signals propagate at c.

- Warren
  • #10
Is there an estimation on how much velocity is reduced (average) in using radio waves in cities or populated regions (trees, hills, houses, etc.) ?

Is this frequency dependent?

  • #11
Sending radio through a city is still just sending it through air. A building can block or reflect radio, but won't slow it down.
  • #12
russ_watters said:
Sending radio through a city is still just sending it through air. A building can block or reflect radio, but won't slow it down.

so, a radio wave would travel the distance from point A to point B in constant time T, no matter what stands between this two points (buildings, trees ...) ?
  • #13
Pretty much, yes. You can get reflections which can mean that the same signal can take different paths to reach the same point, but the speed is the same.
  • #14
Integral said:
Pretty much, yes. You can get reflections which can mean that the same signal can take different paths to reach the same point, but the speed is the same.

but wouldn't it take longer then - if the signal takes different paths (consider measuring time T in nano or piko seconds)?
  • #15
Takes longer because the path length is longer, the speed stays the same.
  • #16
In analog television received over the air with an antenna, this is what causes "ghosts:" faint secondary images that are shifted slightly to one side of the main image on the TV screen. Reflected signals from a large nearby object (building, water tower, etc.) take slightly longer to reach the antenna because they have to travel a longer path.

FAQ: Radio Wave Speed: Reduce Source Transmission?

1. What is the speed of radio waves?

The speed of radio waves is approximately 299,792,458 meters per second, which is the speed of light.

2. Can the speed of radio waves be reduced?

Yes, the speed of radio waves can be reduced by altering the source transmission. This can be done by using materials with different refractive indexes, changing the frequency of the wave, or manipulating the environment through which the wave is traveling.

3. How can reducing the speed of radio waves be beneficial?

Reducing the speed of radio waves can have several benefits, such as improving the quality of signal transmission, increasing the range of communication, and reducing interference with other devices.

4. Is it possible to control the speed of radio waves?

Yes, it is possible to control the speed of radio waves to some extent. This can be achieved through the use of devices such as waveguides, antennas, and filters, which can manipulate the properties of the waves and alter their speed.

5. Are there any limitations to reducing the speed of radio waves?

While it is possible to reduce the speed of radio waves, it is not possible to slow them down to zero. The speed of radio waves is ultimately limited by the laws of physics, specifically the speed of light in a vacuum.
