Radius Excess of Curvature in Relativity: Explained

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of spacetime curvature in the context of special and general relativity. The formula for the radius excess of curvature attributed to Einstein is mentioned and it is explained that this difference is due to the curvature of spacetime caused by matter. The conversation also delves into the details of this formula and the necessary understanding of general relativity to fully grasp it. The procedure for splitting spacetime into space and time is briefly discussed, as well as the specific case being considered by Feynman in his lecture.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
A formula by R. Feynman about the radius excess of curvature
I think the best place to put this post is the section on special and general relativity. Reading Feynman’s lecture n.42 , volume II here linked :
I’ve met the following formula 42.3 for the radius excess of curvature, that Feynman attributes to Einstein :

$$\text {Radius excess} = R{measured} – \sqrt {\frac {A} {4\pi} } = \frac {GM} {3c^2} $$

Feynman says the space is curved, according to Einstein. The first observation here is that spacetime is curved by matter, not only space. Anyway, let us go on, some expert will clarify this. I have understood that, if we take a sphere of matter small enough that density can be considered constant inside, and A is the surface area, then the measured radius is grater than ##\sqrt {\frac {A} {4\pi} }## , and that this difference is given by ##\frac {GM} {3c^2}## .

My question is : where does the last equality come from ? I have studied relativity on several books , Schutz, Rindler, D’Inverno...but haven’t found that formula. I know that in a curved geometry “r” is a coordinate and not a distance, but I’m perplexed. Perhaps there is something i haven’t well understood

Thank you for the attention.
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  • #2
italicus said:
Feynman says the space is curved, according to Einstein.

As you note, it should be spacetime, not just space, in general. However, Feynman is discussing one particular case, the spacetime geometry of a spherically symmetric massive body surrounded by vacuum, in which there is a natural way to split up spacetime into "space" and "time", and he is talking about the curvature of space (which is the same at every moment of time) for this case.

italicus said:
where does the last equality come from ?

It comes from the known exact solution for a spherically symmetric massive object of constant density surrounded by vacuum. Feynman doesn't give any details of that solution, probably because doing so would require a more in-depth discussion of GR than he wants to give. But the solution is discussed in various GR textbooks (MTW, for example, discusses it in Box 23.2). Feynman is actually implicitly using an approximation in which the correction to Euclidean spatial geometry is very small.
  • #3
Thank you Peter.

PeterDonis said:
However, Feynman is discussing one particular case, the spacetime geometry of a spherically symmetric massive body surrounded by vacuum, in which there is a natural way to split up spacetime into "space" and "time"

So, first of all, one has to study a lot of GR , until the spacetime geometry of Schwarzschild at least ( I guess this is the solution you referred to , right? )
Then you split spacetime into space and time: I am curious about this procedure, and to see details of how one arrives at the said “Radius excess”. Probably, one has to put “dt = 0” in the Sch. solution, but not only.
Could you explain me (briefly !) what is the way to proceed?
I have found this in your archive :

But this applies to a BH only.

We must only accept the Feynman issue, the way it is.
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  • #4
italicus said:
first of all, one has to study a lot of GR , until the spacetime geometry of Schwarzschild at least ( I guess this is the solution you referred to , right? )

It's the Schwarzschild interior geometry (i.e., inside a massive spherically symmetric object with uniform density), which is not the one usually called the "Schwarzschild geometry" (which describes the geometry of the vacuum region outside such an object).

italicus said:
Then you split spacetime into space and time

Yes, and this is done by choosing coordinates such that the geometry of a spacelike slice of constant coordinate time is the same for all coordinate times. This can be done for any spacetime that is stationary. Most GR textbooks discuss this.

italicus said:
Probably, one has to put “dt = 0” in the Sch. solution

Once you have chosen appropriate coordinates, yes, the geometry of "space" is what you get when you set ##dt = 0## in the line element.

italicus said:
I have found this in your archive :

But this applies to a BH only.

No, actually, the solution given in that thread by @George Jones is the solution for the interior of a constant density sphere, not a black hole. The OP of the thread asked about black holes, but unfortunately never got an answer to whether the method used was applicable to black holes. It turns out that it isn't, because a black hole is not an ordinary object with an "interior" like a star or planet, and there is no meaningful notion of "distance to the center of the hole", the way there is a meaningful notion of distance to the center of an ordinary object like a star or planet.
  • #5
PeterDonis said:
It's the Schwarzschild interior geometry (i.e., inside a massive spherically symmetric object with uniform density), which is not the one usually called the "Schwarzschild geometry" (which describes the geometry of the vacuum region outside such an object).
Most GR textbooks discuss this.

Once you have chosen appropriate coordinates, yes, the geometry of "space" is what you get when you set ##dt = 0## in the line element.
No, actually, the solution given in that thread by @George Jones is the solution for the interior of a constant density sphere, not a black hole. The OP of the thread asked about black holes, but unfortunately never got an answer to whether the method used was applicable to black holes. It turns out that it isn't, because a black hole is not an ordinary object with an "interior" like a star or planet, and there is no meaningful notion of "distance to the center of the hole", the way there is a meaningful notion of distance to the center of an ordinary object like a star or planet.
Thank you again Peter.
Yes, i have studied mathematically gr until the Sch. BH , and know that the “interior “ is something very different from what we think is the interior of a planet or a star: space becomes time and viceversa, when one trespass the event horizon, which is not a physical singularity but depends on the choice of coordinates. Really, the true singularity is at r=0 ; and there are solutions which extend coordinates beyond the horizon, without problems (exception made for mathematics!).
But what happens to matter falling into a BH ? Let’s consider a Sch. BH for simplicity; I think matter should go to the center, reaching the singularity at r=0 , so the inside of the BH is essentially empty.
So, I can take the solution by Jones as the answer to my question ( sorry, I have never understood the difference between answer and reply, ahahah), for a sphere of constant density, not a BH.
I am curious about the box by MTW...but perhaps the solution can be found in other books, f.i. Cheng, Sthephani, Hartle, Mc Callum , or others , isn’t it?
I’am grateful for your clarifications . See soon.
  • #6
italicus said:
space becomes time and viceversa

No, that's not what happens inside a black hole's horizon. One particular choice of coordinates leads to the coordinate called ##t## being spacelike and the coordinate called ##r## being timelike inside the horizon, but (a) that's only true in those particular coordinates, and (b) that's not the same as "space becomes time and vice versa".

italicus said:
what happens to matter falling into a BH ?

It ends up hitting the singularity and being destroyed.

I suggest reading a series of Insights articles I wrote on the Schwarzschild geometry, plus an article I wrote on black holes specifically:



These articles clear up a number of common misconceptions.
  • #7
For the first “No “ , I didn’t realize that it depends on the choice of particular coordinates, now it’s clear.
I will read carefully your articles, thank you once more.

FAQ: Radius Excess of Curvature in Relativity: Explained

1. What is the radius excess of curvature in relativity?

The radius excess of curvature in relativity is a measure of how much the curvature of space-time deviates from that predicted by Newton's law of gravitation. It is a concept used in general relativity to describe the effects of gravity on the geometry of space and time.

2. How is the radius excess of curvature calculated?

The radius excess of curvature is calculated by comparing the predicted curvature of space-time based on Newton's law of gravitation with the actual curvature predicted by general relativity. This can be done using mathematical equations and calculations based on the theory of general relativity.

3. What does a high or low radius excess of curvature indicate?

A high radius excess of curvature indicates that the effects of gravity are significant and cannot be explained by Newton's law of gravitation alone. This is often seen in extreme cases such as black holes or the bending of light around massive objects. A low radius excess of curvature indicates that the effects of gravity are relatively small and can be approximated by Newton's law of gravitation.

4. How does the radius excess of curvature relate to the theory of general relativity?

The radius excess of curvature is a key concept in the theory of general relativity, as it helps to explain the effects of gravity on the geometry of space and time. It is used to calculate the curvature of space-time and to make predictions about the behavior of objects in the presence of massive bodies.

5. Why is the radius excess of curvature important in understanding the universe?

The radius excess of curvature is important in understanding the universe because it helps us to better understand the nature of gravity and how it affects the behavior of objects in space. It also plays a crucial role in many astronomical phenomena, such as the motion of planets, the formation of galaxies, and the behavior of black holes.

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