Rain in a train wagon - speed, momentum and KE

In summary, the conversation discusses a physics problem involving a train wagon filled with water and rain. In situation (i), where there is vertical rain and water is accumulating in the wagon, the speed and kinetic energy of the system decrease due to an increase in mass. In situation (ii), the speed, momentum, and kinetic energy all decrease as water is both raining into and out of the wagon. The speed decreases due to a decrease in momentum. In situation (iii), where the rain stops but there is still a hole in the bottom of the wagon, the mass decreases as water runs out, causing a decrease in momentum and kinetic energy. The speed does not change in this situation. The conversation also touches on the concept of conservation of momentum
  • #1
We have a physics exam tomorrow, and have been presented with a previous exam for practice. One of the assignments have puzzled us quite a bit. Here goes:

Rain in a train wagon
Consider a train wagon whose upper part is a lidless box. The train wagon moves without friction. There is water in the train wagon. In the following the system consisting of the train wagon and the water in it is considered. In 3 different situations (i, ii and iii) decide what happens with each of the three variables speed [itex]v[/itex], momentum [itex]p[/itex] and the kinetic energi [itex]K[/itex].

(i) It's raining vertically, and water is accumulated in the wagon.
(ii) As in (i) with the addition that there's now a hole in the bottom where the water's running out. The amount of water running out of the wagon is equal to the amount of water raining into the wagon.
(iii) The rain stops, but there is still a hole in the bottom of the wagon, where the water's running out.

Since we've been given the results (the correct answers, no explanations), I'm not interested in that information. Only the explanation.

(i) Result: Momentum is conserved, [itex] p [/itex] is not changed. I guess the system is a closed system. The speed [itex] v [/itex] decreases - because mass [itex] m [/itex] increases. Thus the kinetic energy [itex] K [/itex] drops too, since [itex] K [/itex] is proportional to the square of [itex] v [/itex].

(ii) Result: All three variables, [itex] p, v, K [/itex] drops. It's clear that since the mass is the same, a speed decrease causes the momentum and energy decrease. But why does the speed [itex] v [/itex] drop?

(iii) Result: Here, water is running out, and thus the mass [itex] m [/itex] decreases. This causes a decrease in [itex] p [/itex] and [itex] K[/itex], since the speed [itex] v [/itex] doesn't change. But why does the speed [itex] v[/itex] change in (i) and not in (iii) ?
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  • #2
Bonulo said:
(i) Result: Momentum is conserved, [itex] p [/itex] is not changed. I guess the system is a closed system. The speed [itex] v [/itex] decreases - because mass [itex] m [/itex] increases. Thus the kinetic energy [itex] K [/itex] drops too, since [itex] K [/itex] is proportional to the square of [itex] v [/itex].

(ii) Result: All three variables, [itex] p, v, K [/itex] drops. It's clear that since the mass is the same, a speed decrease causes the momentum and energy decrease. But why does the speed [itex] v [/itex] drop?

(iii) Result: Here, water is running out, and thus the mass [itex] m [/itex] decreases. This causes a decrease in [itex] p [/itex] and [itex] K[/itex], since the speed [itex] v [/itex] doesn't change. But why does the speed [itex] v[/itex] change in (i) and not in (iii) ?

i) [tex]m_{car}v_i = m_{car+rain water}v_f[/tex]

Since [tex]m_{car} < m_{car+rain water}[/tex],

[tex]v_f < v_i[/tex]

ii) Let [itex]v_{i2} = v_f [/itex] from i) above.

[tex]m_{car+water}v_{i2} = m_{car+water-escaped water}v_{f2} + m_{escaped water}v_{f2}[/tex]

Since [tex]m_{car+water} = m_{car+water-escaped water} + m_{escaped water}[/tex]

[tex]v_{f2} = v_{i2}[/tex]

iii) Same as ii) but since the car is not slowing down due rain capture, it keeps going at the same rate.

  • #3
What I wrote to ii) was the result as stated in the solutions we got. There, the speed decreases, as does the momentum and kinetic energy.
  • #4
Bonulo said:
What I wrote to ii) was the result as stated in the solutions we got. There, the speed decreases, as does the momentum and kinetic energy.
It should be no surprise that the speed (and thus momentum and kinetic energy) decreases in case ii): for every [itex]\Delta m[/itex] of zero speed rain that you add, you lose [itex]\Delta m[/itex] of [itex]v_i[/itex] speed rain. Thus, the momentum of car+water constantly decreases.

Andrew Mason said:
ii) Let [itex]v_{i2} = v_f [/itex] from i) above.

[tex]m_{car+water}v_{i2} = m_{car+water-escaped water}v_{f2} + m_{escaped water}v_{f2}[/tex]

Since [tex]m_{car+water} = m_{car+water-escaped water} + m_{escaped water}[/tex]

[tex]v_{f2} = v_{i2}[/tex]
I'd say that after gaining/losing [itex]\Delta m[/itex] of rain/water:
[tex]m_{car+water}v_{f} = m_{car+water-escaped water}v_{i} [/tex]

[tex]v_{f} < v_{i}[/tex]
  • #5
Yup, that's more like it! Or, it's exactly it, rather.

We did have some notion about this actually, though not a clarified one.
  • #6
Bonulo said:
What I wrote to ii) was the result as stated in the solutions we got. There, the speed decreases, as does the momentum and kinetic energy.
That is what I said. In ii) the problem is the same as in i) with the added hole in the bottom letting water out. The added hole in the bottom does not change the velocity. Break it into two parts: 1. rain is captured - this is the same as i) and the speed slows ([itex]v_f<v_i[/itex]. You then take that reduced speed ([itex]v_{i2} = v_f[/itex]) and see if the escape of water changes it. It doesn't. So the car keeps that slower speed [itex]v_{i2} = v_f < v_i[/itex].

  • #7
Andrew Mason said:
That is what I said.
Sorry if I misinterpreted what you had said. (I guess I didn't understand your notation.)

Related to Rain in a train wagon - speed, momentum and KE

1. How does the speed of a train affect rain inside a train wagon?

The speed of the train does not directly affect the rain inside the train wagon. However, it can indirectly affect the rain by increasing the wind speed inside the wagon, which can cause the rain to move around more.

2. How does momentum play a role in rain inside a train wagon?

Momentum is a measure of the amount of motion an object has. In the case of rain inside a train wagon, momentum is not a significant factor as the rain drops are relatively small and have a low mass compared to the train and the wagon.

3. Does the kinetic energy of the train impact the rain inside the wagon?

The kinetic energy of the train does not have a direct effect on the rain inside the wagon. However, the movement of the train can cause vibrations and turbulence within the wagon, which can affect the rain inside.

4. How does the shape of the train wagon affect the rain inside?

The shape of the train wagon can affect the rain inside by creating different air currents and turbulence. A more aerodynamic shape may reduce the wind speed inside the wagon, causing the rain to move less.

5. Is there a difference in the rain inside a stationary train wagon compared to a moving one?

Yes, there is a difference in the rain inside a stationary train wagon compared to a moving one. In a stationary wagon, the rain will fall straight down due to gravity. However, in a moving wagon, the rain may be affected by the movement of the train and the air currents inside the wagon.

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