Raman Spectroscopy graph question

In summary: Go for any area which interests you, it's important to read papers and to be familiar with the topic, but also to experiment and to try different methods!
  • #1
What are some simple graphs that can be created (in Matlab) relating to Raman Spectroscopy or just basic equations that can somehow be related to it? So far all I've done is graph E=E_0 cos (wt + 1/2 αt^2).
And any suggestions of things I should read up on about the topic and understand? I've never taken a QM course but I have to learn some of this stuff and I'm not sure whee to start.
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  • #2
Christine90NY said:
What are some simple graphs that can be created (in Matlab) relating to Raman Spectroscopy or just basic equations that can somehow be related to it? So far all I've done is graph E=E_0 cos (wt + 1/2 αt^2).
And any suggestions of things I should read up on about the topic and understand? I've never taken a QM course but I have to learn some of this stuff and I'm not sure whee to start.

i've also want to see how is the output of raman looks like and still searching for the right equation, may i know, how is the graph looks like after you have done tha equation by matlab..maybe you can show me sometimes..TQ
  • #3
Visible Raman

HAi...i'm new here and really need help regarding to my topic.
1. Actually I've just going to futher my study and trying to focus on Raman spectroscopy instrumentation. I've seen lots of instrument prepared using laser as their sources, but instead of high cost, and difficult in calibration, laser also is temperature effected. Is it possible to used Light emmiting diode (LED) ? and try to used PMT as a detector coz I've just want to detect from skin which at the visible wavelength (300-500nm).
2.I've seen many types of raman such as SERS, SERRS, Hyper Raman, Stimulate raman and many others...what type of raman that suitable with my project coz I'm doing detection on the skin which depth in range of 300-500nm.
3. In what area should i focus coz I've read some paper and really got confused on that topic..any problem during set=up the instrument? really really hope to help me..plssssss. TQ
  • #4

Deenaz said:
HAi...i'm new here and really need help regarding to my topic.
1. Actually I've just going to futher my study and trying to focus on Raman spectroscopy instrumentation. I've seen lots of instrument prepared using laser as their sources, but instead of high cost, and difficult in calibration, laser also is temperature effected. Is it possible to used Light emmiting diode (LED) ? and try to used PMT as a detector coz I've just want to detect from skin which at the visible wavelength (300-500nm).
2.I've seen many types of raman such as SERS, SERRS, Hyper Raman, Stimulate raman and many others...what type of raman that suitable with my project coz I'm doing detection on the skin which depth in range of 300-500nm.
3. In what area should i focus coz I've read some paper and really got confused on that topic..any problem during set=up the instrument? really really hope to help me..plssssss. TQ

i've been waiting the reply from all the members but still no response...can anyone please help me with this..anything can help me such as link or books that related with my work..TQ
  • #5

Deenaz said:
HAi...i'm new here and really need help regarding to my topic.
1. Actually I've just going to futher my study and trying to focus on Raman spectroscopy instrumentation. I've seen lots of instrument prepared using laser as their sources, but instead of high cost, and difficult in calibration, laser also is temperature effected. Is it possible to used Light emmiting diode (LED) ? and try to used PMT as a detector coz I've just want to detect from skin which at the visible wavelength (300-500nm).
2.I've seen many types of raman such as SERS, SERRS, Hyper Raman, Stimulate raman and many others...what type of raman that suitable with my project coz I'm doing detection on the skin which depth in range of 300-500nm.
3. In what area should i focus coz I've read some paper and really got confused on that topic..any problem during set=up the instrument? really really hope to help me..plssssss. TQ

Hi Deenaz,

I am new in this forum, I am looking for some help in some specific problems in Raman spectroscopy.

To answer your 3 questions, here are my answers :

1- Yes, i think that you can use light emiting diod, but the question is what is it 's intensity? the signal may be proportional to the emiting light. Also, a simple PMT is not good, you need also a monochromator to have a spectrum (wavelength ...) if not a PMT will give you only a signal what ever is the wavelength of the detected light.

2- the prices of the Raman spectro are so spread, from a simple portable of few thousands of euros to a whole work station with microscopy ...

3- if you want to work on skins, i can help you, i can use my own raman to do some preliminary tests for you and see if it's okay, and if it s important to work on such instrument.

So, just let me know if you want any help, i can help also in softwars and books.

all my best and ... hold of strongly in your research :)

  • #6

@ the Original poster;

The Raman spectrum of a material depends (intimately) on its energy band structure (for atoms/molecules) and phonon spectrum (for solids). The relevant equations are quite complex and cannot be expressed in a simple empyrical form. If you need something to graph, I would suggest perhaps a simple harmonic oscillator for an O2 molecule or the like. Peaks in the Raman spectrum will correspond to gaps in the vibrational energy levels of the system.

Deenaz said:
HAi...i'm new here and really need help regarding to my topic.
1. Actually I've just going to futher my study and trying to focus on Raman spectroscopy instrumentation. I've seen lots of instrument prepared using laser as their sources, but instead of high cost, and difficult in calibration, laser also is temperature effected. Is it possible to used Light emmiting diode (LED) ? and try to used PMT as a detector coz I've just want to detect from skin which at the visible wavelength (300-500nm).

There is no fundamental reason why you can't use an LED source, however, you will lose a great deal of signal if your source is non-collimated. Since the Raman signal is typically weak this makes a laser source a must-have. There is no compelling reason to use LEDs other than cost, and lasers are pretty cheap these days, unless you need an exotic wavelength.

You can use a PMT, though remember you are measuring a spectrum, which means you need to scan the PMT across a dispersive element. CCD arrays are a bit more convenient in this respect which is why most Raman systems use them.

Deenaz said:
2.I've seen many types of raman such as SERS, SERRS, Hyper Raman, Stimulate raman and many others...what type of raman that suitable with my project coz I'm doing detection on the skin which depth in range of 300-500nm.

It really depends on your sample; SERS is typically used with single molecules rather than bulk samples, e.g. drug and pathogen detection. Stimulated Raman is typically used for efficient wavelength conversion, not probing the internal structure of a sample. Standard Raman ought to be suitable, at least for backscatter detection. A confocal setup might be desirable depending on whether you are getting spurious surface signals.

Deenaz said:
3. In what area should i focus coz I've read some paper and really got confused on that topic..any problem during set=up the instrument? really really hope to help me..plssssss. TQ

I would recommend focusing slightly beneath the surface with a confocal setup to supress surface signals (Unless, of course, you want to study the surface effects!). With a Raman microscope, you can focus on different areas in the X-Y focal plane and determine structural differences; it is really dependent on what you wish to investigate.

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Related to Raman Spectroscopy graph question

1. What is Raman Spectroscopy and how does it work?

Raman Spectroscopy is a technique used to analyze the vibrational and rotational modes of molecules by measuring the inelastic scattering of light. A laser beam is shone onto a sample, causing some of the photons to scatter at different wavelengths. The scattered photons are then analyzed to determine the molecular structure of the sample.

2. How is a Raman Spectroscopy graph interpreted?

A Raman Spectroscopy graph plots the intensity of scattered photons (y-axis) against the wavenumber (x-axis). The peaks on the graph correspond to the vibrational modes of the molecules in the sample. The position and shape of the peaks can provide information about the molecular structure and composition of the sample.

3. What is the difference between a Raman Spectroscopy and an infrared (IR) spectroscopy graph?

Both Raman Spectroscopy and IR spectroscopy measure the vibrational modes of molecules. However, Raman Spectroscopy measures the inelastic scattering of light, while IR spectroscopy measures the absorption of light. This means that Raman Spectroscopy is better for analyzing molecules that do not absorb in the IR region, and vice versa.

4. How is Raman Spectroscopy used in scientific research?

Raman Spectroscopy is used in a variety of scientific fields, including chemistry, biology, and materials science. It can be used to identify unknown substances, characterize the structure of molecules, and monitor chemical reactions. It is also used in forensic analysis and quality control in industries such as pharmaceuticals and food production.

5. What are the advantages of using Raman Spectroscopy?

Raman Spectroscopy has several advantages over other analytical techniques. It is non-destructive, meaning the sample does not need to be altered or destroyed for analysis. It also requires minimal sample preparation and can be performed on a wide range of samples, including solids, liquids, and gases. Additionally, Raman Spectroscopy is highly sensitive and can provide detailed information about the structure and composition of molecules.

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