Random process involving CDF and PDF of standard normal

In summary, the random process $$X(t)=\frac{W(t)}{\sqrt{t}}$$ satisfies the given calculation, where ##W(t)## is a Wiener process (Brownian Motion) and ##t>0##.
  • #1

Homework Statement

$$ \Phi(x)=\int_{-\infty}^{x} \frac{1} { \sqrt{2\pi} } e^{-y^2 /2} dy $$
and $$ \phi(x)=\Phi^\prime(x)=\frac{1} { \sqrt{2\pi} } e^{-x^2 /2} $$
be the standard normal (zero - mean and unit variance) cummulative probability distribution function and the standard normal probability density function, respectively. Find a random process $$(X(t), \, t \in \mathbb{R}) $$ such that the following calculation is valid:
\begin{align}P\left(X(1) ≤ 0, X(2) ≤ 0\right) &= P\left(X(1) ≤ 0, X(2)-\frac{1} {\sqrt{2}}X(1)≤-\frac{1} {\sqrt{2}}X(1)\right)\\&=\int_{-\infty}^{0} P\left(X(2)-\frac{1} {\sqrt{2}}X(1)≤-\frac{1} {\sqrt{2}}x\right)\phi(x) dx\\&=\int_{-\infty}^{0} \Phi(-x)\phi(x) dx =\int_{0}^{\infty} \Phi(x)\phi(x) dx =\Bigg[\frac{\Phi(x)^2} {2}\Bigg]^{\infty}_{0}=\frac{3} {8}\end{align}

Homework Equations

3. solution
A zero-mean unit-variance Gaussian process with
$$E(X(1)X(2)) = (\frac{1}{\sqrt 2})$$
, because for such a process
X(1) and $$X(2)− (\frac{1}{\sqrt 2}) X(1)$$ are independent

$$P(X(2)−(\frac{1}{\sqrt 2}) X(1) ≤ \frac{1}{\sqrt 2} x) = \Phi(−x)$$since $$X(2)− (\frac{1}{\sqrt 2}) X(1)$$ is a Gaussian random variable with variance 1/2.

If anyone could explain the sections (a) red, (b) green and (c) blue i would appreciate it.
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  • #2
Have you learned Wiener processes yet? If you have then a description of a solution that is (to me) much simpler than the above is
where ##W(t)## is a Wiener process (aka Brownian Motion).

By the way, I'm pretty sure that line 2 in the problem statement is wrong. It should be:

\int_{-\infty}^{0} P\left(X(2)-\frac{1} {\sqrt{2}}X(1)≤-\frac{1} {\sqrt{2}}x\ \bigg\vert\ X(1)=x\right)\phi(x) dx\ \ \ \textbf{[2a]}

otherwise the step from line (1) to (2) is not valid.
I think what they expect you to do to validate the red part, is to evaluate##E\left[X(1)\left(
X(2)− (\frac{1}{\sqrt 2}) X(1)
\right)\right]##. You should be able to show this is zero. However, it would be a mistake to think that means they are independent. Zero covariance is a necessary but not sufficient condition for independence.

So I suggest you forget their solution, which looks dodgy to me. Instead, consider the following:

The step from (1) to (2a) is true if ##X(1)\sim N(0,1)##. [Condition A]
The step from 2a to 3 is valid if ##X(2)− (\frac{1}{\sqrt 2}) X(1)\sim N(0,1)## and is independent of ##X(1)##. [Condition B]
All other steps are identities, and hold regardless of the distribution.

For a Wiener Process ##W(t)##, we have ##W(t)\sim N(0,t)## and ##W(t)-W(s)## is independent of ##W(s)## for ##t>s##. So conditions A and B can easily be shown to be met for the process ##X(t) =\frac{W(t)}{\sqrt{t}}##. Hence ##X(t)## is a solution.
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  • #3
JohanL said:

Homework Statement

$$ \Phi(x)=\int_{-\infty}^{x} \frac{1} { \sqrt{2\pi} } e^{-y^2 /2} dy $$
and $$ \phi(x)=\Phi^\prime(x)=\frac{1} { \sqrt{2\pi} } e^{-x^2 /2} $$
be the standard normal (zero - mean and unit variance) cummulative probability distribution function and the standard normal probability density function, respectively. Find a random process $$(X(t), \, t \in \mathbb{R}) $$ such that the following calculation is valid:
\begin{align}P\left(X(1) ≤ 0, X(2) ≤ 0\right) &= P\left(X(1) ≤ 0, X(2)-\frac{1} {\sqrt{2}}X(1)≤-\frac{1} {\sqrt{2}}X(1)\right)\\&=\int_{-\infty}^{0} P\left(X(2)-\frac{1} {\sqrt{2}}X(1)≤-\frac{1} {\sqrt{2}}x\right)\phi(x) dx\\&=\int_{-\infty}^{0} \Phi(-x)\phi(x) dx =\int_{0}^{\infty} \Phi(x)\phi(x) dx =\Bigg[\frac{\Phi(x)^2} {2}\Bigg]^{\infty}_{0}=\frac{3} {8}\end{align}

Homework Equations

3. solution
A zero-mean unit-variance Gaussian process with
$$E(X(1)X(2)) = (\frac{1}{\sqrt 2})$$
, because for such a process
X(1) and $$X(2)− (\frac{1}{\sqrt 2}) X(1)$$ are independent

$$P(X(2)−(\frac{1}{\sqrt 2}) X(1) ≤ \frac{1}{\sqrt 2} x) = \Phi(−x)$$
since $$X(2)− (\frac{1}{\sqrt 2}) X(1)$$ is a Gaussian random variable with variance 1/2.

If anyone could explain the sections (a) red, (b) green and (c) blue i would appreciate it.

Letting ##X_1 = X(1)## and ##X_2 = X(2)##, the random variable ##Y = X_2 - a X_1 ## has mean 0 and variance
[tex] \text{Var}(Y) = \text{Var}(X_1) + a^2 \, \text{Var}(X_1) - 2 a \, \text{Cov}(X_1, X_2) [/tex]
What do you get when ##\text{Var}(X_1) = \text{Var}(X_2) = 1, a = 1/\sqrt{2}## and ##\text{Cov}(X_1 X_2) =1/ \sqrt{2}\;##?

So, you want ##X_2 - X_1/\sqrt{2}## to be independent of ##X_1## and to have variance 1/2; that is, you want
[tex] X_2 = X_1/\sqrt{2} \pm Z/\sqrt{2}, [/tex]
where ##Z \sim \text{N}(0,1)## is independent of ##X_1##. Can you do this in terms of ##W(1)## and ##W(2)\:##? What sign in ##\pm## must you take in order to get the result in eq.(3)?
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FAQ: Random process involving CDF and PDF of standard normal

1. What is a random process involving CDF and PDF of standard normal?

A random process involving CDF (Cumulative Distribution Function) and PDF (Probability Density Function) of standard normal is a statistical method used to analyze data that follows a normal distribution. It involves calculating the probability of a certain value occurring within a given range.

2. What is the CDF of standard normal?

The CDF of standard normal is a function that maps the probability of a random variable being less than or equal to a given value. It is represented by the symbol Φ (phi) and is calculated using a table or a mathematical formula.

3. How is the PDF of standard normal calculated?

The PDF of standard normal is calculated using the formula f(x) = (1/√2π) * e^(-(x^2/2)), where x is the random variable. This formula is derived from the standard normal distribution curve, which is a bell-shaped curve with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.

4. How is the CDF related to the PDF of standard normal?

The CDF and PDF of standard normal are closely related. The CDF is the integral of the PDF, which means that it represents the area under the curve of the PDF. It is used to calculate the probability of a random variable falling within a certain range, while the PDF is used to calculate the probability density at a specific point.

5. What is the significance of a random process involving CDF and PDF of standard normal?

A random process involving CDF and PDF of standard normal is significant because it allows us to analyze data and make predictions based on a normal distribution. This distribution is commonly seen in many natural and social phenomena, making it a useful tool in various fields such as economics, psychology, and biology.

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