Random Question about designing parts

In summary, these people are looking for ways to improve their design process by making their own parts and casting them. They also found a website that specializes in this type of thing.
  • #1
Hello all!

So if I wanted to make and order a part to a device I am designing, where would I go to do that? I know this may seem like a weird question but here is my situation.

My brother has two graphics cards in his computer and there is a VERY thin space between them, and because of that, they run hotter than normal. I am thinking that if I could somehow make and order my own heat-sink to put in between the cards and screw to the sides of the case, it could help dissipate the heat.

Are there any companies where I could maybe send a mold of the part where they can cast the part with the proper material? It would be really neat if I could actually design the heat-sink instead of slapping together parts I find around the house.

Does anyone know what I mean? I hope this makes sense!
Thanks all!

EDIT: I see a lot of videos of mini-engines people make them selves and I am thinking, "How do they get a cast of the block and all the other components!?"
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Xyius said:
EDIT: I see a lot of videos of mini-engines people make them selves and I am thinking, "How do they get a cast of the block and all the other components!?"
If you're interested in this kind of stuff you might find a course in machine shop very exiting. Most of the guys on YouTube who make their own little engines have machine shop experience and access to a metal lathe and mill.

Due to a man named Dave Gingery a lot of people are also now casting their own aluminum parts in the back yard with very cheap, home made equipment.

I suspect all these people have found and ordered books from this company, which is a garage tinkerer's paradise:

  • #3
Cool thanks! I'll look into it!

FAQ: Random Question about designing parts

1. How do you determine the best design for a specific part?

The best design for a specific part is determined by considering factors such as functionality, manufacturing feasibility, cost, and strength requirements. Designers use CAD software and conduct simulations to test and optimize their designs before production.

2. What are the most common materials used in designing parts?

The most common materials used in designing parts are metals such as steel, aluminum, and titanium, as well as plastics and composites. The choice of material depends on the requirements and properties needed for the specific part.

3. How do you ensure the safety and durability of a designed part?

The safety and durability of a designed part are ensured through rigorous testing and analysis. Engineers use specialized software and conduct physical tests to ensure that the part can withstand the expected loads, stresses, and environmental conditions it will be exposed to.

4. How do you balance design creativity with practicality?

Design creativity is important in creating innovative and unique parts, but it must also be balanced with practicality. This is achieved by considering factors such as cost, manufacturability, and functionality while still allowing room for creative solutions.

5. What are the steps involved in the design process for a part?

The design process for a part typically involves the following steps: 1. Identify the problem or need 2. Research and gather information 3. Brainstorm and develop concepts 4. Create detailed designs using CAD software 5. Test and analyze the designs 6. Make necessary modifications and improvements 7. Finalize the design for production.

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